Bell ringer practice Flashcards
to simulate bell ringer
Function of periodontal ligament
viscoelastic cushion, sensory organ, adaptive tooth movement, osteogenesis, immune
where the roots divide
number of cusps on lower 2nd premolar
part of tooth covered by enamel
anatomical crown
Which has the most organic material? a) enamel b) dentine c) cementum d) bone
bone, then cementum
what perforates dentine
tubules that lead to pulp (communication as a unit: “dentin-pulp complex”)
what makes dentine
what are the two nociceptors in the pulp?
Ab = fast and sharp pain c = deep dull pain
part of the crown seen in the oral cavity
clinical crown
opening of root tip
apical foramen
function of height of contour
protect the gingiva surrounding the tooth
how many lobes do incisors and canines have
4 lobes
how many lobes do premolars have
4 lobes, except for the lower 2nd premolar (5 lobes)
how many lobes do molars have
one lobes for every cusp
how many mamelones do anterior teeth have
3 mamelons
extra enamel bump is called
a narrow opening within a groove due to imperfect fusion of enamel
purpose of embrasures
clear out food
lack of gingival embrasure leads to what
black triangle
when do you see signs of calcification of incisors, canines, and 1st molars
5 months
when do all prim teeth show calcification
6-7 months
when do all primary teeth calcify
when do permanent first molars calcify
how much root has formed at eruption
how much root has formed when tooth emerges into cavity