Behavioural problems Flashcards
What signs may be seen in a patient with behavioural problems?
- Threatening towards others
- Others feel fear of escalating aggressive behaviour
- Behaviour becomes more threatening when boundaries are put in place
- Known to keep and carry weapons
- Damage to property
- Lying
- Going missing
- Cruelty to animals
What initial investigations should be done for patients with suspected behavioural problems?
- Full physical examination including all observations
- Relevant blood tests based on the findings from physical exam
- Screening bloods: FBC, U&Es, LFTs, Vitamin D, TFTs
- Urine drug screen
- Full psychiatric history
- Think about attachments
Social Gather information: - Health visitors - GP - School - PRU - CAMHS - Youth Offending Team - Foster carers - Social workers - Staff at current care home
What must be considered in a risk assessment?
Risk assessment:
Risk to self
- Risk of developing a mental disorder
- Risk of retaliation from others
- Substance misuse increasing vulnerability
Risk to others
- Risk to others due to aggressive behaviour
What is the ICD-10 criteria for a conduct disorder
Repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour lasting at least 6 months, during which some of the following as present.
The individual:
- Has unusually frequent or severe temper tantrums for their developmental level
- Often argues with adults
- Often actively refuses adults requests or defies rules
- Often, apparently deliberately, does things that annoy other people
- Often blames others for their own mistakes or misbehaviour
- Is often ‘touchy’ or easily annoyed by others
- Is often angry or resentful
- Is often spiteful and vindictive
- Often lies or breaks promises to obtain goods or favour ours or to avoid obligations
- Frequently initiates physical fights (this does not include fights with siblings)
- Has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to others
- Despite parental prohibition, often stays out after dark (beginning before age 13)
- Exhibits physical cruelty to other people
- Exhibits physical cruelty to animals
- Deliberately destroys the property of others (other than fire setting)
- Deliberately sets fires with a risk or intention of causing serious damage
- Steals objects of non-trivial value without confronting the victim either with in the home or outside
- Is frequently truant from school beginning from the age of 13
- Has run away from parental or parental surrogate home at least twice or has run away for more than a single night
- Commits a crime involving confrontation with the victim (i.e. mugging)
- Forces another person into sexual activities
- Frequently bullies others
- Breaks into someone else’s house/ building or car
What is the management for behavioural problems?
- Refer for multisystemic therapy (MST)
- Commence/continue sessions with Youth Offenders Team (YOT)
1. To work on voctim empathy
2. To encourage the patient to join in with pro-social activities
3. To work on substance misuse - Continue assessment of his mental state should there be concerns regarding developing a co-morbid mental disorder