Beloved Community Family Flashcards
William Little
Goes to valley view elementary as 9 year
Old and plays running back for football (8/4/24)
Taj Little
Plays point guard at metro tech high school and hopes next year to start digital photography program-hoping to be producer someday (14 as of 8/4/24)
Michael and Jolean Leflore
Michael works in retirement doing art therapy and more shoulder to shoulder work with students.
They both were teachers and administrators for decades. They don’t have bio kids, but i told Michae he seems like the type who will have hundreds and hudbreds at his funeral because of the impact I imagine he HS had on many kids lives.
Kias husband, so in law of Rasheedah fam.
Former bears and current cowboys fan. Loves Colorado CFB-Deon.
Jeremiah Dees
19-year old who avoids meat, but eats dairy and may incorporate whey again as he continues weightlifting.
Been checking out Beloved Community since 2019.
Started coming regularly last year.
Previously at same church that Wynter’s left.
McKayla Dees …
Youngest gal who just her bachelors degree and will begin work on masters in theology