bikiut zayin Flashcards
ואני אקשה
“שאין נחת רוח… לתת לב שלם לשוב”
hashem saying he will harden pharaoh’s heart b/c he resisted him
it is obvious to me that nations who worship idols don’t find spiritual satisfaction
their repenting so it’s better that hashem hardens his heart so signs can be used against him
ויבלע מטה אהרן
“בלע את כולן”
*Aaron’s staff swallowed the other once it had returned back to a staff- not a snake
הנה יצא המימה
“משכים ויצא לנילוס ועושה שם צרכיו”
Pharoah will come out of water early in
“the morning bc he eases himself in morning in secret”
bc he told the ppl he was a god and gods dont use the bathroom
ונהפכו לדם
הלקה את יראתם ואחר כך הלקה אותם”
because egyptians worshiped the nile hashem
“first smote their god with blood and then them”
because they the nile was their god
גם לזאת
he didnt set his heart to the wonder of the staff or to the plague of blood