Bile Stone Disease Flashcards
Gold standard method of investigation of bile stone disease
Daily production of bile in adults
Group risks (5Fs)
- Fat
- Female
- Forty
- Fertile
- Fair
5 complications of of GBD
- Acute cholecystitis (M/C): block of outflow of cystic duct.
- Choledecholithiasis: block of common bile duct (sphincter oddi contracts and traps GS)
- Acute pancreatitis (2nd M/C): cause of MOF -> pts can die.
- Mechanical Jaundice (increase temperature e.g. 39.3 degree Celsius).
- White/Grey stool due to absence of bile
- Rectal examination
- Stone blocks liver outflow of bile
- Dangerous (infection -> acute purulent cholangitis) - Acute purulent cholangitis
Acute Cholecystitis
- Abturated biliary tree -> purulent inflammatory process.
- Diagnostic method (US)
- Pt can die
- Good source of infection
3 types/stages of Acute Cholecystitis
- Acute Catarrhal (inflammation in mucus layer)
- Acute phlegmonous (inflammation in all layers of GB -> GB invaded with bacteria (Pus)
- Acute gangrenous (necrosis of walls of GB)
5 complications of acute cholecystitis
- Paravesicular infiltrate (covers purulent factor from abdomen)
a. Resolution
b. Abscess formation - Paravesicular abscess:
- cannot resolute
- Big -> rupture - Diffuse Peritonitis
- Mucocele
- Pure water (mucus) filled
- Sac with bile, separate from biliary tree, no infection.
- Can be a good condition for infection - Empyema
- Laproscopic cholecystectomy
Clinical Picture (2 syndromes)
- Asymptomatic (most cases)
- Presence of complications (symptoms appear)
- Local abdominal sign (after meal)
- RUQ pain - Intoxication signs (increase temperature e.g. 37-38 degree Celsius)
Acute cholecystitis (Lab results)
Clinical blood analysis:
- Leukocytosis
- Erythrocytes (+)
- CRP (+)
- ESR (increased)
- Increased direct bilirubin (GS can cause stone to block other duct)
- Concentration of amylase
Acute cholecystitis (diagnosis)
- US investigation
- Findings:
a. Enlarged GB with stones (Block of GB neck)
b. Thickening of walls of GB (due to edema)
c. Paravesicular fluid (fluid that lie near GB)
Treatment of Acute cholecystitis
- Conservatively:
- Antibiotics (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate +/- Metronidazole), 24hr fasting, IV fluid, analgesics for pain - Surgery:
- Cholecystectomy (laparoscopically)
Acute Purulent cholangitis
- Diagnostic methods: US
- Findings:
a. Stone in CBD
b. CBD size enlargement
c. Widening of biliary tree -> sign of mechanical jaundice
Treatment of Acute Purulent Cholangitis
Percutaneous Cholecystostomy - drain infection (part of biliary tree) -> Mechanical Jaundice disappears (next day)
Causes of Mechanical Jaundice
- GBD (M/C)
- Tumor (>43 y/o)
Investigation methods for acute purulent cholangitis
- US
- Gastroesophagoduodenoscopy
Charcot Triad (sign of Acute purulent cholangitis)
- Fever
- Mechanical Jaundice
- Pain in RUQ
Renauld’s Pentad (sign of acute purulent cholangitis)
- Altered Mental status
- Hypotension
- Charcot’s triad
- Fever
- Mechanical Jaundice
- Pain in RUQ
- Old women
- Confused state
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
- X-ray machine
- Endoscopic equipment
- Endoscopy
- Find papilla Fateri -> inside CBD -> inject contrast -> x-ray film
- Stone (+) -> remove during endoscopy
Endoscopic Papilla Sphincterotomy
(Treatment: mechanical jaundice due to GSD)
- Cute sphincter oddi (unable to contract) -> so it relaxes -> hole is big now -> stone can be removed