Bias and Prejudice Flashcards
If you're having trouble distinguishing actor-observer bias from the fundamental attribution error, or if the nuances of stereotyping versus prejudice seem confusing, this deck is for you!
attribution theory
Refers to the study of how individuals explain the causes of events and the behaviors of others.
Several important MCAT concepts relate to attribution theory, such as the fundamental attribution error.
What are the two main types of attributions?
- situational
- dispositional
These are explanations that people provide for behaviors.
Situational attributions relate to another person’s circumstances, while dispositional attributions relate to their personality or character.
People who engage in the fundamental attribution error underemphasize which type of attributions?
situational attributions
Situational attributions are explanations for another person’s behavior that relate to that person’s current situation or external circumstances.
People who engage in the fundamental attribution error overemphasize which type of attributions?
dispositional attributions
Dispositional attributions are explanations for another person’s behavior that relate to that person’s personality or character traits.
Which concept in psychology and sociology refers to a difference between how we attribute our own behavior and how we attribute the behavior of others?
actor-observer bias
Jenna recently found out that she had gained about 15 pounds since graduating from college. According to the actor-observer bias, how might she attribute this?
situational causes
For example, Jenna might blame her stressful job, the fact that she hasn’t been able to work out lately due to family obligations, or any other circumstance-related cause.
Jenna goes to her high school reunion and sees that an old acquaintance has put on some weight. According to the actor-observer bias, how might she attribute this?
dispositional causes
For example, Jenna might think that her acquaintance has stopped trying to be healthy or eats too much.
Fill in the blank.
A driver is briefly stuck behind an extremely slow-moving car. The driver responds by thinking “This guy can’t drive! He shouldn’t be on the road. What an inconsiderate jerk.” This driver is exhibiting ________________ error.
fundamental attribution
Instead of considering situational factors (for example, maybe the car is malfunctioning mechanically), this driver blames the person’s disposition. This is a classic example of the fundamental attribution error.
Describe the key difference between the actor-observer bias and the fundamental attribution error.
- The actor-observer bias refers to a discrepancy between how we view our own behavior and how we view the behavior of others.
- The fundamental attribution error deals only with how we view the behavior of others.
What is the psychological theory that states we develop attitudes in part by reflecting on our own behavior?
Bem’s self-perception theory
For example, if I work a long day for little pay, I might later reflect on the day and believe that I must have enjoyed the work. This idea that behavior influences attitude goes against the more intuitive idea that attitude influences behavior.
In an experiment based on Bem’s self-perception theory, subjects listened to a person enthusiastically describe a terribly boring task. Half of the subjects were told that he was paid $10 for the task, while the rest were told that he was paid $100. Which group of subjects is likely to believe that he enjoyed the task more?
The group told that he was paid $10.
This is highly similar to Bem’s original experiment. The subjects who believed the enthusiastic man was paid very little for a boring task develop the attitude that he must have really enjoyed it.
Which concept in psychology and sociology refers to a difference between how we attribute our own behavior under good versus bad circumstances?
self-serving bias
Darryl is fired from his job. According to the self-serving bias, how might he attribute this?
situational causes
For example, Darryl might believe that his boss had a grudge against him, that his firing is really the fault of others on his team who didn’t pull their weight, or any other circumstance-related cause.
After being fired, Darryl quickly gets a new job with a slight raise. According to the self-serving bias, how might he attribute this?
dispositional causes
For example, Darryl might think that his interviewer clearly must have recognized how smart and talented he is.
What is the bias that causes individuals to overemphasize dispositional factors when attributing the behavior of others?
fundamental attribution error
The FAE can be distinguished from the similar concept of actor-observer bias in that the FAE deals only with others’ (not our own) behavior.
What is the bias that causes individuals to overemphasize dispositional factors when good things happen to them and situational factors when bad things occur?
self-serving bias
Self-serving bias can be distinguished from the similar concepts of fundamental attribution error and actor-observer bias in that:
- it deals only with ourselves (not others).
- it is the only one of these concepts to involve differing attributions depending on the good or bad nature of the situation.
What is the bias that causes individuals to overemphasize dispositional factors for others’ actions and situational factors for their own actions?
actor-observer bias
Actor-observer bias can be distinguished from the similar concept of fundamental attribution error in that actor-observer bias deals with both others’ and our own behavior.
Fill in the blank.
Most physicians make sure to have a clean office, provide amenities, and dress neatly when meeting with new potential patients. If a physician believes this will help her land new patients, she believes patients will use ________ __ ___ __________ to form their perception of the doctor.
perceptions of the environment
These shape our perceptions of others. Research shows that people are more likely to perceive someone positively if they are in a relaxed, comfortable environment.