Behaviourism Eval. Flashcards
FURRI - Behaviourism
Fails to consider
Undervalues role of biological and cognitive factors in explaining behaviour
FURRI - Behaviourism
Reduction of behaviour to stimuluis response units demonstrates general law of behaviour
FURRI - Behaviourism
Research (positives and negatives)
- Well controlled nature of research increases internal valididty
- Generalisation (human brains/minds much more advanced than animals, esp. in learning)
- Ethical issues
FURRI - Behaviourism
Examples of research on behaviourism and which type of conditioning they focused on
Pavlov ➞ Pavlov’s Dogs
- Classical conditioning
Skinner ➞ Skinner’s Box/Rats
- Operant conditioning
Watson ➞ Little Albert
- Classical conditioning
FURRI - Behaviourism
Real world application
Principles of conditioning can be applied to real world situation:
- Token economies (e.g. reward system with prize at the end)
- Behavioural therapies (if all behaviour is learnt all behaviour can be unlearnt)
FURRI - Behaviourism
Issues and debates
Environmental determinism
- No free will