BIO 100 Entire Course New Flashcards
BIO 100 Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration NEW
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BIO 100 Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration NEW
Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Energy acquisition is essential for all life. Whether the organism is classified as plant or animal, single-celled or multi-cellular, the exchange of energy and the formation of products consist of a series of chemical reactions that occur at the cellular level.
Resources: Ch. 10 and pp. 422-436 in Bioinquiry, Appendix F, and the student companion Web site
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Review the following activities:
o Section 10.4: How Do Organisms Acquire Energy?
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Light-Dependent Reactions at
Light-Independent Reactions at
o Section 10.3: How Do Organisms Use Energy?
Oxidative Phosphorylation at
Krebs: Preparation and Cycle at
Glycolysis at•
Complete the matrix in Appendix F.•
Post Appendix F as a Microsoft® Word attachment.•
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BIO 100 Assignment: Scientific Taxonomy and Earths Biodiversity Paper NEW
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BIO 100 Assignment: Scientific Taxonomy and Earths Biodiversity Paper NEW
Resource: University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Web site
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Go to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Web site at
Review the information under the topics Mammals, Insects, Birds, and Echinoderms.
Select two mammals, two insects, two birds, and two echinoderms to research.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following points:
o List and briefly describe the eight species you have selected.
o What are the characteristics that classify all the species you have selected in the kingdom Animalia?
o Mammals
What are two or three characteristics shared by the two mammals you selected?
What are two or three differences between the two mammals?
To what order do each of the mammal species you selected belong? Describe why they are classified under that order.
List two other species that belong to those same orders.
o Insects
What are two or three characteristics shared by the two insects you selected?
What are two or three differences between the two insects?
To what order do each of the insect species you selected belong? Describe why they are classified under that order.
List two other species that belong to those same orders.
o Birds
What are two or three characteristics shared by the two birds you selected?
What are two or three differences between the two birds?
To what order do each of the bird species you selected belong? Describe why they are classified under that order.
List two other species that belong to those same orders.
o Echinoderms
What are two or three characteristics shared by the two echinoderms you selected?
What are two or three differences between the two echinoderms?
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To what order do each of the echinoderm species you selected belong? Describe why they are classified under that order.
List two other species that belong to those same orders.
Format your paper, in-text citations, and references according to APA standards.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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BIO 100 Assignment: DemographyLab NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit
BIO 100 Assignment: DemographyLab NEW
Resources: Appendix R, Appendix S: DemographyLab Report, and DemographyLab
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Print Appendix R to easily complete the lab.
Disable your pop-up blocker.
Access DemographyLab at
Read DemographyLab background information.
Complete the DemographyLab by following the instructions in Appendix R.
Complete Appendix S: DemographyLab Report.
Post Appendix S: DemographyLab Report as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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BIO 100 Assignment: Pearson Lab Scavenger Hunt NEW
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BIO 100 Assignment: Pearson Lab Scavenger Hunt NEW
Resource: Appendix E
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Answer all the questions in Appendix E.
Post Appendix E as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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BIO 100 Assignment: PopEcoLab NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit
BIO 100 Assignment: PopEcoLab NEW
Assignment: PopEcoLab
Resources: Appendix P, Appendix Q: PopEcoLab Report, and PopEcoLab
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Print Appendix P to easily complete the lab.
Disable your pop-up blocker.
Access PopEcoLab at
Read PopEcoLab background information.
Complete the PopEcoLab by following the instructions in Appendix P.
Complete Appendix Q: PopEcoLab Report.
Post Appendix Q: PopEcoLab Report as a Microsoft® Word attachment
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BIO 100 Assignment: The Scientific Method NEW
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BIO 100 Assignment: The Scientific Method NEW
Assignment: The Scientific Method
Resources: Appendix D and Scientific Method Web site
Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum]
Review Appendix D.
Open the Scientific Method Web site at
Follow the instructions at the bottom of the Web page to choose a hypothesis and prediction about growing plants.
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Click on Do the Experiment. The results of the experiment you chose will appear.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes how you would conduct the experiment for your chosen hypothesis:
Include an example of how you have used the scientific method in a real-life situation.
• Explain each step of the scientific method as it applies to 1) your Web experiment and 2) your real-life example. Your paper should include a total of two explanations of the scientific method.)
Format your paper, in-text citations, and references according to APA standards.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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BIO 100 Capstone CheckPoint NEW
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BIO 100 Capstone CheckPoint NEW
Capstone CheckPoint
You have read about Earth’s numerous ecosystems and the biological diversity that inhabits them. Unfortunately, many of these habitats and the species that inhabit them are under threat from human encroachment through agricultural activities such as logging, pollution, or war.
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following questions:
o What role, if any, do you think people should play in preserving those regions threatened by human encroachment?
o How should the interests of competing groups be balanced?
• Example: Drilling in the Arctic—environmental groups oppose the plan on the grounds of the destruction to the habitat; those in favor argue that tapping into the oil there would be good for the economy and decrease reliance on foreign oil.
o What about when the habitat is not within the U.S. borders? Many international conservation groups are working to save the rainforest—what rights do people have to interfere with how another sovereign nation chooses to manage its lands? If the government of Bolivia is willing to allow millions of acres of jungle to be destroyed to promote the logging industry which provides employment to their citizens), should people intervene? Why or why not?
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Patterns of Evolution NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Patterns of Evolution NEW
Resources: Appendix B and Ch. 2 of Bioinquiry
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Review Ch. 2 of the text. Refer to Appendix B under Week Six, for more information on the different types of evolution.
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
o Humans shape their environment in ways that other organisms cannot. Are humans subject to the same pressures of natural selection as other organisms? Why or why not?
o Provide an example of convergent and divergent evolution, adaptive radiation, and co-evolution. Then, respond to the following:
Choose one of the examples you provided and discuss the implications this example may have for future humans.
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Cite outside sources in APA format if applicable.
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Basic Processes NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Basic Processes NEW
CheckPoint: Basic Processes Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum] Select one basic physiological process from the following list: o Acquire and process nutrients o Get rid of waste o Reproduction o Obtain information about and respond to external environment o Movement Write a 200- to 300-word response explaining how that physiological process differs among the following organisms: o Bacteria o Grasshopper o Fish o Bear
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Ecology and Population Growth NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Ecology and Population Growth NEW
CheckPoint: Ecology and Population Growth
Resources: Ch. 15 of Bioinquiry and Appendix B
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Review Ch. 15 of Bioinquiry.
Use the Web sites posted in Appendix B under the Week Eight topic, Ecology, to help you respond.
Write a 200- to 300-word response addressing the following points:
o What is the current estimate of the worldwide human population at this moment? Describe how this number is changing moment-to-moment, day-to-day, and from one year to the next.
o Describe how the human population growth issue has and will impact the ecosystem.
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Cite all references in APA format.
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Living Organisms NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Living Organisms NEW
CheckPoint: Living Organisms
Resource: Appendix C
Due Date: Day 3 [post to the Individual forum]
Use the table in Appendix C and fill in the missing characteristics that make up a living organism.
Post Appendix C as an attachment
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis NEW
CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis
Resources: Ch. 5 of Bioinquiry and student companion Web site
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
• Review section 5.1 of Bioinquiry and the videos entitled “Chromosomes,” “Chromosome Replication,” “Mitosis,” and “Meiosis” at
• Post a 200- to 300-word response explaining why the process of mitosis and meiosis are both important to a living organism. When would an organism need to undergo the process of mitosis? Meiosis? What would happen if meiosis did not occur?
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Origin of Life NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis NEW
CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis
Resources: Ch. 5 of Bioinquiry and student companion Web site
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
• Review section 5.1 of Bioinquiry and the videos entitled “Chromosomes,” “Chromosome Replication,” “Mitosis,” and “Meiosis” at
• Post a 200- to 300-word response explaining why the process of mitosis and meiosis are both important to a living organism. When would an organism need to undergo the process of mitosis? Meiosis? What would happen if meiosis did not occur?
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Plants vs. Animals NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Plants vs. Animals NEW
Resources: Plants vs. Animals activity and the Plant and Animal Cells exercise
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Review the Plants vs. Animals activity at and familiarize yourself with the different structures of plant and animal cells.
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Complete the Plant and Animal Cells multimedia exercise and label the structures and functions of the plant and animal cells.
Capture ascreen shot of your Conclusion screen before exiting the exercise and paste it to a Microsoft® Word document. To do this, press the Print Screen or Prt Scr key on the upper-right hand corner of your keyboard, open a Word document, then press Ctrl + V. Your screen shot should paste directly into the document.
Provide a list describing at least• five similarities and three differences between plant and animal cells. In addition, choose five internal structures of plant or animal cells and describe their functions in your own words.
Post as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Theories of Biology NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: Theories of Biology NEW
Resource: Ch. 1 in Bioinquiry
Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]
Review Ch. 1 pp. 10-11) of the text.
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: In your own words, summarize each of the major theories of biology.
Choose one theory and provide an example of how this theory relates to the news today.
Use at least one outside reference in addition to your text.
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: UNESCO Research Outline NEW
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BIO 100 CheckPoint: UNESCO Research Outline NEW
Resources: Appendix A and Developing an Outline Web site
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
• Review the Developing an Outline Web site at Follow the instructions when developing your outline for the final project.
Approach this project from the perspective of someone searching for funding to support preservation programs.
• Develop an outline that identifies the ecological uniqueness of the plant and animal life in your chosen property and address the following:
Describe the diversity of life forms found in the area.
Describe the biological interrelationships among the life forms in the area.
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The human intrusions threatening the area.
The protections that exist to safeguard and preserve the area.
The effortsthat have been made to further this preservation.
o What an individual can do to help preserve the diversity of the area.
Post your outline as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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BIO 100 Entire Course NEW
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BIO 100 Entire Course NEW
BIO 100 Assignment: The Scientific Method
BIO 100 Exercise: UNESCO Research
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Living Organisms
BIO 100 Assignment: PopEcoLab
BIO 100 Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
BIO 100 Assignment: DemographyLab
BIO 100 Final Project: UNESCO Paper
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Theories of Biology
BIO 100 Assignment: Pearson Lab Scavenger Hunt
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Plants vs. Animals
BIO 100 Week 2 Discussion Questions
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis
BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Basic Processes
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Patterns of Evolution
BIO 100 Week 6 Discussion Questions
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Origin of Life
BIO 100 CheckPoint: UNESCO Research Outline
BIO 100 CheckPoint: Ecology and Population Growth
BIO 100 Week 8 Discussion Questions
BIO 100 Assignment: Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity Paper
BIO 100 Week 5 Assignment: Human System Presentation PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES
BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance
BIO 100 Capstone CheckPoint
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BIO 100 Exercise: UNESCO Research NEW
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BIO 100 Exercise: UNESCO Research NEW
Exercise: UNESCO Research
Resources: Appendix A and UNESCO Web site
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Approach this project from the perspective of someone searching for funding to support preservation programs.
• Review the ecological properties that are displayed on the World Heritage in Danger List on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO) Web site at
Choose a property that you would be interested in supporting. This will be the topic for your final paper. Note: Some places on the World Heritage in Danger list are not natural properties. Do not use cultural, archeological, or architectural sites for this project).
Research at least three references about the property other than the UNESCO site.
• Post the name of the property that you have chosen for your final paper and an APA formatted reference list of the three sources you researched.
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BIO 100 Final Project: UNESCO Paper NEW
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BIO 100 Week 2 Discussion Questions NEW
Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum]
Post your response to the following: Choose one theory—spontaneous generation theory or cell theory—and select one statement that corresponds to the theory you want to refute or support:
o Spontaneous generation theory
1. Frogs come from muddy soil because they always appear in that environment.
2. Flies come from rotten meat because they always appear where meat is rotting.
o Cell theory
1. Without the invention of the microscope, the cell theory would not have been possible.
2. All living things are made up of cells.
Provide evidence for or against the statement you chose.
Include proper APA citation of outside sources if applicable.
Read another student’s post and provide another piece of evidence for his or her claim.
3. Discussion Question 2
Resources: Ch. 4 of Bioinquiry and the Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes activity
Due Date: Day 4 [Main forum]
• Review Ch. 4 pp. 98-105) and the Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes activity at
• Post your response to the following: Describe two similarities and two differences between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Why do you think eukaryotic cells developed? Describe how eukaryotic cells are similar to a production line.
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BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance NEW
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BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance NEW
Resources: Ch. 3 of Bioinquiry
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Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Review Ch. 3 of Bioinquiry.
Post a 300- to 500-word response to the following:
o How did Mendel’s approach to answering scientific questions differ from that of his contemporaries?
o How did his novel approach contribute to his success in describing how traits are inherited?
o What advantages did he enjoy by choosing to study the garden pea?
o Piecing It Together on p. 78 of the text describes the six major concluding principles Mendel hypothesized from his work. Describe three of them.
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BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions NEW
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BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions NEW
Have you ever tried to pack too much into a suitcase? Then, you know what a challenge it can be to fit a large amount of material into a small space. Think about the amazing elegance of the DNA molecule—fitting a blueprint for the entire organism, from the hair color to the code for every single enzyme, into a tiny nucleus.
Resource: Ch. 6 of Bioinquiry
Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum]
Post your response to the following:
o What are some of the benefits of squeezing so much data into virtually every cell in the body?
o Why did humans not evolve with one central repository of DNA rather than having it replicated throughout the body?
o Assume that the hereditary information carried in genes and DNA is responsible for many differences observed in humans and other living things. How could just four different bases in DNA strands be responsible for the almost endless variety found in nature?
4. Discussion Question 2
Resources: Ch. 5 of Bioinquiry and the March of Dimes Foundation Web site
Due Date: Day 4 [Main forum]
Review Ch. 5 of the text and the March of Dimes Foundation Web site at
Choose a chromosomal disorder from the March of Dimes Foundation Web site.
Post your response to the following:
o Identify the disorder and explain how it is expressed in a person and inherited.
o If you were the parent of a child with this disorder, with which question would you be most concerned? How would you find the answer to your question?
o Discuss any personal experiences or news articles related to the disorder.
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BIO 100 Week 5 Assignment: Human System Presentation PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES new
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BIO 100 Week 5 Assignment: Human System Presentation PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES new
Assignment: Human System Presentation
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Create a 5- to 7-slide presentation on a human organ system.
Select one of the following organ systems:
o Nervous
o Hormonal
o Digestive
o Respiratory
o Cardiovascular
o Circulatory
o Urinary
o Skeletal-Muscular
o Reproduction
o Immune
Address the following points in your presentation:
o What is the purpose of the system?
o What body parts make up the system?
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o What are the purposes of those parts?
o Select one other organ system: How do the systems interact and support each other?
Include detailed speaker’s notes on each slide.
Format your paper, in-text citations, and references according to APA standards.
attachment.â Post your presentation as a Microsoft® PowerPoint
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BIO 100 Week 6 Discussion Questions NEW
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BIO 100 Week 6 Discussion Questions NEW
Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum]
Post your response to the following: Describe an example of how natural selection influenced the evolution of a particular species. Include outside sources if applicable.
Review a classmate’s post and discuss additional conditions that might have contributed to the selection process.
5. Discussion Question 2
Resource: Appendix B
Due Date: Day 4 [Main forum]
• Post your response to the following: Given Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, what scientific evidence best supports evolution by natural selection?
Use at least two outside sources. Refer to Appendix B under Week Six, if you need help with your search.
Review another student’s explanation and provide any additional evidence to support his or her explanation.
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BIO 100 Week 8 Discussion Questions NEW
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BIO 100 Week 8 Discussion Questions NEW
Discussion Question 1
Resource: Ch. 7 in Bioinquiry
Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum]
Research an example from one of the following categories of biotechnology, which your instructor will assign to you:
o Agricultural and environmental uses
o Medical and legal uses
o Historical uses
• Post your response to the following: For your assigned biotechnology example, provide at least two ways the use of this biotechnology could benefit society and two ways this biotechnology could be harmful.
Review another student’s example and provide a pro, a con, or your perspective on the topic.
4. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main forum]
• Post your response to the following: Describe the plant life, animal life, and geology of the ecosystem in the area in which you live. What populations and communities are present? How dependent is your community on this ecosystem? What are the limiting factors of the ecosystem?
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