Biblical Trivia Flashcards
The stories in the Bible
Old Testament - Genesis: The Creation (process)
Day 1: Light and Darkness (day and night)
Day 2: Heaven (firmament)
Day 3: Earth (dry land), complete with grass, herbs, trees
Day 4: Lights in the firmament of heaven (sun, moon, stars)
Day 5: Animals of sea and sky
Day 6: Beasts of the earth and man in God’s own image
Day 7: Rest
Old Testament - Genesis: The Creation (quotes)
(opening line) “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
(cycle of creation) “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
(assessment) “And God saw the light, that it was good…”
(classification) “And God called the light day…”
Old Testament - Genesis: The Fall (general)
God creates Adam and tells him Eden is his for the taking except for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Eve, created from Adam’s rib, is duped by a serpent (Satan in disguise) into eating the fruit. → Fall of Man
Samuel Johnson on John Milton’s [Paradise Lost} : “None ever wished it longer” (concerned only with first two chapters of Genesis)
Old Testament - Genesis: The Fall (Adam)
Adam: “the man” in Hebrew
“formed… of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…”
Old Testament - Genesis: Cain and Abel
Sons of Eve.
Cain “a tiller of the ground”
Abel “a keeper of sheep”
Cain kills Abel because God appreciated Abel’s offering more than his. Is driven to east of Eden, out of God’s sight, bearing “the mark of Cain”. (“whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.”)
John Steinbeck [East of Eden (1952)]
Eve has another son named Seth.
Old Testament - Genesis: The Flood
“the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of [man’s] heart was only evil continually.”
“two and two of all flesh” (picks Noah to assemble his family, build an ark, and collect animals)
“neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.” (seeming regret)
Old Testament - Genesis: The Tower of Babel
People of Shem decide to build a tower that will reach Heaven. God scatters the generations all over the earth, “confound[ed] the languages of the earth.”
Old Testament - Genesis: Abraham and Isaac
Devout Abraham and Sarah cannot conceive, Sarah recommends Abraham conceive with Sarah’s Egyptian maid Hagar. Ishmael is born, no one is enthused.
God tells Abraham he will be “father of many nations” and his generations will inherit land then known as Canaan. Abraham and Sarah are both old when finally the son between them, Isaac, is born. God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, Abraham unflinchingly sets out to do so, God stops him at the last minute.
(religious faith - Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard [Fear and Trembling])
Old Testament - Genesis: Nimrod
Noah - Ham - Cush -Nimrod. “A mighty hunter before the Lord … began to be mighty in the earth.”
In some versions, asks to be worshiped, and murders all babies to prevent Abraham - the one who will end idolatry - from being born. Tries to burn Abraham when confronted, is driven mad due to a mosquito entering his brain.
Old Testament - Genesis: Ham
Son of Noah along with Shem and Japheth, father of Cush. Egypt is referred to “Land of Ham”.
Sees Noah sleeping naked and drunk, tells Shem and Japheth. The two brothers cover Noah in clothes while not looking at him naked. Noah curses Ham and his offspring, Canaan, saying Canaan and his brethren will be servants of Shem and Japheth.
Old Testament - Genesis: Lot
Journeys with his uncle Abram (Abraham), bickers so badly that he separates. Chooses to go neither North nor South and goes beyond Jordan (bad choice), Abraham heads south to Hebron and stays within Canaan.
Flees from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (tried to offer his daughters so that men of Sodom would not sleep with angels). During this, his wife is turned to pillar of salt; Lot is made drunk and raped by his daughters in their desire of children.
Old Testament - Genesis: Lot’s Wife
“Flee for your life! Do not look behind you, nor stop anywhere in the Plain; flee to the hills, lest you be swept away.” (disobeys this)
Old Testament - Genesis: Sodom and Gomorrah
Synonymous with impenitent sin and divine retribution. Neighboring Zoar (Bela, where Lot fled) was the only neighboring city spared from fire and brimstone.
Abraham pleaded to spare the cities if 50 righteous people were found in them (lowered the numbers until reaching 10)
Old Testament - Genesis: Jacob (later Israel)
Son of Isaac and Rebekah, grandson of Abraham, ancestor of Israel. Younger twin brother of Esau (later Edom).
Pastoralist. Jacob deceives and obtains his birthright, flees Esau, God tells him he will receive lands and offspring. Works for his uncle Laban to marry his cousin Rachel, duped into marrying Leah then works again. Name is changed to Israel on the way back to Palestine.
Old Testament - Genesis: Esau (later Edom)
Son of Isaac and Rebekah, grandson of Abraham, ancestor of Edomites. Older twin brother of Jacob (later Israel).
Nomadic hunter, covered in hair. Jacob makes him trade his birthright for a bowl of lentil soup, receives blind Isaac’s blessings and inheritance instead of him (Rebekah encouraged him in this even though Esau already agreed to concede inheritance). Esau eventually accepts Jacob’s gifts after returning from Laban.
Old Testament - Genesis: Joseph (intro)
Rachel’s first and Jacob’s eleventh son, preference of Jacob is shown by his “long coat of many colors.”
Sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, tempted by Protiphar’s wife and thrown to prison, becomes vizier (second most powerful in Egypt, next to the Paraoh). Jacob leaves Canaan and settles in Egypt because of this.
Old Testament - Genesis: Joseph (dreams)
Jacob: his brothers’ grains bowing to his, sun and moon and eleven stars bowing to him
Cup-bearer: three budding branches, bearing grapes, the bearer squeezing them to a cup and giving it to the Pharaoh (being reinstated as the cup-bearer. He did not remember to mention Joseph until Pharaoh’s dream)
Baker: three baskets of bread for the Pharaoh, birds eating out of the baskets (being hanged in three days)
Pharaoh: seven lean cows devouring seven fat cows, seven withered ears of corn devouring fat ears of corn (seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. surplus grain helps Egypt thrive in famine)
Old Testament - Genesis: Judah
Suggests Joseph be thrown into a cistern instead of killed.
On Joseph’s brothers’ first visit to Egypt, half-brother Simeon is held at hostage and Joseph’s full-brother Benjamin is requested. Joseph frames Benjamin of stealing and attempts to make him a slave as a test to his brothers, Judah offers himself.
Receives firstborn title due to his change (Messianic King).
Old Testament - Exodus (intro)
Life of Moses, central prophet in Judaism. First five books of the Bible = Torah = “five books of Moses”.
1) Born of Jochebed, sent down the river due to the order to kill all Hebrew children. Adopted by daughter of the Pharaoh, grows up as Egyptian prince, kills slave-driver whipping Hebrew slave.
2) Burning bush as God. Tools to convince: rod that turns into a snake, a hand that goes from leprous to non-leprous hand.
3) Ten Plagues (pools of water becoming blood, plagues of frogs and locusts, hail with fire - fire and brimstone … death of all firstborns whose doors not marked with lamb’s blood. Hebrews and Hebrew sympathizers spared)
4) Goes to Canaan after crossing the Red sea. Ten Commandments (“Thou shalt not kill”).
Old Testament - Exodus: Aaron
Moses’ brother, lived with his older sister Miriam in eastern-border of Egypt (Goshen, where Jacob settled). Serves as spokesperson (prophet) for Moses when he confronts Pharaoh about the Israelites. Becomes first high priest of the Israelites.
Old Testament - Exodus: golden calf
While Moses went to Mt. Sinai to receive Ten Commandments, Israelites feared he wouldn’t return. At their request, Aaron gathered gold and melted it into a golden calf. God said he would smite them, Moses pleaded not to, God regretted his words. Moses came back, broke his tablets of stone in anger, burnt&powdered&mixed with water&fed it to the Israelites.
Old Testament - Exodus: ark of the covenant
Ark of the Testimony, Ark of God. Contains two stone tablets bearing Ten Commandments, created one year since the exodus. Gold-covered wooden chest.
Old Testament - Exodus: manna
Food that God provided for the Israelites during the forty years between the Exodus and the conquest of Canaan. Had to be collected before dawn. Could not be stored overnight due to it collecting maggots with the exception of the day before Sabbath.
In the New Testament, Jesus emphasizes Manna came from God, not Moses, and that people who ate it eventually died (the living bread he would provide would grant immortality).
Old Testament - Exodus: “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”
First referenced in Code of Hammurabi, predating Hebrew bible, later mentioned in Exodus. Was meant to restrict the punishment to the damage.
In the New Testament, Jesus preached against this and implored to turn the other cheek.
Old Testament - Exodus: Mount Sinai
To signal God’s arrival, Sinai was enveloped in a cloud, quaked and emitted smoke, lightning and thunder and trumpet blasts happened altogether, fire burned at the summit. Moses had to stay here twice because he broke the stone tablet first time.
Old Testament - Exodus: ram’s blood
Used for the consecration of Aaron, his sons, and their garments. Blood was to cover their right ears, thumbs of right hands, big toes of right feet, the alter, then to be sprinkled with anointing oil upon them and their garments.
Old Testament - Exodus: casting down of the first two tablets of laws
Moses broke the first two when he was angered by the golden calf. Second two were cut by Moses and rewritten by God. The first two and the later two were all kept in the ark of the covenant. Said to be made of blue sapphire stone as symbolic of the sky.
Old Testament - Samuel&Kings: general
Detail the first kings of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel (last of the Hebrew Judges). Saul is first, David follows him when he is killed fighting the Philistines. David defeated Goliath and composed many of the Psalms.
Old Testament - Samuel&Kings: David’s children
David is father of Solomon (mother is Bathsheba) and Absalom. Absalom rebels against David, similar power struggle happens between David and Saul.
John Dryden [Absalom and Achitophel (1681-1682)]
William Faulkner [Absalom, Absalom!]
Old Testament - Job
Satan proposes to God that his loyal subject Job is only loyal due to God’s protection. God strips away Job’s health, wealth and family to see if he would curse God. Very dialogue-heavy as Job talks with his friends to understand his situation.
“the patience of Job” can either mean Abraham-like faith or an important moment of uncertainty.
Old Testament - Daniel: intro
Set during the Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem, can be split into “court tales” of Daniel&Shadrach&Meshach&Abednego and Daniel’s interpretation of dreams. Daniel undergoes various positions due to his interpretations.
Old Testament - Daniel (“writing on the wall”)
King Belshazzar drank from cups of the temple and praised the gods of rich materials. Writing appears on the wall to tell him his reign is cut, he is found wanting, and his kingdom is divided between the Mede and the Persians.
Old Testament - Daniel: “Daniel in the lion’s den”
After predicting an upcoming famine, Daniel is appointed to be one of the three presidents of the kingdom by King Darius. Others, jealous that a Hebrew should receive preference causes “Daniel in the lion’s den”. Daniel is protected from the lions by God.
Old Testament - Daniel: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Jewish (instead of Babylonian) names are Hanania, Mishael, Azaria. Thrown into a furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar when they refuse to bow to his golden image in the plain of Dura. The King later sees them walking in the flames, fourth like a son of God.
Old Testament - Jonah: intro
God orders Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah does not want to and boards a ship headed for Tarshish. God sends out a tempest, other sailors get suspicious, Jonah admits his duplicity, the sailors throw him in the sea where he is swallowed by a whale. He spends three days and nights in the whale before repenting and being spat out on the shore.
Old Testament - Jonah: quotes
“Go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness come up before me.”
Herman Melville’s [Moby-Dick] as a whole is deeply engaged with book of Jonah.
New Testament: General
Most commonly referenced books are the Gospels: Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
Dante Alighieri ([The Divine Comedy] [Vita Nuova]), John Milton ([Paradise Lost]) John Bunyan ([Pilgrim’s Progress]) are authors who may reference single words or phrases from the New Testament. John Donne and Jonathan Swift were clergymen and more preoccupied with the Bible than their own writing.
New Testament: Birth of Jesus
Joseph and Mary have not consummated their marriage, but Mary meets Gabriel and is told she will bear a son who will be son of God and King of the Jews.
Three Wise Men (Magi) travel from afar to celebrate his birth. King Herod hears about this and orders all children under two to be killed (“Massacre of the Innocents”). Mary and Joseph flee with Jesus until Herod’s death.
New Testament: Jesus’ life before his death
Jesus meets John the Baptist who recognizes him as Son of God and baptizes him. Jesus spends forty days and nights in the desert fasting, ignoring the Devil tempting him thrice.
He also does other things like turning water to wine, raising Lazarus from the dead, feeding five thousand people with five loaves and three fish.
New Testament: Jesus’ death
At the Passover meal with his disciples known as “Last Supper”, Jesus prophesies a disciple will betray him. After their meal they go to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas Iscariot kisses Jesus on the cheek to help the soldiers identify and arrest him, and is then paid thirty pieces of silver (common metaphor for betrayal). Apostles go into hiding and Judas kills himself from guilt. Jesus is crucified in Golgotha then resurrected.
New Testament: Salome
Daughter Herodias who danced for Herod. Herodias had a grudge against John the Baptist for saying her marriage with Herod was unlawful. At Herod saying he would grant whatever Salome wanted, Herodias says she should ask for John the Baptist’s head on a platter. This saddens Herod but he does it anyway.
New Testament: Lazarus
Lazarus of Bethany, Saint Lazarus, Lazarus of the Four Days.
Follower of Jesus living in Bethany. His sisters, Mary and Martha, tell Jesus he is ill. Jesus tarries for two days before journeying and finds Lazarus four days since death. “Jesus wept.” Martha laments Jesus did not come sooner, then protests Jesus’ order to uncover the entrance to the tomb. Jesus tells Lazarus to “come forth” and Lazarus does so, covered in grave clothes.
New Testament: Mary Magdalene
Witness to Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, resurrection. Western christian church used to portray her as a repentant sinner, Gnostic Gospels describe her as reflective, wise spiritualist favored by Jesus. Sometimes conflated with Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus.
General Biblical Allusions
King James Bible is the standard bible in literary studies, first issued in 1611 by Church of England. (Most reliable source for allusion)
Words such as “amen” and strange ordering of words can hint at an allusion.
Ex) Toni Morrison [Song of Solomon]
William Faulkner [Absalom, Absalom!]
Marcel Proust [Sodom and Gomorrah]
Ernest Hemingway [The Sun Also Rises]
“What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also riseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.”
Samuel Butler [The Way of All Flesh]
Common misquotation of Hewbrew expression, “to go the way of all the Earth” (to die)
Henrik Ibsen [The Master Builder]
Quotations from the Bible. Tower of Babel is a prominent image and the term “Master Builder” appeared in the Norwegian Bible. Main character Solness suffers from fear of height and yet builds a towering steeple, and falls to his death from it at the end.
Jean Toomer [Cane]
Title is pun to biblical Cain. “the mark of Cain” is also sometimes interpreted as black skin and justification for slavery.
New Testament: Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Ch. 5-7)
“Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
“And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee.”
“Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?”
New Testament: Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
“Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee.”
“Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring forth the fatted calf, and kill it.”
“For this my son was dead, and is alive again.”
New Testament: Parable of the Sower (all Gospels except John. Mark 4:1-20, Matthew 13:1-23, Luke 8:1-15)
Devoured by birds - Taken by Satan
Dropped on stone - Cripples at first test
Dropped between thorns - Blinded by riches
Good land - Bears fruit