BHS Flashcards
Matriarchy v. Patriarchy
M = Female P = Male
People are paid what they’re worth to society
Types of Families
Nuclear, Blended, Extended, Matriarchy
Culture of Poverty
The poor have a different set of norms and values, which makes it harder for them to leave poverty.
Social Darwinism
Only strong groups gain power, while the weak suffer.
“Natural” inequalities.
Prejudice v. Discrimination
Prejudice = attitude Discrimination = acts
Net Worth
Value of assets owned (gross assets).
Total value minus debt owed.
Relative v. Absolute Poverty
Failing to achieve average income enjoyed by the rest of society.
Lack of basic necessities.
Feminization of Poverty
In the welfare system, women (especially single & teen mothers) are accused of dependency on government assistance.
Social Stratification
Ranking of individuals into social strata & groups.
Poverty Threshold
Social Security Administration
Poverty Guidelines
Dept. of Health & Human Services
What are functionalist views on poverty?
Inequality is necessary for social order.
Some are rightly more important.
Uphold norms.
Provides labor pool.
Masculine v. Feminine Welfare
Labor market, unemployment.
Household, food stamps.
What’s the conflict perspective of poverty?
Inevitable Created by those at the top Weber: Income, wealth, prestige, power. Marx: workers, bosses. C. Wright Mills: power elite. William Domhoff: distributive power.
WEB Dubois
1st black to graduate Harvard
Double consciousness.
Plessy v. Ferguson
Allowed separate but equal.
Late 1800s. ‘96?
Thurgood Marshall
1st black Supreme Court justice
Lead attorney on Brown v. Board.
Outlawing interracial marriage.
Staré Decisus Precedence
Let the decision stand.
Henrey Cooley
Looking glass theory.
I get a sense of who I am by how I think you perceive me.
Reasons for racism.
Projection, scape goat, authoritarian, frustration, one drop rule
Types of Institutional Discrimination
Segregation, exclusion, expulsion
Process of aging
Functionalism and race
Solution - assimilation: Cultural Structural Marital Identification Attitude receptional Behavior receptional Civic
Study of aging/elderly
Social Security
New Deal
Mens Rea
Actus Reus
Mala in se
Mala prohibita
Evil in itself
By statue
Lex Talionas
Eye for an eye
Durkheim on crime
Always exist
Pleasure/pain theory
Labeling Theory
Primary deviance
Secondary deviance
Social Control Theory
Involved, peers, fear
Uniform Crime Reports
Repeat offender
Physical traits of criminals
Auguste Comte
Functionalist in the early 1800’s
“Father of Sociology”
Emile Durkheim
Functionalist in the late 1800’s
Thought of “anomie”
Believed that those who are isolated (single, nonreligious), are prone to suicide
Social instability is caused by the erosion between social values
George H. Mead
Harold Garfinkel
Studied people reacting to other people
Karl Marx
Conflict theorist 1800’s
Bourgeoisie v. Proletariat