Bilingualism Flashcards
what is bilingualism?
the knowledge and use of two languages
different aspects of bilingual profiles
- language history and relationship
- language stability
- language use
- language competence
- language modes
- biographical data
what are the different types of bilinguals?
- early vs. late
- simultaneous vs. sequential
- proficient vs. non-proficient
- balanced vs. dominant
- additive (usually balanced) vs. subtractive (attrition of L1, usually minority language)
what factors affect bilingual language acquisition?
- relative amount of input in both languages
- linguistic distance
- sources of input
- number and order of siblings
- quality of input
- socioeconomic status
- gender
floccia et al (2018) showed importance of relative amount of native language compared to…
the additional language in terms of child-directed and parental overheard speech
what is the critical period hypothesis?
consists of an ideal time window of brain development to acquire a language
johnson and newport’s (1989) findings on age-of-acquisition
earlier AOA can improve performance on grammatical judgement tasks testing morphology and syntax
- native speakers and those younger than 7yo had similar mean scores
- those past 7yo significantly declined scores
linguistic disadvantages of early bilingualism
hoff et al (2012) found bilinguals have poorer english vocabulary than monolinguals, despite similar levels of total vocabulary
what is english vocabulary predicted by?
the proportion of english input, which should be at least 60% of vocabulary to fall within the monolingual normal range
linguistic advantages of early bilingualism
- metalinguistic awareness
- advanced communicative skills
- flexibility in learning language patterns
metalinguistic awareness
galambos and hakuta (1988) found an effect of native and L2 proficiency in the detection of ambiguity and ungrammatical sentences
is growing up bilingual confusing?
there is no evidence of negative effects of language development on neurodiverse children
benefits of growing up bilingual
- enriching communication with family
- creating opportunities for social interaction with community
- developing sense of identity
disadvantages of growing up bilingual
lexical access tasks and increased TOT
evidence of failures in lexical access tasks
- boston naming test found bilinguals were slower and made more errors when naming pictures if they did not know the translation equivalent (gollan, 2005)
- bilinguals named fewer members of a category, struggling with verbal fluency tasks (gollan, 2002)
evidence of more TOT states
gollan and acenas (2004) reported bilingual speakers experience more TOT states than monolinguals
non-cognitive advantages of bilingualism
- social identity
- social wellbeing at home and abroad
- travel and work
- intercultural understanding and interactions
- economic and political advantages
cognitive advantages of bilingualism
- executive functions
- creative thinking
- cognitive reserve
improvements in executive function
- inhibition/attention
- flexibility/task shifting
- memory
improvements can be seen in bilinguals having a reduced incongruency effect during the flanker task (costa et al, 2008)
flexibility/task shifting
show better flexibility and task shifting through reduced switching costs, compared to monolinguals (prior and macwhinney, 2010)
wodniecka (2010) found older adults had bilingual advantage of better recollection of words and faces
creative thinking
leikin (2013) showed bilingual children produce more unique solutions and solutions from more categoriesc
cognitive reserve
bilinguals have delayed onset of dementia by around 5 years and better cognitive outcomes following stroke (woumans, 2015; alladi, 2016)
what do mechanisms of bilingual language use involve?
- parallel activation of both languages
- managing constant interference
- monitoring both language systems
exercising language control improves…
performance in nonverbal control
bilinguals have greater __ volume than monolinguals in IPL
grey matter
within bilinguals, higher __ density in IPL is associated with…
grey matter
second language proficiency and earlier age-of-acquisition
bilinguals found to have higher __ integrity than monolinguals in several major tracts
white matter
plitsikas et al, 2015
adaptive control hypothesis
language control processes adapt themselves to the recurrent demands placed on them
for bilinguals, the interactional context in which they find themselves drives the adaptive response
bilingual anterior to posterior and subcortical shift (BAPSS) hypothesis
bilinguals show greater GM activity in perceptual and motor regions
have reduced frontal lobe activity which shifts into relying on subcortical and posterior regions
fits with results from cognitive ageing studies to explain why they experience later cognitive decline than monolinguals
the bilingual advantage debate
conflicting evidence due to replication failures
where can further advantages of bilingualism be seen?
in children and the elderly, through social skills and creative thinking
does bilingualism improve intelligence?
no advantage in general IQ or emotional intelligence
instead, the bilingual cognitive advantage is probably dependent on bilingual background
how should bilingualism be investigated?
with all its facets, as neuroimaging studies have shown clear changes due to various aspects of bilingualism