being an effective leader Flashcards
process by which
managers use motivation and
other skills to guide and influence
the actions of others to
accomplish the business’s goals
and objectives
Leadership style:
the traits, skills, and behaviors
that leaders and managers use
when they interact with
formal leader
has an official title and role
informal leader
someone who takes charge and is subject matter expert
Trait theories
1920 & 30s early leadership theories
either born a leader or not
intelligence, socialbility, heaight, perserverence
behavioral theories
1940 and 50s looked at what effective leaders do, rather than leaders themselves
3 behavioral leadership styles
- authoritarian - my way or highway
- democratic- involves employees
- laissez-faire- hands off, employees know what they should be doing
2 dimensions of successful leader behavior (ohio state)
- structuring
- considerations
Behaviors focus on defining roles so that goals are reached, setting
clear procedures and standards, establishing formal lines of communication, giving
directions, and setting deadlines.
Behaviors focus on developing positive interpersonal relationships
with employees involving support, trust, and friendship and being considerate of
employees’ well-being and satisfaction
2 styles of leadership based on leaders (university of Michigan)
- Production-oriented
- Employee-orientated
can only be one or the other
The managerial grid (blake and mouton 1985)
Shows possible combinations of
leadership regarding concern for
people and concern for production.
* Blake and Mouton advocated that the
9,9 leader was most successful, but
research did not always support that it
was effective.
Contingency Models of Leadership
contigent on a situation,
How effective a leader is contingent on the interaction between:
* What the leader is like (traits)
* What he or she does (behavior)
* The situation
fielder contigency model
Fielder model shortcomings
leadership style is fixed
Path-goal model (1971)
which leaders select specific behaviors that are best
suited to the followers’ needs and the working environment so
that they can guide and support followers to perform well and
meet goals (by giving them a clear path without obstacles)