Behavioral Competencies Model Vocabulary Definitions Flashcards
Understand the vocabulary used in the model.
In the sentence below, what does multitask mean?
I multitask every day. I eat breakfast and think about lunch.
Multitask (verb)
To work on more than one task at a time.
In the sentence below, what does vision mean?
SEC’s vision is to serve our customers and country by delivering world class power services.
Vision (noun)
Business English: The desired future.
In the sentence below, what does focus mean?
Our focus is on our customers because without them, we have no income.
Focus (noun)
The action of trying to see something clearly.
In the sentence below, what does execution mean?
The annual bonus depends on successful execution of objectives.
Execution (noun)
Business English: The action of doing a task, especially in a planned way.
In the sentence below, what does influence mean?
It is easy to see the influence of Islam in Saudi culture.
Influence (noun)
The ability to produce an effect.
In the sentence below, what does development mean?
SEC believes that the professional development of its employees is a key objective.
Development (noun)
A process that creates growth, progress or positive change.
In the sentence below, what does strategy mean?
In SEC, each Division and Department reviews its strategy every year and then sets objectives.
Strategy (noun)
A method or plan to achieve something.
In the sentence below, what does management mean?
All ELDC learners must have experience of management.
Management (noun)
The action of controlling the completion of objectives and tasks.
In the sentence below, what does leadership mean?
You have the skills, qualities and experience to become part of the leadership team.
Leadership (noun)
The art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a shared goal.
In the sentence below, what does process mean?
The danger is that the more we use the process, the less attention we will pay to safety.
Process (noun)
A set of actions that complete a task.
In the sentence below what does stakeholders mean?
It is in the interests of all stakeholders that SEC operates profitably.
Stakeholders (noun)
Individuals or groups that have an interest in any decision or activity of an organization.
In the sentence below, what does implement mean?
The number of accidents at SEC has fallen since the decision to implement the 5 Star Safety System.
Implement (verb)
To start using a plan or system.
In the sentence below, what does diverse mean?
The aim of Vision 2030 is to create a diverse economy.
Diverse (adjective)
Having many different types.
In the sentence below, what does allocation mean?
Our team believes that without a larger allocation of the budget we will not meet our objective.
Allocation (noun)
Distribution of a resource according to a plan.
In the sentence below, what does inspiring mean?
There is no more inspiring book than the Quran.
Inspiring (adjective)
Having the effect of encouraging a person or people to take action.