Bio 11 flahscards - other stuff yay Flashcards
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What is an Annelid
Worms with segmented bodies
What does the name “Annelid” mean?
Little ring
Annelida is the first Phylum with what in its body?
A coelom
What do protostomes develop first in their development?
A mouth
What are considered to be protostomes?
Annelids are less advanced ___
- Deuterostomes
What are Annelids body plan?
Triploblastic, coelomate, and a tube withing a tube structured digestive track with coordinated digestion and specialization of the food tube
Annelids have ___ separated by ___which may be modified to preform special function’s
- Segmented bodies
- Septa
What may line the sides of Annelid worms?
Setae or bristles
Two ways that Annelids feed
- Filter feeding
- Predatorial feeding
How do decomposers consume food
They use a sticky mucus covered pharynx to feed on decaying vegetation while others filter out food particles in a mucous bag
What is a Nereis?
A carnivorous worm, like the sandworm that have sharp jaws
Annelids are also the first Phylum to have ___ system
A circulatory system
What does having a working circulatory system do for Annelids
It frees them from the diffusion of materials
Annelids also have ___ or a set of ___ that pump blood through the dorsal and ventral blood vessels that run the length of the body
- Hearts
- Aortic arches
How do aquatic annelids breathe
Often through gills which exchange gasses underwater
Why must terrestrial annelids stay moist
Because they still rely on diffusion through their skin for gas exchange
What is a nephridia?
A specialized excretory unit
What do annelids use to get rid of metabolic wastes and excess water
A kidney
Their nervous system has a single ___ with an ___
-Ventral cord
- Anterior brain
What are some of the annelids adaptations for detecting stimuli?
- Sensory tentacles
- Chemical receptors
- Statocysts (for balance)
- Ocelli (for detecting light)
How do annelids move?
By using their hydrostatic skeleton
Marine annelids have paddle-like appendages called ___?
Parapodia (foot-like)
How do annelids reproduce?
Sexual reproduction with external fertilization
What is a clitellum?
A secretes mucous ring where fertilization takes place in a protective cocoon
What are the three major classes of annelids?
- Class Oligochaeta
- Class Polychaeta
- Class Hirudinea
One example of class Oligochaeta
One example of class Polychaeta
One example of class Hirudinea
What do the organisms in class Oligochaeta use to move around
Setae (bristles)
In Oligochaeta, the ___ is reduced as are the ___
- Head
- Obvious sense organs
Oligochaeta are well adapted to their surroundings, but must stay in ___ environments
- Moist
Polychaeta contain ___ that are modified ___
- Parapodia
- Setae
What are parapodia used for?
Paddles, to move about, they are also used as crude gills
What can Hirudinea be used for?
Medical purposes
What percent of animals do Arthropod make up
75% (most dominant animal on earth)
What does Arthropod mean?
“Jointed foot”
Arthropods have segmented bodies with a ___
- High degree of specialization
Arthropods have a tough ___ and jointed ___
- Exoskeleton
- Appendages
Are Arthropods Protostomes
What does it mean when something is a protostome?
It means that it develops it’s mouth first in early development
What is a Arthropods body plan?
- Triploblastic
- Coelomates
- Tube within a tube
What are some parts of Arthropods that help them eat?
- Jaws
- Pincers
- Drill-like structures
How do Arthropods feed?
Filter feeding and parasitic feeders
What do aquatic Arthropods use to breathe?
Feather-like gills
What do terrestrial Arthropods use to breathe?
Branching tracheal tubes that extend throughout their bodies and allows air to enter through spiracles
What are spiracles?
Openings on the side of the body where air enters the tracheal tubes
Terrestrial arthropods also use ___ for respiration
- Book lungs
What are book lungs?
Organs that have layers of respiratory tissue stacked like ages of a book
What kind of circulatory system do Arthropods have?
Open circulatory system and a heart
How do Arthropods circulatory systems work?
- Blood leaves blood vessels into sinuses or cavities
- Collects into large sinus surrounding heart
- Gets pumped through the body
How do Terrestrial Arthropods excrete wastes?
They use Malpighian tubes
What are Malpighian tubes (sacs)
Sacs that extract waste from the blood and put it with other digestive wastes
How do aquatic Arthropods excrete wastes
By either diffusion or by using kidney like organs called “green glands”
How do Arthropods move
Muscles contract or relax when stimulated by nervous system and different muscles pull exoskeleton to move appendages
How do Arthropods reproduce?
Sexual, internal for Terrestrial and internal or external for Aquatic
Arthropods exoskeletons do ___ as the animal grows so they undergo ___
- Not grow
- Molting
What is molting
When an arthropod sheds its exoskeleton and builds a larger one to replace the shedded one
What is the Class chilopoda in the Arthropod Phylum
Characteristics of centipedes
- Annelid-like
- Repeating sections
- Body segments only have one pair of legs
Setae are modified for what only?
To crude appendages, in specialized mouth parts
What is class Diplopoda
What are some characteristics of millipedes
- Also similar to annelids, except they have an exoskeleton
- Unspecialized appendages
- Body segments have two pairs of legs
What are the characteristics of the class crustacea
- Have fused head and thorax (Cephalothorax)
- Major increase in segment specialization and specialized appendages
- Good sense organs and behavior
What is included in the class Arachnida
Spiders scorpions, ticks, and mites
Characteristics of arachnids
- Fused cephalothorax
- 4 Extra pairs of legs
- Book lungs
- All predators or parasites
How much of the total population is class insecta?
What is included in the class insecta
Characteristics of the class insecta
- Three separate body regions
- Only invertebrate capable of flight
What do Insecta use for respiration?
Tracheal tubes
hat do insecta use for excretion
Malpighian tubules
Study 52
Study 52
What does the word “Mollusk” mean?
Mollusks typically have an ___ or ___ shell
- Internal
- External
What is the commons ancestor of Mollusks?
Why are Annelids the common ancestor of Mollusks?
Because of their larval stage
What are some examples of Mollusks?
- Snails
- Slugs
- Clams
- Squids
- Octopi
Mollusks are the ___ phyla in the ___
- Second largest
- Animalia kingdom
What are the three defining characteristics of Mollusks?
- Large ventral muscular foot
- Visceral mass located dorsal to the foot
- Mantle covering visceral mas
What is a Mollusks mantle?
A tissue layer that cover the majority of the mollusks body
What is the body plan of a Mollusk?
- Muscular foot
- Mantle
What are all of the forms of a Mollusks muscular foot?
- Flat structure
- Spade shape
- Tentacle shape
What is the purpose of a flat shaped muscular foot?
What is the purpose of the spade shaped foot?
What is the purpose of the tentacle shaped foot?
Capturing prey
What is a visceral mass?
Something below the mantle that has the internal organs
What is a mollusks shell made by?
Glands that secrete calcium carbonate
What has happened to mollusks that do not have a shell?
Their shells have been reduced or lost
What are some ways mollusks feed?
- Carnivore feeding
- Filter feeding
- Detrivore feeding
- Parasitic feeding
Some mollusks, like snails and slugs have a ___
- Radula
What is a radula
A tounge shaped structure that has hundreds of tiny teeth attached
What do some octopi produce to help them feed?
How do Aquatic mollusks respirate?
By using gills inside their mantle cavity
Do mollusks have an open or closed circulatory system?
Either or
How are oxygen and nutrients transported around a mollusk?
By a circulatory system
How do open circulatory systems in mollusks work?
Blood is pumped by a simple heart through blood vessels into a large sinus
Why do open circulatory systems work well with slow moving mollusks?
Because they don’t require a lot of oxygen
Why do faster moving mollusks require a closed circulatory system?
Because they need more oxygen
How does excretion with mollusks work?
- Body cells release nitrogen containing waste into blood to make ammonia
- Tube shaped nephridia remove ammonia and release it out of the body
What are some interesting things about octopi?
- They have a complex nervous system
- Well developed brain makes them more intelligent than most vertebrates
- Can open jars
How do Octopi move?
By drawing water into their mantle via jet propulsion
How do mollusks, like snails, move?
By secreting a mucus at the base of their foot
How do snails and two-shelled mollusks reproduce?
Sexually, by internal fertilization
How do tentacle mollusks and some snails reproduce?
It happens inside the female (can be hermaphroditic)
What does gastropoda mean?
Stomach foot
Class gastropoda is the ___ of the mollusk phylum
Largest class
Where do organisms in the class gastropoda live?
Fresh, saltwater, and land
Characteristics of class gastropoda
- Contains single spiral shell
- Well-developed senses
What is an animal in the class gastropoda
- Snails
- Slugs
- Nudibranchs
Characteristics of the Class Bivalvia
- 2 hinged shells
How does the class Bivalvia feed
By filter feeding
What does the class Bivalvia use their gills for?
- Respiration
- Filter feeding
What is included in the class Bivalvia?
- Clams
- Oysters
- Scallops
- Muscles
What is included in the class CEPHALOPODA
- Squids
- Octopi
Class CEPHALOPODA is ___
- The most highly eveloves invertebrates
Characteristics of class CEPHALOPODA
- Complex eyes
- Capable of learning
- Motile predators
- Shell greatly reduced
What is included in the class Cephalopoda?
- Cuttlefish
- Nautilus
The phylum Echinodermata is also known as the ___
- “Spiny skinned animals”
Characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata
- Exclusively marine
- Semi flexible endoskeleton of calcarious plates
- Have pentaradial symmetry
What is pentaradial symmetry?
Means that all structures are in fives
Example of something with Pentaradial symmetry
Sand dollar
How does the phylum Equinodermos reproduce?
Mostly sexual, but can regenerate
The phylum Equinodermos has a unique system called ___
Water vascular
What is water vascular
Something that is used for movement, feeding, and respiration
What are the five classes of the phylum Equinodermos
- Asteroidea
- Echinoidea
- Holothuroidea
- Ophiuroidea
- Crinoidea
What is an animal in the class Asteroidea?
Three things about starfish
- Flattened body
- Pentaradial symmetry
- Mostly carnivorous
- Good regeneration powers
What is an animal in the class Echinoidea
- Sea urchin
- Hedgehog
Body plan of the class Echinoidea
- Oval shaped body
- Sharp calcareous material that make up their spines
- Arms are absent
The class Echinoidea are mostly ___ when it comes to feeding
What is included in Class Holothuroidea?
- Sea cucumbers
Body plan of the Class Holothuroidea
- Long and cylindrical
- Arms absent
Class Holothuroidea are ___ feeders
- Detritus
What is the Greek root for Class Asteroidea’s ame?
“asteroeides” - Starlike
What is the greek root for Class Echinoidea’s name?
“ekhinos” - spine
What is the greek root for ekhinos name?
“holothurum” - sedentary marine animal
What is the Greek root for Class Ophiuroidea’s name?
“ophis”, snake + Greek “oura”, tail
What is the body plan for Class Ophiuroidea
- Penta-radial symmetry
- Long slender arms
When it comes to feeding Class Ophiuroidea are mostly ___ feeders
Detritivores or filter
Animals included in Class Ophiuroidea
- Brittle star
- Basket star
What is the greek root for Class Crinoidea’s name
“krinon” - Lily
Physical traits for Class Crinoidea
- Long feathery arms
When it comes to feeding, Class Crinoidea are mostly ___
- Filter feeders
Animals included in Class Crinoidea
- Feather star
- Sea lillies
Why are insects successful?
Because they have a protective shell or exoskeleton, they are small, and can fly
7 ways that crawfish and grasshoppers are similar
- Jointed legs
- Segmented bodies
- Compound eyes
- Digestive system in body cavity
- Open circulatory system
- Bilateral Symmetry
- Both eat vegitiation
How are grasshoppers and crawfish different
- Different number and segments in their bodies
- Different numbers of legs
- Different number of antennae
What are coastal clan gardens
A form of mariculture, where first nations created supportive and optimal habitats for class by modifying beaches
What was one thing that clam gardens provided?
Food security year-round