Behavioural genetics 2 Flashcards
Dichotomous traits
One form or another never in combination- not on a spectrum like extraversions and introversion
Phenotype- trait e.g. yellow vs green
Genotype- genetic material e.g. GG
Allele- different forms of a gene that control the same trait e.g. G vs y
Heterozygous- Gy
Homozygous- GG or yy
G is dominant to y
y is recessive to G
Tryptophan hydroxylase gene
Cells with this gene make 80% less serotonin that cells with the more common gene
This gene is found more often in depressed patients
Serotonin transporter
The gene has 2 forms- long and short
The short form is sometimes linked to depression and sometimes isn’t
Higher brain activation to negative emotions
The environment- stress
More short forms you have more likely to be depressed
But only when combined with stressful life events
Chromosomes are made of DNA
Made up of
Adenine (A) and Thymine (T)
Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G)