Behavioral Finance Flashcards
Who is the father of economics?
Adam Smith
When did behavioral finance/economics arise?
Around the 1990s
What did Adam Smith mean by Invisible Hand?
The free market is the invisible hand directing the economy
What are main points of Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments?
- people want praise
- people don’t want praise for something they didn’t do
- mature people want not praise but to be praiseworthy
- mathematicians are not famous but vie to have praiseworthy achievements
What are some roles of psychology in finance?
Prospect theory, overconfidence, cognitive dissonance, mental compartments, attention anomalies, anchoring, representative heuristic, disjunction effect, magical thinking, culture, antisocial personality disorder
What is prospect theory?
Prospect theory demonstrates that people think in terms of expected utility relative to a reference point (e.g. current wealth) rather than absolute outcomes. Prospect theory is a behavioral model that shows how people decide between alternatives that involve risk and uncertainty (e.g. % likelihood of gains or losses).
What is utility theory?
Everyone has a utility function, which depends on things they consume, which represent their happiness. Then, in a certain world they choose how much to buy at market prices to maximize utility. But, in an uncertain world, they use probabilities of possible events to calculate and maximize expected utility
What are two elements inherent in prospect theory?
Value function and weighting function
What does prospect theory replace?
The value and weighting function replace the utility function which had been dominating economic thought
Draw a value function
Value | | Losses ——Ref — Gains | | Kink at reference point
Draw a weighting function
What does the weighting function mean?
Prospect Theory predicts that people multiply the perceived value of an outcome by a decision weight, and not, as in expected utility theory, multiply the perceived outcome by the objective likelihood the outcome will occur.
What does prospect theory value function mean?
Prospect theory replaces the utility function u(·) over states of wealth with a value function v(·) over gains and losses relative to a reference point, with v(0)=0.
What is the key motivator for the development of prospect theory?
Contrary to Expected Utility Theory, people have a skewed idea of probability, and don’t treat gains and losses the same. For example, if one financial advisor says a fund has 12% gains over 10 years, and another says something equivalent but mentions its loss years, even though they are the same fund, people will choose the first advisor.
What is an indifference curve?
An indifference curve shows a combination of two goods that give a consumer equal satisfaction and utility thereby making the consumer indifferent.