Benzene and aromatics Flashcards
Structure of benzene?
six sp2 hybrisidsed carbon atoms link together to form a planar ring, all six C bond angles equal to 120 degrees, all same length bond. Each sp2 carbon has an unhybridised p orbital at right angles to plane of the ring containing a single electron. P orbitals are parallel and close enough to overlap side on, pi electrons. Overallping produces two continuous rings of pi electrons above and below the plane of the benzene ring, electrons are delocalised.
Why does benzene not have alternating double and single bonds?
In the Kekule structure the three C=C bond would be shorter than the thing C-C bonds but all sic bonds in benzene are the same length
In the Kekule structure the three C=C bond would be expected to react with electrophiles in addition reactions however benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions
Beneze is more stable than the Kekule structure suggests, because p electrons are delocalised around the ring rather than being localised in three pi bonds
How can stability of benzene be measured?
By measuring enthalpy changes that occur on hydrogenation of cyclohexene, cylochexa-1,3-diene and benzene
Hydrogenation of cyclohexane?
Hydrogenation of cyclohexene is exothermic because two C-H bonds are formed in cyclohexane and these bonds are stronger than the C=C and H-H bonds that are broken, more energy realised when bonds are formed than when broken.
Hydrogenation of cylochexa-1,3-diene?
Hydrogenation of cylochexa-1,3-diene is about double this
Hydrogenation of Kekule structure?
Applying this to the Kekule structure you would expect the hydrogenation to be -360 KJmol-1 but it is actually a lot less than this, benzene is actually more stable than the Kekule structure, the difference between the two enthalpy changes is 152KJmol-1, this is called the resonance energy or the delocalisation energy of benzene
Stability of benzene?
Stability is due to the delocalisation of the electrons in the ring and this is an example of resonance, the two Kekule structures are the resonance forms of benzene
When is a molecules aromatic?
Must be:
Planar (allow overlap of p orbitals)
Contained an uninterrupted ring of pi electrons
Number of pi electrons must be equal to 4n+2 (Huckels rule)
Conjugated cyclic hydrocarbons, benzene [6]annulene and [14]annulene are both aromatic they are both planar and they have 6 and 14 pi electrons. An expectational case in [10] annulene which should be aromatic since it has 10 pi electrons but is unstable because of a combination of steric and angle strain
Heteroatoms can be part of the ring in some compounds a lone pair of electrons on the heteroatom is part of the ring of pi electrons, eg in pyrrole lone pairs electron on nitrogen is in a p orbital that is part of the pi ring system, contrast to pyridine where the one pair on the nitrogen is not part of the pi ring system
Aromatic compounds can be neutral or charged, eg in C5H5- two electrons on the negatively charged carbon are in a p orbital that is part of the pi ring system
Antiaromatic compounds?
Compounds containing 4n pi electrons are antiarotmatic,
Non aromatic compounds?
Cyclic molecules that are nonplanar and have an interrupted or uninterrupted ring of pi electrons are nonaromatic compounds, similar stability to related compounds that are not cyclic
MO theory for benzene?
Six p orbitals combine to form six MOs, the three lower energy MOs which have lower energies than the six p AOs are the bonding MOs, notice that two of the bonding MOs have the same energy. The three higher energy MOs are anti bonding orbitals
Electrons in MOs?
Each MO can accommodate two electrons if the spins of the electrons are opposed so adding the six electrons to the MOs starting with the lower energy molecules orbital results in all three bonding MOs being filled. The three higher antibonding MOs are empty. Because all three bonding MOs are filled benzene is said to have a closed bonding shell and it is this that makes benzene so stable
Frost circle?
Simple way to find reactive differences in energy between the MOs
How does benzene react?
Electron rich benzene ring reacts with strong electrophiles in substitution rather than addition, in an electrophilic substitution reaction an atom or group of atoms replaces a hydrogen atom on the benzene ring so that the product retains the stab aromatic ring.
Why does benzene not react in addition reactions?
The aromatic ring would be destroyed and the products would be much less stable than benzene
What happens in substitution reactions?
In step 1 which is the slower step of the reaction two electrons from the aromatic ring of benzene are attracted towards the electrophile, the aromaticity is broken as a new C-E bond forms and this produces a none aromatic carbocation, although the carbocation is not aromatic it is stabilised by resonance, the three resonance forms contribute to the resonance hybrid and show the delocalisation of the electrons in the carbocation, in step 2 the carbocation loses a proton usually by reacting with a base and the two electrons in the C-H bond move into the ring to restore aromaticity. The non aromatic carbocation always loses the H+ from the carbon atom that forms a bonds to the electrophile, overall the electrophilic substitution of benzene produces a substituted benzene
Why is the first step of the electrophilic substitution slow?
Because the Gibbs energy of activation for formation of the intermediate carbocation is much greater than the Gibbs energy of activation for deprotonation of the carbocation
Why does the intermediate carbocation have a much higher Gibbs energy than the reactants or the products?
Because the carbocation is non aromatic whereas benzene and the substituted benzene are aromatic
Gibbs energy change overall for reaction?
Negative as energy of products is less than that of the reactants so the products will be favoured over reactants at equilibrium
Step 1 of halogenation of benzene?
A brome atom in Br2 donates a pair of electrons to the Lewis acid to form a coordinated complex. The halogen atom that donated the electrons becomes positively charged and the Br-Br bond becomes polarised the pair of electrons in the Br-Br bond is attracted to the positive charge and this produces a partial positive charge on the single bonded bromine atom. By forming a complex with the Lewis acid, the Br2 is converted into a stronger electrophile, without the lewis acid Br2 does not react with benzene
Step 2 of halogenation of benzene?
Benzene acts as a nucleophile and attacks the partially positive bromine atom in the coordination complex, this produces a non aromatic carbocation together with [FeBr4]-
Step 3 of halogenation of benzene?
[FeBr4]- removes proton from the nonaromatic carbocation the aromatic ring is reformed to give bromobenzene together with HBr and FeBr3 since the FeBr3 is regenerated it acts as a catalysts for the bromination of benzene
What reactants are used for bromination of benzene?
What reactants are used for chlorination of benzene?
Cl2/FeCl3 or Cl3/AlCl3
Why problems with fluorination of benzene?
Fluorine reacts extremely rapidly with benzene and it is difficult to control the number of fluorine atoms that’s are introduced on the benzene ring, a number of fluorination products are formed so the reaction is not used in synthesis
Why problems with iodination of benzene?
Does not react with benzene, requires an oxidising agent
Reactants needed for nitration of benzene?
Concentrated nitric acid HNO3 and concentrated sulphuric acid H2SO4
Step 1 of nitration of benzene?
Sulphuric acids donates a proton to nitric acid in an acid base reaction
Step 2 of nitration of benzene?
The protonated OH group of nitric acid provides a good leaving group, loss of H2O produces a +NO2 ion which is a strong electrophile
Step 3 of nitration of benzene?
Benzene donates a pair of electrons to the +NO2 ion to form a nonaromatic carbocation intermediate two electrons move form the benzene ring to form a new C-N bond and at the same time a pair of pi electrons in one of the N=O bonds in the nitronium ion moves onto one of the O atoms
Step 4 of nitration of benzene?
Water deprotonates the carbocation to form nitrobenzene together with H3O+
Reactants needed for suffocation of benzene?
Fuming sulphuric acid (oleum), mixture of H2SO4 and SO3
Step 1 of sulfonation of benzene?
Sulphuric acid rects with sulphur trioxide in an acid base reaction the protonated sulfur trioxide molecules is a strong electrophile because the electrons in the S=+OH bond are attracted to the positive charge and this produces a partial positive charge on the sulfur atom
Step 2 of sulfonation of benzene?
The HSO3+ ion react with benzene to form a nonaromatic carbocation two electrons move from the benzene ring to form a new C-S bond and at the same time a pair of electrons in the S=+OH bond moves to the positively charged oxygen
Step 3 of sulfonation of benzene?
The -OSO3H ion deprotonates the carbocation to form benzenesulfonic acid and regenerate sulphuric acid
Reverse of sulfonation?
All steps are reversible in the sulfonation of benzene unlike other electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, when benzenesulfonic acid is heated with dilute sulphuric acid the reverse reaction occurs and benzenesulfonic acid is converted into benzene in a desulfonation reaction
Mechanism of desulfonisation of benzene?
Starts by protonation of the aromatic ring of benzenesulfonic acid to give a nonaromatic carbocation in step 1, in step 2 the carbocation loses the HSO3+ ion to form benzene. The HSO3+ ion could then react with benzene to reform benzenesulfonic acid but in dilute sulphuric acid it is more likely to react with water in step 3, to give sulphuric acid in step 4 this is because dilute sulphuric acid contains a relatively high concentration of water and is a stronger nucleophile than benzene
Alkylation of benzene?
Reactions of benzene with chloro or bromo alkanes and a Lewis acid catalysts such as AlCl3, FeCl3 or FeBr3 produces alkylbenzenes in Friedel Crafts alkylation reactions.
Step 1 of alkylation of benzene with a primary chloroalkane?
In step 1 the primary chloroalkane reacts with AlCl3 to form a coordination complex, by forming a coordination complex with the Lewis acid the primary chloroalkane is converted into a stronger electrophile because the electrons in the C-Cl bond of the coordination complex are strongly attracted to the positively charged chlorine
Step 2 of alkylation of benzene with a primary chloroalkane?
Benzene attacks the partially positive carbon atom in the complex to produce a nonaromatic carbocation together with [AlCl4]-
Step 3 of alkylation of benzene with a primary chloroalkane?
[AlCl4]- removes a proton from the nonaromatic carbocation to give an alkylbeonznene together with HCl and AlCl3 since AlCl3 is regenerated it acts as a catalyst for alkylation of benzene
Step 1 of alkylation of benzene with a secondary or tertiary chloroalkane?
The coordination complex formed by region of a secondary or tertiary chloroalkane with AlCl3 in step one usually break down to form a carbocation and [AlCl4]- in step 2. The secondary or tertiary carbocation is a strong electrophile and in step 3 two electrons move from the benzene ring to the carbocation, the mechanism is then the same as for the reaction with a primary chloroalkane
Why are tertiary or secondary carbocations more stable?
he rate of formation of the carbocation from the coordination complex depends on the stability of the carbocation. As tertiary carbocation are more stable than seocdar and particularly primary carbocation tertiary carbocation are formed more raptly from coordination complexes
Rearrangements in Fridel Crafts alkylations and polyalkylation?
Generally gives more than one product particularly when using chloro or bromo alkanes and this restricts the use of the reaction is synthesis
What is one reason why Friedel Crafts give so many products?
The intermediate coordination complex rearranges. Primary carbocation can undergo a 1,2-hydride shift to from a secondary carbocation, it is this secondary carbocation that reacts with benzene. The driving force for the 1,2-hydride shift is the stability of the secondary carbocation. Because the coordination complex has a partial positive charge on a primary carbon atom the coordination complex resembles a primary carbocation and the coordination complex undergoes a 1,2-hydride shift to produce a more stable secondary carbocation, conversation of the coronation to the secondary carbocation is described as a rearrangement and the substituted benzene formed from the second carbocation is called the rearrangement product
What is second reason why Friedel Crafts give so many products?
Polyalylation takes place, difficult to introduce just one alkyl substituent on to a benzene ring because replacing a H atom by an electron donating alkyl substituent makes the ring more nucleophilic and therefore more reactive to further electrophilic substitution There comes a point when the size of the alkyl substituents on the benzene ring hinders the approach of the coordination complex so it is extremely difficult to substitute all six hydrogen atoms on benzene for butyl groups, the maximum number of alkyl groups that are introduced will depend on the size of the groups and the reaction conditions
Acylation of benzene?
Reaction of benzene with acyl chlorides and a Lewis acid typically FeCl3 and AlCl3 produces acylbenzenes in Friedel Crafts acylation reactions
Step 1 and 2 of the acylation of benzene?
The acyl chloride reacts with AlCl3 to form a coordination complex which breaks down in step 2 to form an acylium ion and [AlCl4]-
Step 3 of the acylation of benzene?
The positively charged acylium ion is stabilised by resonance it is a stronger electrophile than the acyl chloride so the asylum ion reacts with benzene in step 3 to produce a nonaromatic carbocation
Step 4 of the acylation of benzene?
In step 4 [AlCl4]- removes a proton from the nonaromatic carbocation to give an acylbenzene together with HCl and AlCl3
Step 5 of the acylation of benzene?
The regenerated AlCl3 forms a coordination complex with the acylbenzene
Step 6 of the acylation of benzene?
When the reaction is completed water is added to the reaction mixture in step 6 AlCl3 is hydrolysed to Al(oh)3 and the acylbenzene is realised from the complex
How to covert benzene into benzaldehyde?
Requires reaction with the acylium ion, however it cannot be bored from HCOCl and AlCl2 because HCOCl is not readily viable as it is highly unstable. To overcome this problem a mixture of benzene CO, HCl and AlCl3 is reacted under high pressure in the Gattermann Koch reactions. At high pressure these reactants produce the acylium ion which then reacts with benzene to form benzaldehyde
How many products does acylation form?
Only one acylbenzene product, this is because acylium ion do not rearrange, also an acylbenzene is less reactive to electrophilic substitution than benzene because the acyl group is electron withdrawing so the only product from acylation of benzene is the unrearranged monoacylated benzene - therefore it is more useful synthetically than alkylation
Clemmensen reduction?
Acylbenzene can be reacted with a reducing agent that converted the C=O bond into a CH2 group, a common reducing agent for this transformation is an acidic solution of zinc dissolved in mercury