Bilateral temporal damage ->hippocampus Flashcards
Amnesia occurred after some cases of (thin, HM)
unilateral temporal lobectomy that was used to treat epilepsy - now do WADA testing
Hippocampus vulnerability to damage: Case reports of patients with cardiac arrest and anoxia
were amnestic - at autopsy CA1 “was gone”
Why is CA1 so susceptible to anoxia, seizures, hypoglycemia?
Many neurons in hippo have NMDA receptors and metabolic disturbances of various kinds cause release of glutamate that activates NMDA receptors that allow Ca+ to enter and destroy neuron
If animals are pretreated with NMDA blockers,
anoxia is much less likely to produce brain damage
Many NMDA neurons make it easy to
establish long-term potentiation that allows fast learning, but also makes the area vulnerable to self-destruction when metabolic disruptions occur