Bilaminar Germ Disc Flashcards
At the__ of development, the blastocyst is partially embedded in the endometrial stroma.
Eighth day
In the area over the 💡embryoblast, the 💡trophoblast has differentiated into two layers:
It is an 💡inner layer of 💡mononucleated cells in the trophoblast.
It is an 💡outer multinucleated zone 💡without distinct cell boundaries in the trophoblast.
__ are found in the cytotrophoblast but not in the syncytiotrophoblast.
Mitotic figures
Cells of the 💡inner cell mass or 💡embryoblast also differentiate into two layers:
Hypoblast layer
Epiblast layer
It is a layer of 💡small cuboidal cells adjacent to the 💡blastocyst cavity which is seen at embryoblast.
Hypoblast layer
It is a layer of 💡high columnar cells adjacent to the 💡amniotic cavity which is seen at embryoblast.
Epiblast layer
Together, the hypoblast and epiblast layer form a 💡flat disc which is called?
Bilaminar Germ Disc
Epiblast cells adjacent to the 💡cytotrophoblast are called?
These cells together with the rest of the epiblast, they line the amniotic cavity.
It is a 💡small cavity appears within the epiblast. This cavity 💡enlarges to become the __.
Amniotic cavity
It is a cell that consists of an 💡inner layer with mononuclear cells, the cytotrophoblast, and an 💡outer layer without distinct cell boundaries, the syncytiotrophoblast.
It is a cell that is formed by the 💡epiblast and 💡hypoblast layers.
The blastocyst is more 💡deeply embedded in the endometrium, and the 💡penetration defect in the surface epithehum is closed by a 💡fibrin coagulum
Day 9
It is a phase of trophoblast development where 💡vacuoles appear in the syncytium. When these vacuoles fuse, they form 💡large lacuna.
Lacunar stage
It is where 💡vacuoles appear in the syncytium.
Embryonic pole
It is where 💡flattened cells probably originating from the 💡hypoblast form a thin membrane, the 💡exocoelomic (Heuser) membrane.
Abembryonic pole