Behavioral Competencies Model Word Families Flashcards
Understand the vocabulary used in the model.
In the sentence below, is multitask a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Of course, no one should multitask by driving a vehicle while texting on a mobile phone.
In this sentence multitask is a verb.
Verb: multitask
Noun: multitasker
Adjective: multitasking
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is vision a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
SEC’s vision is to serve our customers and country by delivering world class power services.
In this sentence vision is a noun.
Verb: envision
Noun: vision, visor.
Adjective: visual, visible
Adverb: visually
In the sentence below, is focus a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Our focus is on our customers because without them, we have no income.
In this sentence focus is a noun.
Verb: focus
Noun: focus
Adjective: focal
Adverb: focally
In the sentence below, is execution a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
The annual bonus depends on successful execution of objectives.
In this sentence execution is a noun..
Verb: execute
Noun: execution, executioner.
Adjective: executive, executable
Adverb: executively (rarely used)
In the sentence below, is influence a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
It is easy to see the influence of Islam in Saudi culture.
In this sentence influence is a noun.
Verb: influence
Noun: influence, influencer.
Adjective: influential, influenceable
Adverb: influentially
In the sentence below, is development a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
SEC believes that the professional development of its employees is a key objective.
In this sentence development is a noun.
Verb: develop
Noun: development, developer.
Adjective: developmental, developable
Adverb: developmentally
In the sentence below, is strategy a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
In SEC, each Division and Department reviews its strategy every year and then sets objectives.
In this sentence strategy is a noun.
Verb: strategize
Noun: strategy, stratagem.
Adjective: strategic, strategical.
Adverb: strategically
In the sentence below, is management a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
All ELDC learners must have experience of management.
In this sentence management is a noun.
Verb: manage
Noun: management, manager.
Adjective: managerial, manageable, managing,
Adverb: managerially
In the sentence below, is leadership a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
You have the skills, qualities and experience to become part of the leadership team.
In this sentence leadership is a noun.
Verb: lead
Noun: leadership, leader
Adjective: leading, leadable
Adverb: leadingly (rarely used)
In the sentence below, is process a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
The danger is that the more we use the process, the less attention we will pay to safety.
In this sentence process is a noun.
Verb: process
Noun: process, processor, procession.
Adjective: processing, processable, processed.
Adverb: processionaly (rarely used)
In the sentence below, is stakeholders a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
It is in the interests of all stakeholders that SEC operates profitably.
In this sentence stakeholders is a noun.
Verb: stake
Noun: stakeholder
Adjective: none
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is implement a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
number of accidents at SEC has fallen since the decision to implement the 5 Star Safety System.
In this sentence implement is a verb.
Verb: implement
Noun: implement
Adjective: implemental, implementable.
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is diverse a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
The aim of Vision 2030 is to create a diverse economy.
In this sentence diverse is an adjective.
Verb: diversify
Noun: diversity, diversion.
Adjective: diverse
Adverb: diversely
In the sentence below, is allocation a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Our team believes that without a larger allocation of the budget we will not meet our objective.
In this sentence allocation is a noun.
Verb: allocate
Noun: allocation, allocator.
Adjective: allocated, allocating, allocable.
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is inspire a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Good leaders inspire their colleagues.
In this sentence inspire is a verb.
Verb: inspire
Noun: inspiration, inspirer.
Adjective: inspirational, inspired, inspiring.
Adverb: inspirationally
In the sentence below, is empower a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Leaders want to empower the managers by ensuring they have the skills, experience, time and resources to complete objectives.
In this sentence empwer is a verb.
Verb: empower
Noun: empowerment, empowerer.
Adjective: empowered, empowering.
Adverb: empoweringly (rarely used).
In the sentence below, is impact a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
We need to understand the impact our actions will have on our customers.
In this sentence impact is a noun.
Verb: impact
Noun: impact
Adjective: impactful, impacted, impacting.
Adverb: impactfully (rarely used)
In the sentence below, is prioritize a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Sometimes, with so many tasks to complete, it is difficult to prioritize them, but I usually put my English homework at the top of my list.
In this sentence prioritize is a verb.
Verb: prioritise
Noun: priority, prioritization.
Adjective: prior
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is align a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
It is the senior management team’s responsibility to align the Company’s strategy to meet customer expectations.
In this sentence align is a verb.
Verb: align
Noun: alignment
Adjective: aligned, alignable.
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is centric a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
The development of information technology has encouraged companies and governments to become data centric.
In this sentence centric is an adjective.
Verb: center
Noun: center
Adjective: central, centric.
Adverb: centrally
In the sentence below, is human capital a compound verb, a compound noun, a compound adjective or a compound adverb?
The ELDC is one small part of SEC’s investment in improving the value of its human capital.
In this sentence human capital is a compound noun.
Verb: none
Noun: human capital
Adjective: none
Adverb: none
In the sentence below, is initiate a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
Without careful planning, new systems can initiate unexpected reactions.
In this sentence initiate is a verb.
Verb: initiate
Noun: initiative, initiator, initiation.
Adjective: initial
Adverb: initially
In the sentence below, is adapt a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb?
The COVID crisis has forced us to adapt the way we live and work.
In this sentence adapt is a verb.
Verb: adapt
Noun: adaptor, adaption.
Adjective: adaptable, adaptive, adapted
Adverb: adaptably, adaptively.