BiM MSK Flashcards
- What is scoliosis
- What plane is this most common in
- What is the cause of congenital scoliosis (what happens, when does it happen)
- What is fibular hemimelia
- Abnormal curvature of the spine
- Coronal plane
- Vertebrae fail to separate/form properly, during 4-6 weeks IUL
- Congenital absence of fibula
- What is DDH and what causes it
- What is the main complication of DDH
- What is physical arrest
- What is the most common cause of physical arrest
- What causes a herniated disc
- List 4 consequences of skeletal failure
- Developmental dysplasia of the hip. Acetabulum doesn’t form properly
- Failure in formation of femoral heads
- Complete/partial early closure of growth plate
- Trauma
- Repeated micro traumas. Nucleus purposes (inner part of disc) bursts through worn annulus fibrosis (outer part of disc), causing pain
- Pain, muscle weakness, loss of function, loss of mobility/independence, time off work/earning
- Where does haematopoiesis occur
- Give 4 functions of the skeleton
- What is the name of the way humans walk
- Red bone marrow, mainly in non-long bones
- Mechanical structure, metabolic storage/homeostasis, soft organ protection, hearing, breathing, locomotion
- Bipedalism
- What are the names and functions of the 3 types of bone cell
- What are osteoprogenitor (osteogenic cells) and where are they found
- Briefly describe the process of how osteoprogenitor cells differentiate into osteoblasts
- What other cells can osteoprogenitor cells differentiate into
- Osteoblasts - produce bone matrix
Osteocytes - maintain bone
Osteoclasts - resorb bone - Mesenchymal stem cells. Present in bone marrow endosperm and periosteum. Precursors to more specialised bone cells
- Minimal strain is present in local environment. Signalled by RunX2 and osterix, which is released by osteocytes that sense movement via mechanotransduction
- Adipocytes, myocytes, chondrocytes, osteoblasts
- What are 2 functions of osteoblasts
- Give a brief overview of bone production regulation
- Describe the RANK/OPG axis
- What are the 3 fates OBs have
- Bone production (of non-mineralised matrix), osteoclast regulation
- PTH stimulates production of type I collagen and ALP. ALP dephosphorylates organic molecules, initiating matrix calcification laying down. Vitamin d receptor stimulated to produce matrix. ALP and matrix proteins
- Via RANK/OPG axis
OBs release RANKL in response to PTH. RANKL binds to RANK, stimulating osteoclast precursors to differentiate into OCs, stimulating bone resorption.
When OBs are stimulated to secrete osteoprotegrin (OPG - a decoy receptor), this binds to free RANKL preferentially over RANK, inhibiting the differentiation and activation of OCs, inhibiting bone resorption - Become osteocytes, apoptosis, differentiate into lining cells
- What is the function of an osteocyte
- What is osteocytic osteolysis
- What is mechanotransduction
- How do osteocytes communicate with neighbouring cells
- What is osteocyte signalling (what does it do)
- Briefly describe the effects of osteocyte signalling
- Maintain bone and cellular matrix, regulate Ca and PO4 concentration
- When osteocytes rapidly release Ca in response to increasing PTH levels
- Fluid squeezed out from tissue under compressive load and flows to an area of lower compression. Osteocytes sense this and signal over long distances via cellular processes
- Via canaliculi
- Regulation of bone remodelling in response to local mechanical or systemic signals
- Sclerostin production increases OC formation and, as well as increased expression of RANKL leads to decreased bone formation
Sclerostin production is inhibited by PTH and mechanical loading leads to increased bone formation
- What is the structure of an osteoclast
- What do osteoclasts do
- Briefly describe how osteoclast signalling occurs
- What is the name of the small pits formed when bone resorption occurs
- What is the function of the ruffled border
- Multinucleated giant cell
- Resorb bone (organic matrix and inorganic hydroxyapatite)
- OCs have calcitonin receptors. RANKL binding causes osteoclast progenitor cells to fuse together, becoming multinucleated. They migrate to site of bone resorption, attach to the surface and activate. Once activated, one side of the cell seals to the bone surface (sealing zone) and the cell polarises to have different membrane domains (secretory zone at other side of cell releases breakdown products into interstitial fluid). Bone resorption occurs, forming small pits
- Howship’s lacunae
- Increases surface area of cell, aids secretion and absorption of enzymes and breakdown products (resorbs breakdown products from Howship’s lacunae, transporting them across cell for excretion via secretory domain)
- What are the components of the axial skeleton
- What is the appendicular skeleton
- Name 2 flat bones
- Name 2 short bones
- Where are sesamoid bones found, what do they do and name 2
- Name 1 irregular bone
- What is the % composition of bone
- What is the most prominent component of bone
- Bones of the head, spine, ribcage, vertebral column
- Shoulder girdle, pelvis, upper limbs, lower limbs
- Bones of skull, sternum
- Carpal bones, tarsal bones
- Exist in substance of tendons. Act to improve power in attached muscle. Patella, metatarso-phalangeal joint
- Spinal vertebrae
- 40% organic osteoid (collagen, proteoglycans, MMPs), 60% inorganic (hydroxyapatite)
- Type I collagen (90% organic component)
- What are the 3 regions of a long bone
- What type of tissue is periosteum
- What is the function of periosteum
- Name 4 long bones
- Epiphysis - end of long bone (articular surface), metaphysis, diaphysis
- Dense irregular CT
- Blood supply to bone, provides fibroblasts and progenitor cells, aids in circumferential growth and fracture healing
- Humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals, phalanges
- What is the structure of the Haversian system
- In what type of bone is the Haversian system found
- What is the difference in structure of cancellous bone compared to cortical bone
- What is the relative turnover rate of cancellous and cortical bone
- What is Wolff’s law
- What is the benefit of a trabecular pattern of cancellous bone
- Osteons (2-3mm bone cylinders, run parallel to long axis)
Vascular canals (Haversian’s - parallel and Volkman’s - perpendicular)
Neuromuscular network
Interstitial lamellae - Cortical bone
- Cancellous - less rigid, more elastic
- Cancellous - high turnover
Cortical - slow turnover - Bone will adapt to load under which it is placed - bone under increased load will remodel to become stronger over time, but only in response to the specific type of loading it is under
- Strength without weight - fibres organised along lines of maximum mechanical stress, allowing transmission of loads
- Briefly describe the process of intramembranous ossification
- Briefly describe the process of endochondral ossification
- Name 2 bones that grow via intramembranous ossification
- Name 2 bones that grown via endochondral ossification
- Give the different types of macroscopic bone and their functions
- What are the 2 types of microscopic bone and how do they arise/what are their features
- Occurs during foetal development. Mesenchymal stem cells proliferate into fibrous tissue and differentiate into OBs which cluster together (ossification centre). OBs produce osteoid, which is then calcified by hydroxyapatite. OBs trapped in the matrix become osteocytes. Stem cells surrounding ossification centre continue to differentiate to maintain supply of OBs. Bone matures, creating trabecular matrix around BVs. Periosteum forms and traps more OBs in cellular layer (osteocytes) and BVs condense into red marrow
- Mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into chondrocytes and form cartilaginous scaffold/precursor. Perichondrium forms on surface and becomes periosteum, forming periosteal collar (thin layer of bone) on surface of diaphyseal cartilage. More cartilage matrix is produced and chondrocytes at centre enlarge, calcify matrix and die and surrounding cartilage disintegrates. BVs invade space left, carrying osteogenic (osteoprogenitor) cells. Primary ossification centre forms in middle of cartilage scaffold, replacing cartilage with bone. New cartilage continues to form at end of bones, increasing length and secondary ossification centres are formed in epiphysis
- Flat bones of the skull, clavicles, flat bones of the face, pelvis
- Long bones of axial and appendicular skeletons, including the ribs, vertebrae, and limbs
- Cortical - provides rigidity (resists bending/torsion)
Cancellous - spongy trabecular bone, supports articular surface, resists impact and transfer weight evenly through bone - Woven - random/irregular/haphazard collage fibres, immature, rapid production (foetus/fracture)
Lamellar - made by remodelling woven bone, collagen fibres in parallel/lamellae, organised, stress-oriented, strong
- What is the physis
- What tissue is the physis
- When does the physis fuse
- How does the physis grow (name the process)
- What are 3 arteries that provide vascular supply to the physis
- Site of longitudinal growth - growth plate
- Hyaline cartilage
- 16M, 14F
- Endochondral ossification
- Perichondral artery (main), epiphyseal and metaphysical arteries
- Name the function/roles of the following microscopic physeal zones:
a) Resting zone
b) Proliferative zone
c) Hypertrophic zone
d) Metaphysical bone (2 components) - Achondroplasia/gigantism are defects of which zone (and what happens to the cells)
- What gene is defective in Achondroplasia
- What causes gigantism
- What is acromegaly/when does it occur
- What bones are affected in acromegaly
- What zone is considered a ‘weak point’ and is the site of SUFE and SH fractures
- a) Resting zone - sparsely packed chondrocytes, stores lipids, glycogen and proteoglycans. Resting/no activity
b) Proliferative zone - cells transition from resting zone and stack in columns during bone formation. Increased cell multiplication. Produce cartilaginous ECM
c) Hypertrophic zone - increase in cell size. 3 stages/sub-zones - maturation zone (double in size), degeneration zone (five-fold increase), provisional calcification zone (apoptosis, cells release Ca into matrix)
d) Metaphyseal bone - primary (woven bone formed - haematogenous infiltration) and secondary (woven bone remodels to lamellar bone) spongiosa - Proliferative zone - increased inhibition of chondrocyte proliferation
- FGFR 3 gene
- Excess of growth hormone, typically due to pituitary adenoma
- Gigantism after physeal closure
- Hands, feet, forehead, jaw, nose
- Hypertrophic zone
- Give the average time when the following key milestones occur
a) Head control
b) Sit
c) Stand
d) Walk - Name 2 types of angular skeletal deformity variants
- Name 2 management options for angular skeletal deformities
- a) 1-3 months
b) 6-9 months
c) 9-12 months
d) 12-20 months - Bowlegs (genu varum), knock-knees (genu valgum)
- Observe, osteotomy, eight plate (restrict growth in some areas, encourage growth in others)
- Name 4 conditions that can cause a limp in a child
- Briefly describe a normal gait in children, including when it typically matures
- DDH, transient synovitis, SUFE, perthes, tumours, septic arthritis, neuromuscular
- Short stride length, fast cadence, low velocity, widened base of support. Matures around 7 years old
- What is transient synovitis
- Give 3 features
- Give 3 investigations
- What age does transient synovitis typically affect
- What is it often associated with
- Non-specific, short-term inflammatory synovitis with synovial effusion of hip joint
- Pain in hip/knee/thigh, synovial fluid effusion, hip held in flexion, lateral rotation and abduction
- FBC, ESR, CRP, XRs (AP and frog leg lateral), US, MRI, bone scans
- 3-6 years old
- Viral infection
- What 2 tests are used for DDH examination
- Give 2 features of DDH
- Give 2 investigations
- How is DDH treated
- What age group does DDH typically affect
- Barlow and Ortolani tests
- Skin crease asymmetry, leg length discrepancy, reduced abduction
- Stirrups with halter
- 0-3 years old
- What is Perthes disease
- What age group does Perthes typically affect
- What social factor is associated with Perthes
- Give 2 investigations
- Give 2 treatment options
- Osteonecrosis of femoral epiphysis
- 4-8 years old
- Low SES
- Pelvic XR, MRI
- Physio/rehab (prevent stiffness, contain femoral head in acetabulum), surgery
- What is SUFE
- What age group does SUFE typically affect
- Is SUFE more likely to be unilateral or bilateral
- Give 2 RFs for SUFE
- Give 3 features/exam findings in SUFE
- Give 2 XR investigations
- Give 2 management options
- Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis - fracture in the growth plate of the thigh bone that causes the head of the bone to slip out of place
- 13-16 years old
- Unilateral (58%)
- Obese, tall and slender, rapid growth
- Pain in groin/thigh/knee, limp, antalgic gait, externally rotated and adducted limb, reduced RoM
- AP and frog leg XR
- Surgery (ORIF bilateral) or conservative Mx
- What is an antalgic gait
- Give 3 red flags in a limping child that warrant further investigation/referral
- What are 4 risk factors for NAI
- What are 6 signs of NAI
- Name 2 conditions that may often be mistaken for NAI
- Abnormal walking pattern developed to avoid pain - shortened stance phase relative to swing phase (causes a limp)
- Neonate with painful paralysed limb, asymmetry of spine/limb, school-aged child with limp, adolescent with knee pain, back pain, signs of NAI
- First born, unplanned, premature, disabilities, single parent, unemployed, low SES, Hx of abuse, substance misuse, stepchildren
- Human bite, burns (cigarette), fingertip bruising, multiple bruises at various stages of healing, peri-oral injuries, frenum injuries, multiple fractures at various stages of healing, child withdrawn, abnormal adult/child interaction, metaphyseal corner fracture, rib fracture, femoral fracture
- Osteogenesis imperfecta, copper deficiency, prematurity
- Give 3 features of paediatric bones that are favourable in trauma
- What is the Salter-Harris fracture classification
- Give 2 common paeds fractures
- What are the 3 types of supracondylar elbow fracture
- What are the 2 main options in paeds fracture management
- More elastic/plastic (less rigid), thicker periosteum, greater remodelling potential
I - straight (across physis). Favourable
II - fracture line exits above physis (metaphyseal wedge attached to epiphysis)
III - lower (fracture below physis). Intra-articular
IV - through (physis). Intra-articular
V - ruined (crush injury to physis) - Forearm, wrist, femur, elbow
- I - undisplaced. II - angulated with intact posterior cortex (partially displaced). III - completely displaced.
- Conservative (cast/traction) or surgery (reduction and fixation)
- Define gait
- Describe the gait cycle during walking
- What are 5 key differences in gait cycle during walking and running
- What marks the transition between a fast walking gait and running gait
- Locomotion of body via movements of limbs, resulting in forward propulsion
- Time between first heel strike and next heel strike of same foot
Stance phase - first heel strike until toe lifts off (limb in contact with ground)
Swing phase - time when limb not in contact with ground (swinging from behind to in front). Ends with next heel strike.
Two periods of dual support, one period of single support for each leg - Higher velocity, shorter cycle time, increased stride length, no dual support periods (float phase - neither foot in contact with ground), increased movement in leg joints, greater upper body movement, greater physiological requirements
- Float phase (as well as lack of dual support)
- What is tendonoitis
- What causes tendonitis
- Give 3 features
- Give 1 examination sign indicating tendonitis
- Give 2 principles of treatment
- Inflammation ± degeneration of tendon
- Repeated supra physiological loading/repetitive strain injury
- Pain, swelling, difficulty performing related action
- Pain/weakened resisted movement
- Rest, correct training errors
- What is a stress fracture
- What causes a stress fracture
- How do you manage a stress fracture
- What is a potential consequence/sequelae of instability
- How do you manage instability
- What is the difference between a sprain and a strain injury
- Microfractures in bone
- Bone loaded with force above normal but below load which would cause outright fracture, also causing inflammation in surrounding periosteum and soft tissues
- Rest and future prevention
- Acute dislocation or subluxation
- Physiotherapy
- Sprain - injuries to ligaments (when stretching ligaments past elastic limit)
Strain - injuries to muscle fibres or tendons (pulled muscles)