Benign Tumors of the Jaws Flashcards
Torus Palatinus
Bony protuberance (hyperostosis)
Middle third of midline of hard palate
20% of pop greater in women
Well defined and radiopaque
20s to 30s
Torus Mandibularis
Usually women, lingual to premolars
Develops in older patients
Enostosis - Idiopathic Osteosclerosis
Localized growths of compact bone extending from endosteal surface of cortical bone into cancellous bone in mandibular premolar-molar region
Enostosis - Idiopathic Osteosclerosis Radiographic Features
Isolated areas of radiopacities. May grow periapically as dense homogeneous bones.
Vital tooth, self limiting
Odontogenic Keratocystic Tumor (OKC)
From cells of dental lamina
Epithelium is keratinized w/ inherent growth
Cyst contains a cheesy material
OKC Clinical Features
2nd-3rd decade
More in males
More in posterior mandible
No symptoms typically w/ high propensity for recurrence
OKC Radio Features
Usually post body of mandible
May surround crown of unerupted tooth (may look like dentigerous cyst)
Well defined and corticated, may have scalloping
Unilocular or multilocular radiolucency
OKC Radio features continued
Usually grow antero-posteriorly w/ minimal expansion (body of mandible)
Upper ramus = lots of expansion
Can displace and resorb roots
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (NBCCS)
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
Young in life
Mutation in Patched gene (chromsome 9q)
Multiple OKCs
Calcification of Falx cerebri
More in men 20-50 years
Posterior mandible
Ameloblastoma Radio Features
Molar/ramus region
Well defined, corticated
Extensive root resorption!!!
Expand and displace
Recurrent Ameloblastoma
Multilocular with very coarse sclerotic cortical margins
Adenamatoid Odontogenic Tumor (AOT)
More in females
5-50 years
Slow growing swelling
AOT Radiographic Features
Usually seen anterior maxilla esp canines! (Looks like dentigerous cysts sometimes)
Well defined borders
Radiopacities/calcifications!!! in 75%, 25% radiolucent
D, E, RR
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (CEOT)
Looks like AOT but calcification is right on crown
Pindborg tumor
More in men
Jaw expansion
More in mandible - premolar/molar
Well-defined/diffuse borders
Radiolucent w/ radiopacties close to teeth
D, E, RR
Most common odontogenic tumor
2nd decade
May interfere w/ eruption of permanent teeth
Compound (lots of small teeth) or Complex (mass of tooth like densities)
Ameloblastic Fibroma/Fibro-dontoma
5-20 years
Associated with missing teeth
Ameloblastic Fibroma/Fibro-dontoma Radio Features
Premolar-molar region of mandible
Well-defined, corticated
Associated teeth may not erupt or pushed apically
Odontogenic Myxoma
Looks and behaves like amelloblastoma
More in females 10-30
Associated w/ missing teeth
High recurrence
Odontogenic Myxoma Radio features
Has very straight septations in multilocular borders
Benign Cementoblastoma
More in males
Slow growing, eventually displace teeth
Tooth may be painful
Benign Cementoblastoma Radio features
Mand premolar-molar teeth
Well-defined radiopacity around root w/ radiolucent halo
May resorb roots