Bereavement from a spiritual and cultural lens Flashcards
What are five benefits of bereavement rituals?
Increases a sense of control over events and feelings
rituals reach where words cannot
provides an opportunity to remember, honor, and stay connected to the person or life event
gives structure to grief
uses different senses for expression
increases community and belongingness
marks anniversaries and other special dates
helps externalize deep emotions
promotes catharsis
Effective rituals are_
Invited, not imposed
Planned, implemented, and processed
Age and developmentally appropriate
Meaningful to the participants
Engage the bereaved in symbolic expression
craft a story
Rituals of Continuity
Honors the continuing bond
Rituals of Transition
Changes in the grief process
Rituals of reconciliation
Takes care of “unfinished business”
Rituals of affirmation
Communication of thanks and support
Rituals of intensification
Emphasizes connections with others in a group who have experienced the same issue.
The best way to break down cultural barriers is to__
Be sensitive to the various components that constitute any culture.
What are the components that constitute a culture?
beliefs in healers and folk medicine
social and gender roles
responses to pain
What are the five culturally competent practices?
- Self-awareness
- Awareness, understanding, and appreciation of difference
- Dynamics of difference
- Knowledge of client’s culture
- Adaptation of skills
What does it mean to practice self-awareness?
- Recognize the influence of your own culture when dealing with others
- Acknowledge issues of power and control
- Ongoing examination of oneself
What does it mean to practice Awareness, understanding, and appreciation of difference?
- Acknowledge differences
- Gain awareness of differences
- Identify common needs and how they will be met
How do you practice dynamics of difference?
- Understand that misjudged reactions are often based on past experience and learned behavior
- Understand that a client’s history has an influence on their view of the world.
- Understand Interaction is “two way” (client and provider)
How do you practice knowledge of the client’s culture?
- Understand behavior from a cultural stand point
- Assess what knowledge may be helpful in assisting the client with the helping process
- Know who to ask for information
- Locate resources
- If unsure, just ask!
How do you practice adaptation to skills?
- Make adaptions in your interventions appropriate for the client’s culture.
- Improve your practice skills by having a broader experience
- Understand that cultural competence improves with time and experience.
What are the issues of spirituality/
-Respecting and honoring all religious beliefs
- keep your own beliefs in check
- Assess the client’s spiritual needs
- Refer the client for spiritual counseling, if needed.