Belief in Allah Part 1 Flashcards
What are 7 characteristics of Allah and briefly explain them?
-Tawhid: oneness of Allah
-Benevolant: Allah is all-loving.
-Omnipotence: Allah is more powerful than anything, he created the world.
-Immanent: Allah is close and involved within the world.
-Transcdendent: Allah is above and beyond this world.
-Adalat: Allah is just and will judge humans in this way too.
-Merciful: Allah forgives people for the wrong things they do.
What are two quotes for Tawhid?
-‘he is Allah, the One and Only’
-‘and there is no God except one God’
What is one quote for benevolance and merciful?
-‘Allah loves those who do good’
-‘Allah will love you and forgive you your sins’
What are two quotes for omnipotence?
-‘he creates what he wills’
-‘he is powerful over everything’
What is one quote for immanence and transcendence?
-‘the Most Near’
-‘is wholly transcendent’
What are three reasons why the characteristics of Allah are important to Muslims?
-they help to understand him better.
-they help to strengthen their relationship with him.
-they can follow the way he wants them to live their lives.
What are the six beliefs of Sunni Islam, briefly explain them and give a quote for each one?
-Tawhid:islam is monotheistic, meaning Muslims accept there is only one God, ‘He is Allah,the One and Only’
-Qur’an:it is the holy text for Muslims and is the word of Allah, but they also recognise other scriptures such as the Tawrat,Injils etc.., the Qur’an is a ‘revelation revealed’
-Malaikah: muslims accept the existence of angels who are obedient to Allah’s commands, ‘honoured servants’
-Risalah: Muslims recognise Prophets or messengers of Allah. These include Adam,Musa and Muhammed who is the ‘seal of the prophets’
-Allah’s Decree: the belief that the law of nature and religion was devised by Allah and he holds supreme power over these laws, ‘creates what he wills’
-Final Judgement: present life is only a trial preperation for the next relamn of existence, ‘enter paradise for what you were doing’
How are the six beliefs expressed in Islam today(3)?
-muslims will recite their belief in Tawhid in their prayers each day.
-they will look to the Qur’an for advice to help them understand their religion better.
-they will live their lives aware of Allah and the fact that he will judge them on their actions after death so they will be more aware of their behaviour.
What are the purposes and importance of the six beliefs of Islam(3)?
-to unite all Sunni Muslims.
-to help Sunni Muslims understand their religion better.
-to support Sunni Muslims in how they should live their lives.
What are the five roots of Usul ad-din and briefly explain them?
-Day of Judgement: the belief that all humans will be judged by Allah on their actions after death.
-Tawhid: the oneness of Allah, Islam is monotheistic.
-Prophethood:the belief that Allah appointed prophets or messengers to pass his message on to humanity.
-Imamah:successors to Muhammed, the belief that Allah appointed Imams to guide humanity.
-Divine Justice: God does not oppress anybody and is just.
What are fivers,seveners and twelvers?
-some Shi’a Muslims believe Prophet Muhammed appointed twelve imams, others believe he appointed seven and others twelve.
-these are called fivers,seveners and twelvers.
What is a quote for the Five Roots of Usul ad-din except Imamah?
-Day of Judgement: ‘enter paradise for what you were doing’
-Tawhid: ‘Allah is one’ (Surah 112)
-Prophethood: Muhammed is the ‘seal of the Prophets’
-Divine Justice: ‘Allah has commanded us to be just while he himself treats us with something better’
What are three purposes of the Five Roots?
-to unite all Shi’a Muslims.
-to help Shi’a Muslims understand their religion better.
-to support Shi’a Muslims on how they should live their lives.
What are five features of Malakah including a quote?
-they are created from light.
-they act by Allah’s command.
-they have no fixed form.
-they are part of the unseen world.
-they are ‘honoured servants’
What are five features of Malaikah (including a quote)?
-they are created from light.
-they have no fixed form.
-they act by Allah’s command.
-they are part of the unseen world.
-they are ‘honoured servants’