bible test ch. 1 and 2 Flashcards
-written account of a covenant
-old and new testament = old and new covenant
-sometimes referred to as the patriarchs or matriarchs
-includes abraham/ sarah, isaac/ rebekah, jacob/rachel/leah
-an abbreviation for “before the common era”
-is used in place of bc (before christ) in academic studies
-the entire people descended from abraham and sarah
-the northern kindgom centered in samaria
-a symbolic name given to jacob
-an ancient imperial power in northeast africa
-organized around the nile river
-the second book of the pentateuch
-describes the liberation of the israelities from the oppressive rule of pharoah
-also describes the giving of the law at mount sinai
the law
-the law of moses
-any regulations the jewish people understood as delineating faithfulness to God in terms of the coveneant he had made with israel
-used synonymously with torah
-the translation of hebrew term more properly translated as “deliverers” or “saviors”
-the people who goverened over israel before the united monarchy
-a term used to describe the inhabitants of the holy land prior to israels emergence there
-the southern kingdom centered in jerusalem
northern kingdom
-10 tribes that broke away from judah after solomon’s reign
-it had alternative cultic sites at dan and bethel
-the offering of something valuable
-ex. crops from a filed or an animal from one’s flock
-an expression of worship
-the northern mesopotamian empire
-had a significant imipact on the northern and southern kingdoms of israel and judah especially during the 8th and 7th centuries bce
-semitic people who lived in samaria at the time of Jesus and claimed to be the true israel
-descendants of tribes taken into captivity by the assyrians
-shorthand for the 6th century bce period in which many jews were forcibly deported from the holy land and relocated to mesopotamia
-most notably babylon
-a southern mesopotamian power
-responsible for the deportation of jews to mesopotamia
-in israelite history, the jews who were deported to mesopotamia after jerusalem was conquered by babylon
cyrus the great
-persian emperor
-conquered the ancient near east
-permittd exiled jews to return to their land and rebuild their temple
-a large area of mesopotamia
-north of the persian gulf
-the center of the persian empire which ruled portions of the anccient near east form 539- 332 bce
-a abbreviation for “common era”
-typically used for dates in place of ad (“in the year of the lord”)
second temple period
-the era in jewish history between the dedication of the second jerusalem temple in 515 bce and its destruction in 70 ce
-a congregation of jews who gather for worship, prayer, and bible study
-a place where they gather for these purposes
-jews living in exile outside the holy land
-aka the dispersion
-the law of moses
-the pentateuch
-the first five books of the hebrew bible
ancient near east
-geographical area that runs east to west form turkey to the arabian peninsula
-affected by hellenism
-the invluence of greek and roman culture, customs, philosophy, and modes of thought
-ex. jewish people were said to be “hellenized” when they adopted greco-roman customs or came to believe porpositions derived from greek philosophy
-the syrian dynastic family that rule palestine during the years 198- 167 bce
antiochus iv epiphanes
-a 2nd century bce king of the seleucid empire
-was responsible for religiously persecuting jews living in judea
-these events influenced the latter chapters of the book of daniel
-the family name of the jewish rebels wo led a successful revolt against the syrians in 167 bce
-powerful spiritual beings that excersize their influence in a dimension not perceptabe to human senses
-the egyptian dynastic family that ruled palestine during the years 320- 198 bce
-the first 5 books of the bible
-sometimes called the torah
-genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy
holy land
-a term used to describe the land promised to abraham and sarah and their descendants
-the ancestors of the armeans
-according the bible it also sometimes describes a geographical location referring to the aramic city state of damascus or locations where arameans live
-an empire based in northern mesopotamia
-ruled much of the ancient near east from the middle of the 8th century bce until 609 bce
neo-babylonian empire
-an empire based in southern mesopotamia
-ruled much of the ancient near east from 612-539 bce
-a term fort eh province of judah during the persian period
-in second temple jerusalem they were people authorized to oversee the sacrificial system in the jerusalem temple
-closely associated with the saducees
-someone claiming to bear a message from a divine sourcw
second temple judaism
-a general term for the diverse culture, practices, and beliefs of jewish people during the second temple period
-this was from 515 bce- 70 ce
jordan river
-a marjor river system in israel running north to south
-connected the sea of galilee to the dead sea
-the georgraphic region of israel east of the jordan river
-the belief that there are multiple gods
-a belief in mulitple gods
-also believe that 1 god rules over all others
-the worship of a single god
-do not deny the existence of others
-the belief that there is only one God