Behavioural Neuroscience Flashcards
First belief of brain (Egyptian times)
In Egyptian times, it was suggested the HEART was the seat of the mind
changing thoughts and beliefs were limited due to:
- religious/moral beliefs
- limited methods
- reliance on chance discoveries (serendipity)
- scientific conservatism (keeping with old traditions)
Hippocrates (460 BC)
Hippocrates was the first person to propose that the brain controlled the body
However, dissection of bodies was not permitted in ancient Greece thus he was only able to examine the brain in open wound injuries after a traumatic head injury
Galen (130 AD)
Galen demonstrated that nerves connected the brain to the body
Used VIVISECTION (dissection on live animals) to study anatomy of nervous system Through this, he was able to distinguish between motor neurons and sensory neurons (cut a nerve near pig's neck that stopped the pig from squealing, indicating this nerve played a role in vocals)
Proposed the idea of PNEUMATA (‘spirits’) - animal spirits flow through the hollow nerves to and from the ventricles (fluid filled cavities in the brain)
3 types of spirits:
-Natural = resides in the liver, associated with nutrition and metabolism
-Vital = resides in the heart, regulates blood flow and body temperature
-Animal = resides in the brain, controls sensation and movement
Andreas Vesalius (1514 AD)
Able to map out detailed structure of the brain
- revived vivisection and dissection after the dark ages
- able to advance in brain structure but still had little understanding/explanation about how the brain works + pneumata theory still remained (no evidence to refute)
Luigi Galvani (1737)
Demonstrated that nerve signals are electrical and not fluid/hollow (found out on accident during a dissection of a frog)
Found that an electrical charge to a frog’s foot made it contract
- Suggested that nerves must be coated by FAT to prevent electricity from leaking out
- This evidence rejected the pneumata theory
Galvani used a FRICTION machine = a large disc that was cranked by hand which was rubbed against a surface to generate electrical charge
Charge was stored in a LEYDEN JAR = glass jar with a metal outer coating and liquid inside, covered with a rubber top
Franz Joseph Gall (1758)
Proposed idea of modular brain
-his ideas were influenced by PHYSIOGNOMY (art os ascribing personality was based on facial features)
proposed the brain was composed of several distinct ‘organs of thought’ or faculties (these groups are reflected by the characteristics patterns of bumps on skull; skull maps allow us to ‘read’ a person’s characteristics)
(remembered from child hood, a friend had very good verbal memory + bulging eyes; assumed bulging eyes are due to over development of frontal brain responsible for memory of words)
GALLS’ PHRENOLOGY = if one’s specific characteristic was great, it’s assigned section in brain would be enlarged, causing skull in that section to have a bump OR if characteristic was diminished, area in skull would be hollow
(flawed theory BUT was the introduced of cortical localisation of function + modular organisation of brain)
Paul Broca (1861)
Showed first solid evidnec of brain modularity
Had a patient that was unable to speak (had damage to left frontal lobe = Broca’s area leading to Broca’s Aphasia)
Wernicke’s aphasia = disorder of language comprehension (carl wernicke), unable to comprehend language but can still speak
Limitations of clinical neuropsychology
- patients are hard to test intensively (patients are fatigued after trauma)
- problem in replicating a single case (different patients may have big/small differences in leisions)
- assumes local lesions have local effects (connections between brains may be controlling a behaviour, not just one section)
- no control of lesion/size in brain
Electrical stimulation of animal brains
-discovery of precise localisation in cortical functions
Fritsche & Hitzig = electrically stimulated frontal lobes of dogs which induced contractions in muscles, on opposite side of body
- when they removed the motor regions of the cortex, the limb was no longer able to contract anymore
- motor region in frontal lobe was arranged SOMATOTOPICALLY (according to body parts)
Ablation studies
Ablation = deliberate lesions were done in the brain to allow fairly high degree of precision, demonstrating localisation of different parts of brains (unlike neuropsychology)
ablation studies on primates showed the LIMBIC SYSTEM:
contains small structures (hippocampus, amygdala) =usually whole structure or part would be damaged
using ablation, when removed the hippocampus, it showed to play a role in memory and learning (if amygdala was removed, no effect on learning + memory)
Egas Moniz
introduced prefrontal leucotomy (lobotomy) to provide relief for psychiatric disorders (making their behaviour more socially acceptable)
(based on Yale researchers that removed frontal lobes of chimpanzees that made them calmer)
Prefrontal leucotomy = a hole is drilled in the skull and a leucotomy was inserted (wire could have affected deeper tissues leading to consequences)
-personality consequences = apathy, emotional unresponsiveness, disinhibition, inability to plan
Was popularised in US by Walter Freeman (lobotomy)
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
based on the knowledge that seizures would decrease psychiatric symptoms
(early 1500s, seizure inducing agents were given to treat psychiatric conditions)
ECT is now mainly used to treat depression:
two electrodes are placed on both sides of temples which is controlled by a device that generates large, strong currents (causes seizures in frontal lobes)
Scalp-recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) = recording of brain activity during a seizure
-demonstrated epileptiform spikes (main diagnostic tests for seizures now)
Electrophysiological responses of single neurons
Hodgkin & Huxley was able to record the action potentials in the giant axon of a squid
This lead to development in micro electrodes, high gain electronic amplifiers, oscilloscopes
-dye can be injected into a neuron to see structure, whilst electrode is placed adjacent to neuron to measure electrical activity
(sensory + motor cortex was mapped using this technique)
Computerised tomographic (CT)
CT scans reveal brain structures by passing x-ray waves at different angles producing 3D images
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
MRI physics:
-hydrogen is affected by magnetic fields, where proton and electron spin randomly
-in an MRI (strong magnetic field), all hydrogens align up to face the magnetic field
-when a RADIO-FREQUENCY PULSE is introduced, the axis of rotation of every atom is same and when turned off, they relax back in the previous direction (this gives off small amounts of energy that can be detected by MRI machine)
-tissues in the brain with lots of brain (least dense) = contains lots of hydrogen
therefore, energy given off by a particular area of brain depends on density of tissue (ranging in different structures)
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
fMRI is a method that reveals brain structure in real time
-based on the idea that cognitive processes uses energy (energy from haemoglobin)
Oxygenated blood = weakly diamagnetic, doesn’t distort surrounding magnetic field
Deoxygenated blood = paramagnetic, distorts surrounding magnetic field
Blood vessels became more apparent in fMRI as blood oxygen decreases
BOLD effect: ratio between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
red = oxygenated blood, blue = deoxygenated blood
When brain is about to be active, rush of oxygenated blood is supplied (anticipate activity). However, not all oxygenated blood would be used thus in the vein, there will be a mixture of oxygenated/deoxygenated blood
Benefits: provides specific information allowing for localisation of brain functions
Limitations: since it is based on blood supply (not electric signals), the changes are not so fast therefore, it is not efficient for brain activity that occurs fast
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
(provides more causal links between localisation and brain functions)
TMS generates very strong magnetic field that can go through skull and brain tissues
-strong magnetic field can alter brain function in specific region of brain
TMS is also used to provide relief to psychiatric symptoms (placed on frontal lobes to provide relief)
Withdrawal reflex
Simple neural network that does not require conscious thought (we can respond quickly to dangerous situations)
In a withdrawal reflex, electrical signals from sensory neurons excite motor neurons by interneurons (in spinal cord) which then causes a muscular contraction
(signals causes neurotransmitters to be released, contracting muscles)
Electrical signal that was sent to brain has a possibility to returning back down, exciting interneuron, which may inhibit the interneuron activating motor neuron (muscular contraction can be prevented)
This depends on the excitatory/inhibitory level of both signals (excitatory signal from sensory neuron and inhibitory signal from an axon in the brain)
Typical neuron structures
Dendrites - electrical signal is received here
Cell body - control centre of neuron, provides necessary energy/nutrients
Axon terminals - where electrical signals output, may influence next neuron
Glial cells = physical/mechanical support to neurons, assists with chemical transport, providing insulation, destroy/remove dead cells
- Astrocyte = glial cells supporting blood vessels + house keeping
- Schwann cells = makes up the myelin sheath (present in PNS)
- Oligodendrocytes = produces myelin sheath in CNS
- Microglia - smallest type of glial cells that attacks microorganisms (responsible for brain swelling)
(cell membrane of neurons are made up of phospholipids = separates fluids from inside and out)
Membrane potential
(we can use microelectrodes to measure the difference of potential inside and outside of neuron + can inject voltage)
Resting potential = -70 mV inside neuron
(3 sodium out, 2 potassium in)
Depolarisation and Repolarisation
-Depolarisation = threshold potential was reached at -55 mV causing an action potential
Depolarisation causes Na+ channels to open, allow Na ions to come in, causing inside of neuron to become slightly more positive
Change of charge moves down along axis
K channels open after sodium where potassium ions can rush out, changing inside of neurons to become more negative
Potential decreases back down
Refractory period/Hyperpolarization
- undershoot in potential (below resting period) occurs as potassium ions can leak out faster than sodium ions coming in + neuron is unable to generate another action potential during hypolarization
- refractory period is where potential is returned back to resting potential
Saltatory Conduction
Saltatory conduction = to hop
Propagation of action potentials down an axon (increases the conduction velocity of action potential)
Node of Ranvier (where channels are found; in between myelin sheaths)
All or none law of action potential
How much an input of excitation in a neuron, controls whether neuron generates an action potential (strength of neuron is not dependent on strength of stimulus)
All or none amplitude = no matter the depolarisation/energy input, the amplitude of an action potential will always be same
Rate law of action potentials
Message of a stimulus is depicted by the number of action potential generated rather than ‘strength’ of action potential (amplitude)
Stronger stimulus = more action potentials fired
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
An autoimmune disease that affect the insulation of neurons (myelin sheath) affecting ability of electrical signals to pass through
Leads of visual problems, numbness of body, weakness of limbs that can lead to paraplegia (paralysed from waist down), slurred speech, problems with vision and eye movements
Multiple ‘attacks’ are either followed by remission or quiescence (inactive/dormant)
(if shown a diagram of brain, there are spots of whites (which should be grey, but white to stand out) to indicate missing myelin sheath)
When action potential moves down an axon, due to lack of myelin sheath, it has the potential to leak out leading to not enough potential to generate an action potential (electrical signal is stopped)
Structure of a synapse
Presynaptic cleft = where signals arrive + where neurotransmitters are released into synaptic cleft through synaptic vesicles (synaptic vesicles are guided by microtubules)
Dendritic spine - structure along the post synaptic cleft that ensures the physical distance between pre and post cleft is very small
Ionotropoic receptors - membrane bound receptors found on post-synaptic membrane which are neurotransmitter dependent (binding of neurotransmitter opens channel, allowing ions to move in) dependent on which ionotropic receptors are activated
- Flow of SODIUM IONS = causes membrane to be more positive than outside which increases likelihood of an action potential to be triggered = EXCITATORY POSTSYNAPTIC POTENTIAL
- Flow of POTASSIUM OUT or CHLORIDE IN IONS = causes membrane to be more negative than outside, decreasing likelihood of action potential = INHIBITORY POSTSYNAPTIC POTENTIAL
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) = increases likelihood that action potential is triggered in post synaptic
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) = decreases likelihood that action potential is triggered
NEURAL INTEGRATION = combined effects of EPSP and IPSP (e.g. neutralised withdrawal effect due to signal from brain)
Effect of drugs on synaptic functions
Agonists = facilitates activity of the postsynaptic membrane
- increases synthesis of neurotransmitters
- increases release of neurotransmitters in vesicles
- drug can either can activate receptors or increase/enhance effect of neurotransmitters
e. g. L-dopa = increases synthesis of dopamine (used to treat Parkinson’s (motor abilities), affects basal ganglia)
e. g. Nicotine = stimulates acetylcholine receptors (found on muscles = causes lots of twitching in heavy smokers)
Antagonists = inhibits activity of post synaptic membranes
-blocks synthesis of neurotransmitters
-blocks release of neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft
-binds to receptor, blocking neurotransmitters
e.g. PCPA (drug solely used to see effect of serotonin on brain activity, inhibits synthesis of serotonin
Botulinum (botox) = binds/blocks release of acetylcholine (paralysis in muscles = less wrinkles)
Classes of neurotransmitters
Amino acids –> glutamate (most common excitatory neurotransmitters), GABA (inhibitory)
Monoamides = catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine), indolamines (serotonin) = mostly present in neurons in brain stem
Neurotransmitter projection pathways
Dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, histamine are all produced in the nuclei of brainstem, where they are used in different parts of the central nervous system (regulating different brain functions)
Dopamine = produced in substantia nigra (not used in cerebellum = not projected there)
Noradrenaline = made in locus coeruleus
Neural axis of body/brain
Dorsal (superior) - towards the back, top side facing up
Ventral (inferior) - towards the stomach/belly, top side (belly) facing down
Rostral (anterior) - towards the beak, front
Caudal (posterior) - towards the tail, behind
Human neuraxis - axis bends as head bends Lateral - towards the sides Medial - towards the midline Ipsilateral - same side (one sided) Contralateral - opposite sides
Division of Nervous System
Central nervous system - spinal cord and brain
Peripheral nervous system (spinal and cranial nerves):
- Somatic system (connects central system to voluntary muscles)
- Autonomic system (connects central system to non-voluntary muscles and glands)
- Sympathetic system = excitatory, prepares body for activity
- Parasympathetic system = inhibitory, prepares body for restoration of energy
Tissues of Brain
Entire nervous system is covered by protective sheath of connective tissue = MENINGES
- Dura mater = tough outer layer
- Arachnoid mater = middle layer that has weblike appearances due to Arachnoid trabeculae, is soft and spongy, allows cerebrospinial fluids to flow through (subarachnoid space)
- Pia mater = delicate inner layer than conforms to folds of brains
Cerebrospinal fluids (CSF)
Clear fluids that supports brain and reduces shock due to head movements
CSF is produced by CHOROID PLEXUS located in lateral ventricles (open spaces)
Fluids flow down to third ventrical, then cerebral aqueduct to the fourth ventrical then exits to circulate through subarachnoid space
It is constantly reabsorbed into bloodstream by arachnoid villi (as it is constantly produced)
Lateral ventricles are connected by the third ventricle which goes down into cerebral aqueduct and fourth ventricle (directly below the cerebellum)
Forebrain has two divisions - Telencephalon and Diencephalon
- composed of two cerebral hemispheres = together is the cerebrum
- outer layer = cortex
- inner tissues = basal ganglia and limbic system
- White matter (under cortex) = axons that are myelinated
- Grey matter = only contain neural cell bodies
Fissures = deep groves in brain
Sulcus = smaller grooves (gives distinct patterns of brains)
-CENTRAL SULCUS = distinct groove, found on both hemispheres, that extend from top of middle section to the midbrain
Gyrus (gyri) = bulging region of tissue
-surrounds the third ventricle, in the middle of brain
-consists of Thalamus and Hypothalamus
-dorsal part
-relay station for sensory information being conveyed to cerebral cortex
-divided into smaller nuclei which are specific
(lateral geniculate nucleus = receives information from retina of eye and sends down to axons in primary visual cortex
medial geniculate nucleus = receives from inner ear and sends axons to primary auditory cortex)
under thalamus
-controls endocrine system and autonomic system
-also regulates behaviour for survival (fighting, fleeing, feeding, mating)
Lobes of Cerebral Cortex
Frontal lobe:
- contains all cortex anterior of central sulcus
- large in humans
- responsible for planning, reasoning, reflection on behaviour
Parietal lobe:
- cortex posterior (behind) of central sulcus
- behind frontal lobe, on top of temporal lobe
- left: plays a role in mental arithmetics and language comprehension
- right: role in representing salient objects in space
Temporal lobe:
- posterior or frontal lobe and ventral of parietal lobe
- left: understanding spoken language and written words
right: involved in recognising complicated objects and faces
Occipital lobe:
- caudal (behind) parietal lobe and temporal lobe
- cortex in this area processes visual information (motion, colour, shape)
Some functions are lateralized to one hemisphere = hard to describe complex, specialised function of each hemispheres
Left can be thought as: responsible for analytical processing of information (breaking down to make sense)
Right: specialised in synthesis of information, putting wholes together from different parts