Behalotcha Flashcards
How many candles were on the menorah?
What did Hashem comand Aharon to do at the end of parshat Beha’alotcha?
To light the menorah.
The candles on the menorah are compared to what?
The six subjects of knowledge - art, science, math, medicine, psychology, and sociology.
Why do the outer candles face the center candle?
They are facing towards the center candle wich is the Torah and Hashem.
How did the doctor know what to do with the babies in the article?
Baby B is keeping baby A from living, baby B can’t survive on its own, so it’s okay to kill baby B in order to save baby A’s life. This showed us that we need to have the Torah in order to know what to do in medicine.
What did the people ask Moshe?
We want to do the karbon pesach too but we can’t because we came in to contact with a dead body. Why should we be left out of this mitzva.
According to the midrashim, what made them impure?
They buried:
- Yosef’s bones
- Nadav and Avihu’s bodies
- An anonymous body they found in the desert.
What did Moshe answer them?
IDK! Let me ask Hashem.
What did Hashem say?
Wait one month, and do the korban pesach on the 14th of Iyar, AKA Pesach Sheni
Explain “ אין מוקדמ ומאוחר בתורה
The Torah is not always in chronological order. This is ok because the Torah isn’t just a history book, but it teaches us important lessons, mitzvot, ect. So from here, we learn that - we shouldn’t embarrass us, that when you are giving criticism, you should sandwich it between good.
What was the Halacha after this?
If you have a good reason not to do the korban pesach on the 14th of Nissan (ex impure or too far away), they you could give it on the 14th of Iyar - pesach Sheni.
Are you allowed to eat chamex on Pesach Sheni?
On what date did Hashem speak with Moshe at the beginning of parshat Beha’alotcha?
1st Nissan 2449
On what date did Hashem speak with Moshe at the beginning of parshat Bamidbar?
1st Iyar 2449
Why is this Perek after parshat Bamidbar if this really happened before?
Because Hashem did not want to embarrass Bnei Yisrael that this was the only time they could bring the korban pesach together but we’re not able to.
What was the first sign that it was time for Bnei Yisrael to start traveling?
The clouds shrivel up like a mushroom.
What Hashem comand Moshe to do?
To make two silver trumpets.