Before the English Civil War Flashcards
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When did Chales I recall Parilment after his 11 year solo rule , and for what reason?
13th April 1640 to raise money for an army to fight the Scots.
How long did the Short Parilment last before it was shut down again
Around a month(13th April -5th May 1640)
Did Charles I succed in defeating the scots, without Parilment’s help
What were the Scot’s demands to keep them out of England
Charles I had to pay all the cost of their armies, plus his
Why was the Long Parliament called
For Charles I knew he couldn’t apporve of such big taxes to the Scots , without them
How long did Long Parilment stand
13 years(November 1640-1653)
Who led the Long Parilment
John Pym
Why did Charles exile his cheif ministers
To avoid a another King having to call Parilment after him
Who were the Five Members
Memeber’s of Parilment, who opposed him as king, and who had made the Great Remonstrance to plead him guilty
What was the Great Remonstrance
A lengthy parliamentary document presented to the House of Commons in 1641. It was drafted by John Pym, one of the Five Members, and it outlined the grievances and concerns of Parliament regarding the king’s actions and policies.
When did Charles I try to arrest the Five Members , and was he succesful?
On 4th Janurany 1542 Charles I
failed to arrest the Five Members, leading to protest across the Country, and evidently, The English Civil War