Bible Flashcards
Name the Philistine giant whom King David Killed
Who wore the coat of many colors
Joseph (Yosef)
What is the first Hebrew word in the Torah?
Bereishit (in the beginning of)
On which day did G-d create light and darkness?
The first day
What happened to the Egyptians when they tried to follow the Jews into the Red Sea?
They were drowned
Why did Adam and Chava (Eve) have to leave the Garden of Eden?
They ate from the Tree of Knowledge.
What did Moshe (Moses) do to the rock in the desert?
He hit it to get water (instead of speaking to it, as G-d had instructed him)
Which forefather wrestled with an Angel?
Ya’akov (Jacob)
After the last plague what did pharaoh tell Moshe (Moses)?
Take the Jews and leave Egypt.
Who was Moshe’s (Moses’) sister?
On which day were Adam and Chava (Eve) created?
The sixth day
Who was the first Jewish woman?
Where did G-d place the first man and woman after He created them?
In Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden)
Why was Moshe (Moses) not allowed to enter Israel?
He hit the rock when he was supposed to speak to it.
What did Rivka (Rebecca) offer to Eliezer at the well?
Water for him and his animals
Was Esav (Esau) a hunter, fisherman, or farmer?
What kind of bird brought the news to Noah that the flood was over?
Who was Moshe’s (Moses’) wife?
What nation came from Yishmael (Ishmael)?
The Arab nation
Which two servants of Pharaoh were in jail with Yosef (Joseph): Butler, Baker, Candlestick maker?
Butler and Baker
Who did G-d save from Sedom: Eliezer, Lot, Abraham?
How many children did Noah have?
Three sons
In which plague did the little bugs get into everyone’s hair?
What did G-d give to the Jews at Mount Sinai?
Torah/Ten Commandments
Who were the first man and woman?
Adam and Chava (Eve)
Which baby boy was placed in a basket in the Nile River?
Moshe (Moses)
What appeared in the sky after the Great flood?
What happened to Jericho when Joshua marched around it?
The walls came tumbling down
Who killed Abel (Hevel)?
Kayin (Cain)
In how many days did G-d create the world?
Who was sent to find a wife for Yitzchak (Isaac)?
His servant Eliezer
What did G-d tell Noah to build?
A Teyva (ark)
Who in the Bible had a dream about seven fat cows and seven lean cows?
What graven image did the Israelites create while in the desert?
The Golden (Molten) Calf
Who were Yitzchak’s (Isaac’s) twin sons?
Esav (Esau) and Ya’akov (Jacob)
Who was Ya’akov’s (Jacob’s) youngest son?
Binyamin (Benjamin)
Who named all the animals?
Who was able to interpret and explain Pharaoh’s dream?
Yosef (Joseph)
When the Jews were in the desert, what did they build for G-d to dwell in?
Mishkon (Tabernacle)
How long did Moshe (Moses) stay up on Mount Sinai the first time?
Forty Days
What food did G-d give the Jews to eat in the desert?
Who was Potiphar?
Joseph’s master when he was sold as a slave in Egypt
How old was Avraham (Abraham) when Yitzchak (Isaac) was born?
One hundred years old
Who carved out the stone tablets the second time the Ten Commandments were given?
Moshe (Moses)