beneficence Flashcards
Even doing something self-sacrificial you are still doing things that will better you in some way
is / ought fallacy
ethics has to be universal -some doctors cannot sell sample drugs at a profit but some can
Fallacy that applies it eh is/out fallacy.
Maximise utility = happineess & pleasure even with immoral action
bene = good, face = to do
an ideal or principle of conduct requires use to act in a way that benefits others. Trying to disocver what something it = values clarification
produce a good or avoid a harm.
Utility is…
pleasure & absence of pain.
One thing that benefits someone is harmfull to the next
J.S mills
Classical theory of value is that avoiding bad things or creating good things is beneficial.
Beneficence vs. non-maleficence
Beneficence is trying to improve someones situation (increase happiness or decrease unhappiness) where as non-malefience is not decreasing happiness or increasing unhappiness. SIs not making the situation worse, even when you may not be able to make it better.
Non maleficence example
Non-invasive surgery will not decrease happiness as much as cutting the person open completely..
examples of beneficence
Giving pain meds, warm blank
CNA code
Both beneficence & non-maleficence
when resources are not available to provide meal care, nurses collaborate with other to adjust priorities and minimize harm
this is nonmalefiecnet
nurses planning on taking job action, takes steps to safeguard the health & safety of people during the job action
Malefeicne b/c you aren’t doing anything above and beyond
nurses work to prevent & minimize all forms of violence by anticipating & dressing the risk of violent situations by collaborating with others to establish preventative measures
this is non-malefiencet. Protective only
nurses provide care directed first & foremost toward the health & well being of the person, family or community
nurses collaborate with other provides to MAXIMIZE benefits to the persons receiving the care
what benefits someone?
Good intentions constitute an important aspect of beneficence but so does the ability to produce good outcomes. Both are reflected in the notion of care.
The same act done in a caring way has quite different consequences
Epicurus on death
does as far as to argue that death is not harmful to anyone who dies.
Epicurus on death!
“Grow accustomed to the belief that death his nothing to us, since every good & evil lie in sensation. However deaths the deprivation of sensation. Therefore, correct understanding that death is nothing to us makes mortal life enjoyable… For there is nothing dreadful in life for the man who had truly comprehending that there is nothing terrible about not living”
Epicurus on death again
“what is no trouble when it arrives is an idle worry in anticipation? death therefore - the most dreadful of evils - is nothing to use since while we exist, death is not present & when death is present, we do not exist. It is nothing to the living or the dead since it does not exist for the living & the dead no longer ar”
Epicurosis stance on the non-harm of death descends from
the nature of benefit & from his theory of value. If you die there’s no need to worry too much.
We recognize pleasure ( the opposite of fear & pain)
As the first good & as inborn, it is from this that we begin every choice & every avoidance.
what is the good at which healthcare workers primarily aims?
A plausible general answer in the healthcare context is that HEALTH is the main mode of beneficentce… So the principle of beneficence is a commitment to benefitting the health of the patient & the principle of non malefieicne is a commitment to avoiding harming the health of the patient
Ontic issues are..
about what exists.AKA ontology
Health can be:
Narrowly defiend: so that it is a biological property (healthy if all organs are working properly)
Broadly defined: “includes matters of lifestyle & psychosocial considerations” Physiologically & Mental heath”
who should gain??
we tend to think of the principle of beneficence in terms of benefitting the patient.
should nurses aim to benefit other stakeholders??? the broader community as well? Consider INSITE… recognize the broader scope of beneficence can create moral dilemmas b/c benefiting one party can mean harming another!!!
Benefitting others at harm to self…
The nurse doesn’t want to take care of the homeless man….
Working overtime to cover a co-worker with the flu…..
advocating at risk to your job….
now a days…
nurses need to ensure that mangers & employers do not exploit their commitment to the well-being of their patients & do not normalize situations that are stressful & put them at risk. Every nurse must strike some reasonable balance between the duty or wish to promote good & self concern.
NO FORMULA CAN STIPULATE IN ADVANCW OF WHAT THIS BALANCE HSOULD BE. Utilitarian principle of equality -> everyone counts for one. Keep yourself in mind
the order of goodness
1) mean to benefit someone & you do
2) Might accidentally benefit someone or mean to benefit & don’t
3) don’t mean to benefit & you don’t
beneficence sometimes entails us to do..
things we would rather not do
How do we know what our duties are??
professional ethics & promise
according to tihis vein the duties of a professional stem form a contract between profession & society. Society confers certain rights & privileges on nurses “fiduciary duty: meaning it derives from a trust that the professions will use their skills & powers in the service of their patients.
nurses have been entrusted to act for the benefit of patient & patients expect this
The sacrifice, effort & duty will depend on ..
the specific context
what constitutes a reasonable balance is
between the nurse & their conscience
the man who wells among immoral blessings
is not like a moral being
Principal doctrines
1) The blessed & immortal is itself free form trouble nor does it cause trouble for anyones. therefore it is not constrained either by anger or by favour. For such sentiments on exist in the weak.
2) Death is nothing to us. For what has been dispersed has no sensation &what has no sensation is nothing to use
3) The limit of the extent of pleasure is the removal of all pain.
Wherever pleasure is present, for however long a time, there can be no pain or grief of both at once.
4) Pain doe snot dwell continuously in the flesh. Extreme pain is present but only for a very brief time. That which barely exceeds bodily pressures continue no more than a few day. But chronic illness allows greater pleasure than pain in the flesh.