Bell Diving Flashcards
State the Minimum team size for saturation operations
9 men minimum
1 x Dive Sup
2 x LSS
2 x LST
2 x Bell Divers
1 x Surface Stby Diver
1 x Stby Tender
How long is allowed for diver lock outs and bell run (seal to seal)
Diver Lockouts - 6hrs
Bell Run - 8hrs seal to seal
After 2hrs in water divers given opportunity for refreshments.
Saturation durations beyond 28 days are allowed.
True or False
Extensions beyond 28 days are allowed with written agreement from;
-dive contractors medical advisor
-divers in sat
-diving supervisors
For continuous diving operations, how many supervisors are required per shift?
2 Supervisors PER SHIFT in continuous operations
When multiple supervisors are on shift, who is the one in charge?
The one who is signed on in the Diving Operations Logbook
Bell valves do not need to be labeled.
True or False
All bell valves should be clearly labeled both internally and externally.
Bell valves, aside from O2 needle valves, should be of what type?
1/4 turn valves
O2 valves should be needle valves
Who shall control the bell blow down supply
Diving supervisor
Waterproof valve check lists shall be kept where?
In the Bell and Dive control
Photographs should also be kept in dive control as well.
State the minimum amount of OBG for use in emergency on a bell run
30 minutes of breathing gas at 40L/min (1.5ft3) at the maximum working depth.
Plus 24hrs of O2
What is the minimum On Board O2 required for bell diving
Enough O2 for the maximum number of divers to last 24hrs at the end of the bell run.
-consumption based on 0.5L/min
What frequency does a bell transponder operate on?
Every diving bells required a man hoist to recover a stricken diver
True or False
Name 3 commonly monitored gases in a bell
Carbon Dioxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
The emergency bell umbilical usually contains the following services
Breathing Gas
Hot Water
*Comms as an option
Emergency gas and survival supplies must last how many hour in a stranded bell?
State 4 methods of communicating with the bell
-Comms Box
-Sound Powered Phone
-Thru Water Comms
-Tapping Code
What is the Max ppCO2 in the bell
See company Manual
What are the main components of the bell handling system
-A-Frame/Trolley and Cursor
-Winch, main cable, guide wires
-umbilical handling system
-secondary recovery system
Heave comp
Cross haul
Minimum gas supplies required for saturation diving
-Sufficient gas to complete the bell run plus same as reserve.
(must not incl OBG)
-Sufficient gas to press all chambers to max intended storage depth plus same as reserve.
(reserve gas must always be on hand)
-Sufficient gas for full decompression from storage depth to surface Twice.
-Sufficient O2 for metabolic consumption and maintaining ppO2 during deco, Doubled.
-3 weeks supply of cal gas.
Maximum ppO2 in bailout bottle
1.4bar maximum
0.4 bar minimum
How many minutes of bailout is required for 48m of umbilical excursion
1min per 10m
Who is responsible for the TUP operation?
Diving Supervisor
Pressure interlocks help prevent what?
The prevent clamps being open while trunking is under pressure.
Divers may be pressurized in the bell and dive immediately.
True or False
How long are bell checks valid for?
Divers normal ppO2 in water
0.6 to 0.9 bar
Normal ppO2 in chambers
0.35 to 0.5bar
How long is required for the BIBS mix in the chamber per diver?
4hrs supply @20L/min
Explain Loss of Comms to diver procedure
Line pulls
Flash hat light
Return to bell
No response, jump bellman
Explain loss of Comms procedure to the bell
Try to establish Comms using sound powered phone or thru water Comms.
Explain the emergency procedure for loss of divers hot water
Diver to head back to the bell ASAP.
Meanwhile, Switch to back up heating unit
Explain the emergency procedure for loss of gas to diver
Change over to back up gas supply
Free flow pneumo
Diver back to bell
consider having bellman switch to OBG
Explain loss of gas to bell procedure
Switch to back up gas supply
Divers back to the bell
If problem unresolved, recover bell.
Outline the bellman steps in a diver recovery
Change to OBG
Lower man hoist
Don Hat
Flood up
Follow D1/2 umbilical
Open free flow
Umbilical back to the bell
Hook up to man hoist
Enter bell and recover diver, leave hat on in case of snags.
Remove diver hat, start CPR
Explain the procedure for loss of bell pressure at depth
Likely caused by faulty O-Ring or valve left open.
If problem cannot be solved, await thru water transfer and other options.
Explain procedure for loss of bell pressure on surface
Supervisor to maintain bell pressure while divers Transfer back into the system
Explain the procedure for bell umbilical failure
Close all emergency valves
Divers or ROV to survey the umbilical before lifting the bell
Explain the procedure for DP emergencies
Amber Alert;
Diver back to clump
Assess situation - recover bell or carry on diving.
Red Alert;
Recover bell as fast as possible
Explain emergency procedure for lifting gear failure
Switch over to emergency power supply.
Umbilical can be used to lift the bell but not in air.
Use the guide wires.
Explain the emergency procedure for contaminated bell
Don BIBS or keep helmet on.
Supervisor to flush the bell
Remove or clean and contaminated equipment/clothing before entering the bell.
Internal divers gas supply should be fitted with a non return valve
True or False
During lowering and raising of a bell, the bottom door should remain closed to maintain pressure in case the bell falls below the intended working depth.
True or False
Methods for recovering stranded divers;
-Wet transfer to another bell
-ROV Intervention
What is the function of the closed bell handling system
To safely lower the bell through the splash zone without undue swinging or spinning and positioning the bell at an accurate depth
Every bell winch should have a back up power supply for the main winch AND a secondary winch system/motor with back up power supply.
True or False?
Guide wires and cross haul wires should be able to recover the bell.
True or False?
Name 3 ways a bell can be scrubbed of Co2
Soda sorb scrubber
Flushing the bell
Reclaim Scrubbing