Benign Bone Tumors (DX imaging) Flashcards
- MC BBT of the appendicular skeleton
- pedunculated AKA coat hanger exostosis AKA cauliflower (or mushroom)-like
- or sessile AKA broad based
- multiple osteochondromas= HME (hereditary multiple exostosis)
- 20% under go malignancy
Unicameral Bone Cyst (UBC) AKA Simple Bone Cyst (SBC)
- Dia/Meta location
- CENTRALLY located
- FLUID filled tumor
- does NOT cause bone expansion
- <20yoa
- assoc. w/ “fallen fragment” sign
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC)
-Dia/Meta location
-ECCentrically located
-BLOOD filled tumor
-CAN expand the bone
-“finger in balloon”/blister of bone appearance
[**only one to cross epiphyseal growth center!]
Giant Cell Tumor (GCT)
-Epi/Meta location
-“soap bubble appearance”/saponaceous
[>case mgmnt: -surgical consult, curettage, refer for biopsy, refer to orthopedist]
- Epi/Meta
- <20yoa
Osteoid Osteoma
- *causes bone expansion
- night pain relieved with APIRIN
- radiolucent NIDUS w/severe reactive sclerosis
Brodie’s Abscess AKA Chronic Osteomyelitis
- night pain relieved by ASPIRIN
- appears like osteoid osteoma
MC BBT of the HAND
- stippled (tiny white dots) appearance
- mult. = OLLIER’S disease (->10-50% malignant)
- w/ST calcification= MAFFUCCI’S syndrome
- MC BBT of the SPINE
- vasular neoplasm (over proliferation of blood vessels in medulla)
- vertical striations AKA “corduroy cloth” AKA “jail bar”
- if seen in ever VB = osteoporosis
- can cause: VB expansion, skull enlargement & spinal stenosis
- case mngmnt: -refer to ortho., continue ADL, adj. to pt. tolerance
-bone island
- mult. bone islands (tiny white dots, symm in size/shape)
- *MC in: humerus, pelvis, hands, feet
- NO labs (incidental finding & asymp.)
- DDX: Giant Cell Tumor & ABC)
- *MC BBT to affect NEURAL ARCH
- case mgmnt: surgical curettage & excision, radiation
- NOT resolved: spinal canal stenosis, decr. vibration sense, spinal cord compression
- *MC BBT to affect the SKULL
- MC found in the FRONTAL sinus
- best see on the CALDWELL projection
Fibrous Dysplasia
- most asymp.
- bowing deformities
- assoc. w/ “rind sign” (thick sclerotic border)
- deformity: “saber shin tibia”/”sheppard’s crook”
- “ground glass” appearance
- “cafe au lait” (hyper-pigmented, NON-elevated macules)
- w/”coast of MAINE” appearance (jagged, irregular borders)
- present with Scoliosis, cervical Kyphosis
- IVF enlargement
- “cafe au lait” spots
- w/”Coast of California” appearance (smooth edges)
Purpose of taking cervical oblique?
to see the IVF
2 conditions causing bone deformity:
1-Fibous Dysplasia
2-Paget’s (medulla whiter on X-ray than adjacent ST)