Beam Modelling & Inhomogeneity Corrections Flashcards
What is the goal of commissioning and clinical acceptance testing?
To determine a set of values for the adjustable parameters that generate calculated dose distributions.
What are some examples of adjustable parameters?
- a set of energies
- off-axis beam softening
- off-axis changes in the in-air photon fluence
- photon fluence through the
collimators. - Scatter from the flattening filter;
- Scatter from the beam
modifiers - The dimensions of the photon source
- Electron contamination
What is PDD?
Percentage of the absorbed dose at any depth ‘d’ to the absorbed dose at a fixed reference depth ‘do’ along the central axis of the beam.
What is beam modelling?
Acquisition and comparison of the Linac and TPS profiles
What the treatment planning system provides compared to the actual recorded data from the Linac
Profile Analysis?
- Field size
- Depth
- Wedges
- Off-axis factors
- As the depth increases the the difference between the TPS measured and recored increases
What are algorithms?
A procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation.
Why do we need dose algorithms?
Measurements are performed under these conditions
- -> Fixed square field
- ->Fixed depth
- ->homogenous medium
- ->Flat surface
Don’t represent the real world!
How is the effect of inhomogeneity calculated?
-Indirectly, through a correction factor.
-Directly, inherent to the algorithm.
Isodose distributions in patients are determined by?
- Correction/measurement based algorithms
2. Model based algorithms
What are types of corrections for contour irregularities?
- –> Effective SSD
- —>TAR (tissue air ratio)
- –> TMR (tissue maximum ratio)
- –>isodose shift method
What are types of corrections for tissue inhomogeneities?
- ->TAR (tissue air ratio)
- –>Effective path lengths
- ->Batho power law method
What is the TAR (tissue air ratio method)?
-Ratio of dose (Dd) at a given point in phantom to the dose in free space (Dfs) at the same point.
What is the TAR equation?
CF=TAR (z-h, Aq)/TAR(z, Aq)
CF= Correction factor
h=Thickness of missing tissue
A=Field size
What is the effective path length?
•Models the primary dose variation.
•Unreliable for regions of e- disequilibrium (lung treated
with high energy photons).
•Best for dose calculation far away from inhomogeneity
Why is optimising the linac performance important?
- PDD- Beam Quality/Energy
- Output
- Flatness
- Symmetry
Which methods correct for inhomogeneities?
- TAR method
- Effective paths lengths
- Batho power law method; 4. Equivalent TAR method
What is the Batho power law method?
Accounts for both primary beam attenuation and scatter changes in water, below a single inhomogeneous slab.
What is a limitation of the Batho power method?
Works well below a large inhomogeneous layer with e- density less than that of tissue.
If the e- density is greater than that of tissue, the method over-estimates the dose.
What is the equivalent TAR method (ETAR)?
correctly accounts for the primary component of dose
It ignores changes in scattered dose
What is a limitation of the equivalent TAR method?
It ignores changes in scattered dose