Bible Midterm Flashcards
God is unity
Deut 6:4
All creation comes from God and exists for His Glory
1 Chronicles 29:11-13
Acknowledgements of the existence of God is intuitive and reasonable.
Psalm 14:1
God is eternal
Psalm 139: 1-6
There is only one God
Isaiah 43:10-11
Special revelation (the Bible) is necessary for salvation
Romans 10:17
God is three “persons’’ i.e. the father son Holy Spirit
1 john 5:7
God is a spirit
John 4:24
Gods revelation of himself in history, nature, and conscience justifies beliefs; insufficient for salvation
General revelation
Gods revelation of himself to specific people at specific times and places ( embodied in the scriptures)
Special revelation
Mans inherent sense of right and wrong
Argument from cause (cause and effect)
Argument form design (design demandss a designer )
Argument from harmony (sustaining natural system )
Argument from idea of a perfect being (requires his existence)
Arguments form human nature
Argument from moral nature (moral law demands a lawgiver )
A physical manifestation of God in the O.T.