Behavioural Ecology Flashcards
an action that changes the relationship between an individual and its environment
4 Types of Behaviour
- flexible
- reflexive
- instinctual
- condition-dependent
Innate behaviour
a behviour that is inborn
Instintual Behaviour
an inborn behaviour that keeps the organism alive (natural insctints)
Flexible Behaviour
a condition-dependent behaviour that can be learned
Sexual Dimorphism
physical differences between males and females that can hinder its surival (against viability selection)
Sexual Selection
reproductive success based on ability to find a mate
when males kill each other’s offspring
Female Choice
an important factor of evolution leading to elaborate courtships by males
when males mate with 2+ females
when females mate with 2+ males
Sneaker Males
a behaviour that some males develop to avoid being eaten by the female after breeding
Diel Migration
daily migration usually involving a trade off between avoiding predators and access to food
Seasonal Migration
when a population/individuals migrate to a different location based on seasons
an intentional and often cylical movement of a population between 2 regions based on environmental factors
permanent movement of a population, usually from place of birth to new location
when the signal from one invidual alters the behaviour of another
Frequency-dependent selection
when fitness depends on how often a phenotype/genotype occurs in a population
when a false signal is displayed to trick other individuals, usually only works when rare
a flexible behaviour where there is a direct cost to inididuval and a direct benefit to recipient, occurs between relatives
Kin Selection
when a behaviour that may lower surivival but increase fitness of a family member is favoured