bible docs 2 test 1 Flashcards
what did adam have
a) Adam had a responsibility
b) Adam had privilege
c) Adam had restrictions
The bible does not teach:
- probation
- purgatory
- anihaltion
- universalism
second chance after death
payment for sin after death
ceasing to exist after death
all mankind eventually will be granted eternal life/salvation
sin breaks ___ not _____
fellowship not relationship
mankind was made in the image of God
genesis 1:26-27
everything was created in 6 24 hour days
exodus 20;11
God’s creation was “out of nothing.”
hebrews 11:3
Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman, will defeat Satan.
genesis 3:15-17
– The image of God is still present in fallen man and is the basis for capital punishment
genesis 9:6
God’s sovereignty assures His plans will be accomplished, but man is responsible for choosing to
cooperate with those plans
esther 4:14
Adam represented us in the fall of man, resulting in all men being sinful
roman’s 5:12
– In the fall of man, Eve was deceived, but Adam rebelled
1 timothy 2:14
Guilt is determined by sin. Punishment is determined by sins.
revelations 20:12