bible (genesis-joshua) Flashcards
what happened in the first two chapters of the bible?
no sin had entered the world as God had just created the universe with men and women in his image
what do we learn about God?
we learn what it means to be human and that we have a privileged place on this planet as we are created to bear God’s image
if Genesis 1 & 2 were the only passages that talk about humans, what impression would we get of humanity?
we would get the impression that humanity is perfect as humans are made in Gods image
why does the author make it aware that they are naked?
to introduce shame as it’s a sign of sin after they disobeyed God
why is there so much repetition?
to show how significant the creation was
what are the three consequences of rebellion?
- a division between humanity and God
- sin becoming widespread throughout the world
- death entering the human race
what are the three promises God made to Abraham?
- the promised land to his descendants (land of Canaan)
- the promise of his future descendants
- the promise of blessing and redemption through his own family
what is the name of Abraham’s son?
in what country was Abraham’s country extended family kept as slaves?
how long did the floodwaters cover the Earth?
150 days
what did Adam and Eve make their clothes out of?
why did people want to build a higher tower?
to make a name for themselves
in genesis, what did Joseph’s brothers do?
sold Joseph as a slave
how long did God tell Abraham that his family would be slaves for?
400 years
as Joseph was dying, what was his request?
for his bones to be taken to the promise land
what did Adam & Eve’s older son do to their younger son?
Cain killed Abel
why was the Lord deeply troubled?
as the human race had become wicked
what did Noah after he got after the ark?
Noah got drunk
two significant events of Moses childhood?
- being put in a basket then placed in a river for his survival
- then later he had an encounter with a flaming bush to deliver Israel from slavery
explain the burning bush event
Moses approached the burning bush with caution but it was God requiring his service to speak to Pharoh to release the slaves; Pharoh then makes a joke out of him and makes the slaves work harder
what was the purpose of the ten plagues?
for God to demonstrate His power over Pharoh and the Egyptian Gods
what was the first Passover about?
to celebrate the liberation of the Israelites from slavery
describe the events of Exodus from Eygpt
the Pharoh let the slaves go then changed his mind then his army went after him. God enticed the Egyptians to the Red Sea then drowned them saving the Israelites/slaves
what is atonement?
an action for making amends for something wrong
what isn’t listed in the ten commandments?
what is the purpose of a grain offering?
an act of worship
what can’t be given as a burnt offering?
what are three places that the Israelites lived during the forty years in the desert?
Mt. Sinai, Moah and Paran
important facts of genesis
creation of the universe, josephs death, the early history of humanity and Israel’s ancestors.