Beginning HTML and CSS Flashcards
What is CSS used for
To control how a web page looks
What is HTML used for
To explain the structure of a web page
What is JavaScript used for
To add interactivity to a web page
What does HTML stand for
Hypertext markup language
What does W3C stand for
World Wide Web Consortium
What does CSS stand for
Cascading style sheet
What file extension does a html file have
.htm or .html
What is a parent
An element that contains another element
What is a child
An element that is between the parents opening and closing tags
what are siblings
Two elements contained in the same parent
What two main parts are there to a web page
Head section
Body section
What is a hyperlink
Links that take you from one web page to another
What does the href attribute do in the < a > element
Tells you where the link should take you
What are attributes
They are the qualities that describe something
What do attributes do
Say something about the element that caries them
Where do attributes appear
On the opening tag of the element that carries them
What is the name part of an attribute
The property of the element that you want to set
What does an attributes consist of
A name and a value
What is the value part of an attribute
What you want the value of the property to be
How should the value of an attribute alway appear
In double quotation marks and separated from the name with equal sign
What does the title attribute do in the < a > element
Gives a plain language description of the target of the link
what does the lang attribute do
describes the language used within that element
what is a boolean attribute
attributes that consist of only a name
what are the four core attributes
what does the id attribute do
uniquely identifies any element within a page
why might you want to uniquely identify an element
so that you can link to that specific part in the document or to specify that a CSS style or piece of JavaScript should apply to the content of just that one element
what does the class attribute do
specifies that an element belongs to a class of elements
what does the title attribute do
gives a suggested title for the element
what does the style attribute do
enables you to specify CSS rules within the element
what two internationalization attributes are there
what does the dir attribute do
enables you to indicate to the browser the direction in which the text should flow: left to right or right to left.
what two values can the dir attribute take
ltr: Left to right
rtl: Right to left
what does the lang attribute do
enables you to indicate the main language used in a document
what are the values of the lang attribute
standard two-character language codes
what attributes can the < html > carry
what attributes can the < head > element carry
what does the < link > element do
link to an external file