Bedwetting Flashcards
blas•tu•la (blăs′chə‑lə) n. pl. blas•tu•las or blas•tu•lae (-lē′) An early embryonic form produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consisting of a spherical layer of cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity. Also called blastosphere. New Latin : from Greek blastos, bud + Latin -ula, feminine diminutive suffix. blas′tu•lar adj. blas′tu•la′tion (-lā′shən) n.
blas•to•cyst (blăs′tə‑sĭst′) n. The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals. Also called blastodermic vesicle. blas′to•cys′tic adj.
as•cet•ic (ə‑sĕt′ĭk) n. A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion. ❖ adj. 1. Leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, especially for spiritual improvement. See Synonyms at severe. 2. Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic; self-denying and austere: an ascetic existence. Late Greek askētikos, from Greek askētēs, practitioner, hermit, monk, from askein, to work. as•cet′i•cal•ly adv.
blanch (blănch) also blench (blĕnch) v. blanched also blenched, blanch•ing also blench•ing, blanch•es also blench•es v. tr. 1. To take the color from; bleach. 2. To whiten (a growing plant or plant part) by covering to cut off direct light. 3. To whiten (a metal) by soaking in acid or by coating with tin. 4. a. To scald (almonds, for example) in order to loosen the skin. b. To scald (food) briefly, as before freezing or as a preliminary stage in preparing a dish. 5. To cause to turn white or become pale. ❖ v.intr. To turn white or become pale: Their faces blanched in terror. Middle English blaunchen, to make white, from Old French blanchir, from blanche, feminine of blanc, white, of Germanic origin; see bhel-1 in Indo-European roots. blanch′er n.
Triumph Spitfire