BEC Deck 2-Economic Concepts Flashcards
Many economic concepts & relationships are depicted using graphs. These graphs often show the relationship between two variables:
An independent variable (usually shown on the horizontal “X” axis), an dependent variable (usually shown on the vertical “Y” axis).
Ceteris Paribus:
Any influence that other variables (other than the one in the graph) may have on the dependent variable is assumed to be held constant.
U=y + q(x)
U=unknown value of the variable Y being determined and/or plotted
Y=the value of the plotted line where it crosses the Y-axis; called the “intercept”. This is commonly the value of Y where X=0
Q=the value by which the value of Y changes as each unit of the X variable changes
X=the value of the variable X
Y=unknown value of Y
m=slope of the plotted line
x=the value of the variable X
b=the Y-intercept
Command Economic System-
A system in which the government largely determines the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Communism & socialism are prime examples.
Market (free-enterprise) economic system-
A system in which individuals, businesses & other distinct entities determine production, distribution & consumption in an open (free) market. Capitalism is the prime example.
A price ceiling is a government-mandated maximum price that can be charged for a good or service. Rent controls, for example, establish the maximum price that can be charged for rent.
Price ceilings result in a lower price than would otherwise occur in a free market and cause the quantity of a commodity supplied to be less than would be demanded at a free market price. Thus, a shortage exists as the difference between quantity supplied at the price ceiling and the greater quantity demanded at that price.
A price floor is a government-mandated minimum price for a good or service. The minimum wage law, for example, establishes the minimum wage that can be paid to employees.
Price floors result in a higher price than would otherwise occur in a free market and cause the quantity of a commodity supplied to be greater than would be demanded at a free market price.
Thus, a surplus exists as the difference between quantity supplied at the price floor and the lesser quantity demanded at that price.
Measures the % change in a market factor (e.g. demand) seen as a result of a given % change in another market factor (e.g. price)
Elasticity of Demand-measures the % change in quantity of a commodity demanded as a result of a given % change in the price of the commodity.
ED=% change in quantity demanded/ % change in price
Expanded Formula:
ED=(change in quantity demanded/prechange quantity demanded)/(change in price/prechange price)
Perfect competition exists in industries or markets characterized by:
1)A large # of independent buyers & sellers, each of which is too small to separately affect the price of a commodity
2)All firms sell homogeneous products or services.
3)Firms can enter or leave the market easily.
4)Resources are completely mobile.
5)Buyers & sellers have perfect information.
6)Government does not set prices.
A market meeting all of these criteria is virtually impossible to identify.
Perfect monopoly exists in industries or markets characterized by:
1) A single seller.
2) A commodity for which there are no close substitutes.
3) Restricted entry into the market.
A monopoly may as a result of:
1) Control of raw material inputs or processes. (patent)
2) Government action (govnt granted franchise)
3) Increasing return to scale (public utilities)
Monopolistic competition exists in industries or markets characterized by:
1)A large number of sellers.
2)Firms sell a differentiated product or service (similar but not perceived as identical), for which there are close substitutes.
3)Firms can easily enter or leave the market.
Thus it has elements of both perfect competition & perfect monopoly.
Oligopoly exists in industries or markets characterized by:
1) A few sellers
2) Firms sell either a homogeneous product (standard oligopoly) or a differentiated product (differentiated oligopoly).
3) Restricted entry into the market.
Nominal Gross Domestic Product (Nominal GDP)-
Measures the total output of final goods & services produced for exchange in the domestic market during a period.
Real Gross Domestic Product (Real GDP)-
Measures the total output of final goods & services produced for exchange in the domestic market during a period at a constant price.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP Deflator)-
Real GDP=(Nominal GDP/GDP Deflator) x 100
Potential Gross Domestic Product (Potential GDP)-
Measures the maximum final output that can occur in the domestic economy at a point in time without creating upward pressure on the general level of prices in an economy.
Frictional Unemployment-
Members of the labor force who are not employed because they are in transition or have imperfect information.
Structural Unemployment-
Members of the labor force who are not employed because their prior types of jobs have been greatly reduced or eliminated and/or because they lack the skills needed for available jobs.
Seasonal Unemployment-
Members of the labor force who are not employed because their work opportunity regularly and predictably varies by the season of the year.
Cyclical Unemployment-
Members of the labor force who are not employed because a downturn in the business cycle has reduced the current need for workers.
Components of Business Cycle:
Peak-Marks the end of rising aggregate output & the beginning of a decline in output.
Trough-Marks the end of a decline in aggregate output & the beginning of an increase in output.
Economic Expansion (expansionary period)-Periods during which aggregate output is increasing.
Economic contraction (recessionary period)-Periods during which aggregate output is decreasing.
The Federal Reserve System provides 3 definitions of money for the US economy:
M1-Includes paper & coin currency held outside banks & check-writing deposits.
M2-Includes M1 items plus savings deposits, money-market deposit accounts, CD’s(less than 100,000), individual-owned money-market mutual funds, & certain other deposits. This measure of money is the primary focus of Fed actions to influence the economy.
M3-Includes M2 items plus CD’s(greater than 100,000), institutional owned money-market mutual funds & certain other deposits.
The World Bank:
With the objective of promoting general economic development, including lending to developing countries, primarily for infrastructure, agriculture, education & similar development needs.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)-
Objective of maintaining order in the international monetary system, largely by providing funds to economies in financial crisis, including:
1)Currency Crisis 2)Banking Crisis 3)Financial Debt Crisis