Beyond Inclusion: Equity in Public Engagement Flashcards
What are the 8 principles of equitable public engagement?
1: Invite participation within an authentic & accountable engagement process
2: Plan early & proactively
3: Establish respectful relationships with Indigenous Peoples
4: Engage the internal diversity of a community
5: Work in reciprocal relationship with communities
6: Tailor engagement plans to the context
7: Commit to ongoing learning and improvement
8: Advance systemic equity
What can the language of “including diverse
people” mask?
Systemic inequities that lie beneath patterns of underrepresentation in public engagement
What can focusing only on “inclusion” in PP perpetuate?
those with power and privilege remaining at the centre of decision-making—engaging the “marginalized” when & if they please.
What is “equity” in public engagement?
- sharing power
- communities & leaders collaborate throughout the planning, implementation & follow-up of engagement to genuinely co-create solutions.
What does Inclusion in PE mean?
to involve people who reflect the demographic, attitudinal and experiential diversity of the communities that may be impacted by a decision.
What does “accessibility” in PE mean?
All members of the communities impacted by a decision can access and fully participate
What does “equity” in PE mean?
provides mutually beneficial opportunities for people to contribute
and is mindful of power and privilege within engagement processes, institutions and broader systems.
What does “intersectionality” mean?
power structures & individual lived experiences are influenced by multiple aspects of an individual’s identity & social location, including gender, race, socioeconomic background, age and disability.
What does “marginalized” mean?
Groups of people who face historic and/or ongoing barriers to participating in the civic sphere due to socioeconomic inequities, lack of political rights or recognition, or other forms of oppression, discrimination or persecution.
What is Principle 1: Invite participation within an authentic
and accountable engagement process?
- No pre-determined conclusions or expected outcomes
- Decision-makers genuinely interested in the public’s input
- Responsive to what they hear
- Follow through with commitments
- Communicate outcomes transparently to foster trust
What is Principle 2: Plan early and proactively?
Design engagement plan with the aim of maximizing inclusion and equity.
Anticipate & address inequities or potential barriers to participation
What is P3: Establish respectful relationships with Indigenous Peoples?
Work in a spirit of reconciliation
Acknowledge & equitably address the impacts of past and present-day colonialism
Honour & centre Indigenous knowledge & worldviews
Foster trusting, reciprocal & collaborative relationships
What is P4: Engage the internal diversity of a community?
Community members may hold very different perspectives on an issue & may face different barriers to participation.
Apply an intersectional approach to hear from diverse members who may be impacted by a decision.
What is P5: Work in reciprocal relationship with communities?
Engagement that’s founded on trusting, respectful, collaborative & reciprocal relationships with communities.
Dedicating time & resources to relationship building
Sharing power to co-create mutually beneficial & accessible processes.
What’s P6: Tailor engagement plans to the context?
Tailoring engagement plans to suit the particular topic, objectives, location, available resources, key audiences and individual participant needs.
Distribute resources equitably to meet the needs of those who face the greatest barriers to participation.