Behavioral Flashcards
Classical conditioning
Conditioning with stimulus
Conditioned stimulus
Stimulus w/ no original or basic meaning
Ex. tone
Unconditioned stimulus
Stimulus that doesn’t have to be “learned”
Ex. meat
Unconditioned response
Response to unconditioned stimulus
Ex. salivation to meat
Conditioned response
Response to conditioned stimulus
Ex. salivation to tone
Behavioral treatments for classical conditioning
Systematic desensitization: learn an incompatible response besides fear/anxiety
Ex. Deep relaxation
Anxiety hierarchy
Ex. picture of dog < bark < small dog < large dog
Gradually expose to threatening stimuli
Operant conditioning
Conditioning using reward and punishment
Positive reinforcement
Applying reward makes behavior more likely to occur
Ex. stickers
Negative reinforcement
Withdrawing aversive consequence makes behavior more likely to occur
Ex. nagging
Applying aversive consequences makes behavior less likely to occur
Ex. spanking
Withdrawing generally positive consequence makes behavior less likely to occur
Ex. no attention
Eating pattern
Statistical description or pattern detection method of what we consume
Includes multiple dietary components as a single score, dietary exposure to nutrients/foods/food components, meal/snack intake patterns
Tries to capture depth and breadth of diet
High risk eating pattern
Habitual food/beverage intake that is predictive of risk for chronic overconsumption diseases