best laid plans Flashcards
Donna badthing act 2
Peacock stole the lead from her in an oscar winning movie called “it happened one night” she had been cast by frank Cappa himself but peacock slept with him and stole the role
Makes toast
Donna badthing act 1
Lead in loneliest butterfly famous starlett
Donna act 3
Used to date Greenspan to start her career. She hated peacock and was dating Greenspan but why is warren producing a movie if he wants to die?
Donna detective
“Everyone suspects you as you have a grudge against peacock for stealing your role in the oscar award winning movie, but I heard you have learned something about another suspect here tonight
(Mary Katen Ashleen was at peacocks house the night she died)
Mary katen ashleen act 1
Production assistant on loneliest butterfly.
“If warren dies will you still have a job? Also why would he be planning a movie and die in the middle of production?”
Mary katen ashlee Act2
Warren asked you to bring a copy of the loneliest butterfly to peacocks but you tripped and dropped books, saw her sitting in the chair, didn’t want her to see you so you bolted.
You know the payroll for the loneliest butterfly and the lead actor Lee has been getting paid for months and is getting paid tonight and production hasn’t even started
DT: overheard a phone call between peacock and sleazy seems they were having a affair
Mary katen Ashlee act 3
Knocked over a bunch of glasses in the kitchen and mixed them all up but warrens glass had already left
Mary- final line up
Very interesting Mary; is it true you were at miss peacocks house the night she died, could you tell us what happened? (Should say she was sent there to bring her a copy of the loneliest butterfly but tripped and saw her sitting in a chair so you bolted away cause you didn’t want her to see you)
I understand you have a cousin in law enforcement who gave you an interesting clue- care to share (should say he broke up a dispute between Greenspan and peacock, they were having a affair and he threatened to kill her)
Professor purple Act 1
Greenspan was going to be fired by his bank if he did not fund warren peaces movie. Also heard rumors about Greenspan and peacock. You usually don’t like Hollywood types, however warren peace offered you a lot of money to make the loneliest butterfly into a movie so you didn’t turn him down
Pro purple Act2
Prissy was blackmailing him because she ghostwrote his autobiography. She wrote most of it and kept copies with her name on it to blackmail you
Pro purple act 3
On the night she died he broke into her house to try and steal the copies she had of the loneliest butterfly. He saw her dead in her chair and ran.
Also knows about Peace’s tax evasion
Pro purple final sentencing
So professor, your not quite the genius you claim you are. I’ve heard that miss peacock ghostwrote your books and was blackmailing you is this right? I also heard you found out some interesting info about Greenspan. (Gives info about how Greenspan wanted to know which drink was warrens and paid Jarvis the butler a handsome fee for Jarvis to tell him. Jarvis told him and cherry bomb about this.)
Jarvis deedit Act 1
Only person who knows what warren looks like
Friends with pro purple and cherry bomb, greenspan approached you and made you an offer that if you told him which drink was warrens he would pay you, you think he’s going to poison it/ you didn’t know what to do so you asked cherry and purple for advice
Jarvis deedit Act2
Knows that the person pretending to be the detective is the one who needs to die not the one calling himself warren peace is not peace
DT: oola la has poison in her purse
Jarvis deedit Act3
You took the money from Greenspan and told him which drink was his but the drinks got mixed up and green died, you don’t know how this happened
Jarvis final sentencing
So Jarvis is what the professor said true? (He should admit yes he took the money and showed him which glass and hid the poison in oola las purse) So because you failed all your guilty of is poor service. Besides we aren’t here to solve warrens murder we’re here to solve green and peacocks. Perhaps the deal went south and you killed him instead?
Cherry bomb Act1
From Ohio, Columbus. Only friends in LA are Peacock who is her mentor and Jarvis the butler.
Jarvis asked you something unsettling, you didn’t have an answer
Cherry Bomb Act2
Knew peacock was a tramp who would step on anyone to get what she wants. Heard talk of her sleeping with Greenspan and sleazy McQueen
Last week found out warren peace was planning to replace your role in the loneliest butterfly with peacock.
DT: found out peacock slept with McQueen and Greenspan
Cherry bomb Act3
Found out from Jarvis that your role was stolen through devious means. Warren peace had no choice but to give her the part because greenpeace threatened to cut funding unless he gave peacock the part
Cherry Bomb final sentencing
You were close to miss peacock so you know anyone here you think was an enemy?
(Should say Donna badthing was cast as the lead but prissy stole the part by sleeping with the director)
Sleazy mcqueen
Casting director of “loneliest butterfly”
In a relationship with dr sarah but had an affair with peacock
Sleazy McQueen Act2
Knew the whole cast but Lee isn’t here tonight and that’s a little odd
Overheard the butler talking to professor purple and cherry bomb. Overheard about greenspans interwst in the drink.
Also peacock was dating Greenspan too and knows she got Greenspan to to blackmail warren for the part
Sleazy detective
You don’t seem all that bothered by everything that has happened today. I heard you had a history with peaccok and you were hiding that from your girlfriend. Were you aware she also had a thing going with Greenspan? He also changed your casting suggestions for the loneliest butterfly I could see that really getting under your skin well lets talk to her shall we
Dr. Sarah Dippity Act1
Been paid to announce warren dead
Dr. Sarah Dippity Act 2
Knew peacock was sleeping with Greenspan
Dating sleazy
Recognizes the gun in the photos as the same you’ve seen with Greenspan using at the gun range
Dr. Sarah Dippity Act3
Peacock had a fling with sleazy but is now with Greenspan. Heard pro purple wasn’t the real author of the butterfly
Detective time doctor
You are quite the sharpshooter is that right? Peacock slept with her man are you glad she’s dead? Do you have anything to say to him? (She proposes) (yes- well at least some happiness was found here tonight!) (no- I might rethink that if I were you she knows how to use a scalpel)