Benign Gyne Lesions Flashcards
gray-white tumors, difcult to distnguish them from
Histologically, two principal components:
1. Solid masses or nests of uniform epithelial cells
(similar to uroepithelium)
2. Surrounding fbrous stroma
Brenner tumor
Grossly: heavy, solid, well encapsulated, and grayish white;
majority are edematous
Cut secton: homogeneous white or yellowish white solid tssue
with a trabeculated or whorled appearance similar to myomas
The surface of an afected ovary is ofen irregular, puckered, and
scarred and replaces the normal ovarian tssue
Most are asymptomatc
Pelvic pain, dyspareunia, infertlity
Grossly: walls are a shiny, smooth, opaque white color
Cut secton: thick sebaceous fuid pours, ofen with tangled
masses of hair and frm areas of cartlage and teeth Sebaceous
material is a thick fuid at body temperature but solidifes when it
cools in room air
Dermoid Cyst
Grossly: maybe voluminous, multple gray- bluish tnged thin
walled locules (HONEYCOMB APPEARANCE) containing straw
colored or hemorrhagic fuid
Theca Lutein Cyst
Grossly: smooth surface with areas of purplish red to brown hemorrhages
Cut Secton: the convoluted lining is yellowish orange, and the center contains an organizing blood clot
Corpus Luteum Cyst
Translucent, thin-walled dome on ovarian cortex
Filled with a watery , clear to straw - colored fuid
Lining: closely packed layer of round, plump granulosa cells, with
the spindle-shaped cells of the Theca interna deeper in the stroma
Follicular cyst
Grossly: globular enlargement of the uterus, with prominent
trabeculae and multple foci of hemorrhages
- grows by direct extension and grossly appears like a “SPAGHETTI” TUMOR - only 25% extend beyond the broad ligament
Intravenous Leiomyomatosis
- benign small nodules over the surface of the pelvis and abdominal peritoneum
Leiomyomatosis Peritonealis
Diagnosis: Enlarged, frm, irregular uterus on palpaton Mobility of the pelvic mass as part of the uterus
Grossly: the surface is homogenous with loss of the whorled
patern Histologically: the cellular detail is lost as the smooth muscle cells
are replaced by fbrous CT
HYALINE degeneration
Globular and mildly tender uterus Diagnosis:
o confrmed by ultrasound and release of dark brown
blood from the cervical os upon probing with a narrow
metal dilator
Ultrasound: Well-defned, uniformly hyperechoic mass that is
less than 2cm in diameter, within the endometrial cavity
What population is primarily affected by urethral caruncles?
Postmenopausal and premenarchal females
What causes urethral caruncles to develop?
Decreased estrogen leading to ectropion of the posterior urethral wall
What histological features are seen in urethral caruncles?
Transitional and stratified squamous epithelium with loose connective tissue and large dilated veins
What symptoms are associated with urethral caruncles?
Dysuria, frequency, urgency, and point tenderness
How are small asymptomatic urethral caruncles managed?
No treatment is necessary
Where do Bartholin glands open into?
Vulvar vestibule at 5 and 7 o’clock positions
What is the estimated lifetime risk of Bartholin duct cysts?
Approximately 2%
How are non-inflamed Bartholin duct cysts treated?
They do not require treatment unless causing discomfort
What type of epithelium lines Skene duct cysts?
Non-specific epithelium, typically cuboidal
What is the most common benign vulvar lesion?
Epidermal cyst (epidermoid cyst)
What are common characteristics of epidermal cysts?
Firm, nontender, slow-growing, located in hair-bearing areas
What is the second most common malignancy arising in the vulva?
What is the typical age for vulvar melanoma diagnosis?
Around 68 years
What percentage of malignant melanomas arise from a preexisting nevus?