BEC 3 HW Flashcards
mnemonic: SEC consider what factor when selecting puc co for review
(C PERV) C=large market Cap; P=diff P/e ratio; E=affect Economy; R=issued mat Restatemnt; V=Volatility in stock
Information Quality
(FAIR) F=Fair; A=Accurate,Accessible,Appropriate, C=Current; T=Timely
CRIME (COSO Framework)
Control Environment; mgmt Risk Assess; Info & comm sys; Monitoring; Exist control activities
mnemonic: Components of ERM
(CRRRIMES) C=Control/internal enviro; R=assess Risk; R=id Risk; R=Risk response; I=Info & comm sys; M=Monitoring; E=Effective control activities; S=Setting objectives (orcS)
Control/Internal Environment Factors
(EBOCA HR) E=Ethical val & integrity; B=Board oversight; O=Org structure; C=Commitment to Competence; A=Accountability; HR=hiring, risk mgmt/appetite
objectives of cost accounting
(PIE) P=Product costing; I=Income; E=Efficiency
OPERATING budgets contain what factors? 4
(PPSS)Personnel, Production, Sales, Selling/Admin
3 major section of CASH BUDGET
- Cash Available; 2. Cash Disbursement; 3. Financing=line of credit
variable needed for flex budgets
- rev per unit; 2. vc per unit; 3. fc per unit
Order of budget preparation (5)
(Some People Make Cash Payments) 1. Sales; 2. Production; 3. Materials/Labo/OH purchased; 4. Cash; 5. Pro Forma F/s
3 purposes of standard costing systems
- cost control; 2. variance analysis; 3. learn from & improve processes
4 measures of SBU to which mgmt is held accountable
(CRPI=mgmt is creepy) C=Cost; R=Revenue; P=Profit; I=Investment
FEEDBACK w/in financial scorecards must be (AT US)
Accurate, Timely, Understandable, Specific
(FICA) F=Financial; I=Internal bus processes; C=Customer satisfaction; A=Advancement of innovation & hr develpmnt
3 examples of off b/s transactions
- op lease; 2. lawsuits; 3. related party trans
FC / CM% =
Critical Success Factors are classified as 4 (hint Financial & non financial)
Human resource(aka Learning & Growth & Innovation), Business process, Customer satisfaction, Financial performance
DM+DL+OH app + Bwip - Ewip