Bell 407 Flashcards
Max Gross Weight
Min. Weight
2650 lbs.
Basic 140 Kts. SL to 3000
VNE 93.5% to 100%
100 kts
Max Service Ceiling
20,000 ft
Max sea level Temperature
Minimum operating Temprature
Max continuous generator amps
180 up to 10,000
170 above 10,000
Transient generator amps
180-300 2 minutes
300-400 5 seconds
Starter Limitations GPU/APU
External. 40 sec on. 30 sec off 40 sec on 30 sec off 40 sec on 30 min off
Starter Limitations Battery
60 sec on 60 sec off 60 sec on 60 sec off 60 sec on 30 min off
Power Plant
Rolls Royce 250-C47B
GPU Starts
28VDC @ 500 AMPS
NG Limits
Continuous: 63-105%
Max: 105%
Transient: 105.1 to 106% @ 10 sec
NP Power Turbine Limits
Max Continuous: 100%
Max: 99 - 100%
Transient: 102.1 - 107.3% @ 15 sec.
MGT Limitations
Continuous : 100c to 727c Max Continuous: 727c T/O 5 minutes: 727-779c Max T/O: 779c Transient: 780-826c @ 12 sec.
MGT Start Limitations
10 sec above 843c Max to 927c for 1 sec.
MGT Limits
Continuous operation
Maximum continuous
Takeoff, 5 minutes
Maximum for takeoff
Transient, 12 seconds
Maximum starting, do not exceed 10 seconds above 843°C or 1 second at 927°C.
100 to 727°C 727°C
727 to 779°C 779°C
780 to 905°C 927°C
Engine Torque Limits
Continuous operation Maximum continuous Takeoff, 5 minute Transient, 5 seconds
0 to 93.5% 93.5%
93.5 to 100% 105%
Fuel Pressures
Min. 8 psi
Continuous. 8-25 psi
Max. 25 psi
Engine Oil Pressure
Minimum below 79% NG
Minimum from 79 to 94% NG
Minimum above 94% NG Maximum
Maximum cold starts only
50 PSI 90 PSI
115 PSI 130 PSI 200 PSI
Oil Temps
Continuous. 0-107c
Maximum 107c
Transmission Oil Pressures
Min. 30 psi
Continuous 40 to 70 psi
Max. 70 psi
Tranmission Oil Temprature
Continuous 15 to 110c
Max 110c
Rotor Power ON
Continuous 99-100%
Max Continuous 100%
Rotor Power Off
Min. 85%
Continuous Operation. 85 to 107%
Max. 107%
Rotor Limits in Manual Mode
95 to 100%
NR for Steady State Auto Rotation
Above 95% NR
Rotor Brake Limits
Below 40% NR
CG Limits Longitudenal
Basically 119 to 125 depending on GW
CG Lateral Limits
- 2.5 Left
+ 3 Right
Fuel Capacity (basic AC)
127 gal. usable./869 lbs.
w/ aux kit: 147 gal. usable / 1005 lbs.
Max Baggage Compartment
250 lbs @ 86 lbs per sq inch floor loading
Air Speed Limits Min Decent Max Glide
Min rate of decent 55 kts
Max glide 80 kts
Hydraulic Failure
Reduce airspeed to 70 to 100 kts
Hydraulic Circuit Breaker Pull if hydraulic power not restored back in. If power not restored hydraulic switch to OFF, land as soon as practical. Perform run on landing at ETL approx 15 kts.
Low Fuel Light
100 lbs + or - 10 lbs. = 15 minutes or less
Fuel Endurance
330 PPH = 2.4 hrs.
5.5 # per Minute
How many MR Chip detectors does the B407 have?
1 upper case
1 lower case
1 FWD freewheeling housing
What type,of MR system does the B407 have?
4 blade soft plane
What is the Main Rotor diameter of the Bell 407?
35 feet
What is the MR hub constructed of?
glass/epoxy composite w/elastomeric bearings and dampeners which require no lubrication.
What are the MR Blades constructed of?
They are a composite design constructed of glass/epoxy, spar, skins with a nomex core after body, with a nickel plated stainless steel leading edge strips.
What type of T/R is system is installed on the B407?
The T/R is a 2 bladed teetering design, which has a 5.42 diameter. The tail rotor is mounted on the left side and rotates clockwise.
What type of bearings are incorporated in the Tail Rotor?
Elastomeric, flapping and stops.
What are the T/R blades constructed of?
What is the T/R gearbox reduction and speed of rotation (rpm).
Gear reduction of 2.53 to 1, input rpm of 6317 and output rpm of 2500 rpm.
At what % does the low rotor light and horn activate?
NR >95%, or <107%, no horn will sound on the high side, only a light.
What is the function and purpose of the cyclic centering light?
When the cyclic is not centered a caution light will illuminate to prevent damage to the rotor hub. This light will only illuminate with the collective down and the aircraft on the ground.
What does the acronym PRCU stand for?
Pedal Restrictor Control Unit
Briefly what is the function and purpose of the PRCU.
The PRCU utilizes signals from speed sensors to activate a attenuating rotary solenoid to restrict left anti-torque pedal inputs.
What two systems does the PRCU rely on for speed inputs?
Pitot and Static System
At what airspeed does the Pedal Restrictor engage the left pedal stop?
55 KIAS +- 5 KIAS
At what airspeed will the Pedal Restrictor retract and permit full T/R authority?
50 KIAS +/- 5 KTS
Does the Pedal Restrictor incorporate any visual queues or warnings?
Yes, when fully engaged a message will illuminate on the annunciator panel “ENGAGED”
At what PSI does the hydraulic system operate at normally?
1000 psi
How many hydraulic filters are there on the Bell 407?
2, one on pressure side and one on the return side.
Does the B407 hydraulic system utilize a bypass system?
What is unique about the bypass feature?
Yes, but only the return side incorporates a bypass for the filters.
At what PSI will the High Pressure relief valve open?
1225 psi +/- 150 psi
The hydraulic high pressure relief valve is normally closed, after it opens at what pressure will it reset?
When pressure drops below 1075 psi.
What indication does the PIC utilize to determine when a hydraulic filter is approaching a impending clogged condition?
Each of the two filters is equipped with a small red button (LRB).
At what pressure will the hydraulic filter LRB pop?
70 psi +- 10 psi
When will the hydraulic caution light illuminate?
When pressure drops below 650 psi -/+ 100 psi.
What are the major components of the electrical system.
Battery (24vdc), starter/gen, DC control unit, voltage regulator, relays, 28vdc buss, circuit breakers.
What is absolutely essential to remember when executing a GPU start?
If the start was accomplished with battery off, make sure and turn it on prior to removing the GPU power. DO NOT attempt to power the system if GPU power was removed prior to turning battery on.
What procedure MUST be completed if a GPU start was accomplished with battery off and GPU power removed with out the battery first turned on?
Shut down engine, perform Piston parking procedure,ensure proper voltage and restart.
what is best glide airspeed in the 407?
80 Kts
What is the minimum rate of decent in the B407?
55 kts.
What speed is the maximum for Doors off?
What is the maximum for sideward or rearward flight?
35 kts.
What are the slope landing limitations of the B407?
10 degrees - Left, Right, tail down.
Nose down 5 degrees.
How many hydraulic filters are there in the B407?
2, one on the pressure and one on the return.
At what differential pressure will the hydraulic filters LRB, pop?
70 +/- 10 psi.
Can temperature play a role in the LRB’s popping in the hydraulic system of the 407?
Yes, ambient temperatures 35f and below can cause them to pop.
Where can you find the authority for the GW of 5250?
FMS 28
At what pressure will the relief valve open to protect the hydraulic system from over pressure?
1225 psi +/- 150 psi and will close and reset at 1075 psi.