BE250 QRH Flashcards
Engine Failure/Fire in Flight (3 +1)
- Condition lever - fuel cut off
- Prop Lever - feather
- Firewall shutoff - close
If fire warning persists:
4. Fire extinguisher - actuate
Engine Fire on Ground (3+1)
- Condition lever - fuel cut off
- Firewall shutoff - close
- Ignition and Engine start - starter only
If fire warning persists
4. Fire extinguisher - actuate
Emerg Engine Shutdown on Ground (5)
- Condition lever - fuel cut off
- Prop Lever - feather
- Firewall shutoff - close
- Master Switch (Gang bar) - off
- SFDS Power - off
Engine Failure During Takeoff
at or below V1, takeoff aborted (3)
- Power levers - ground fine
- Brakes - as required to achieve stopping distance
- Operating engine - Maximum reverse or as required
Engine Failure During Takeoff
(at or above V1)
takeoff continued (7)
- Vr Speed - Rotate to approx 8° nose up
- Landing gear (when positive rate) - up
- Airspeed- V2 (maintain to 400’)
- Prop inop engine - verify feathered
- Airspeed at 400’ AGL - Venr
- Flaps (if extended) - Up at V2 +5
- Climb to 1,500’ AGL
Engine Failure in Flight Below Vmca (2)
- Power - reduce as required to maintain control
2. Nose - lower to accelerate above Vmca
Engine Flame Out 2nd Engine (4)
- Power Lever - Idle
- Prop Levers - Do Not Feather
- Condition Lever - Cut off
- Conduct Air Start Procedures (abnormal procedures -AP-2)
Fuel Pressure Low (1)
- Standby Pump (failed side) - On
Electrical Smoke or Fire (3)
- Oxygen Masks - Don
- Mask Selector Switch - Emer Position
- Mic Switche(s) - OXY
Environmental System Smoke or Fumes (3)
- Oxygen Masks - Don
- Mask Selector Switch - Emer Position
- Mic Switche(s) - OXY
Airstair Door/Cargo Door Unlocked (1)
- All Occupants - Seated with seat belts securely fastned
Emergency Decent (5)
- Power Levers - Idle
- Prop Levers - Full Forward
- Flaps (200 KIAS max) - Approach
- Landing Gear - (181 KIAS max) - Down
- Airspeed - 181 KIAS Max
Glide (4)
- Landing Gear - Up
- Flaps - Up
- Prop Levers - Feather
- Airspeed - 136 KIAS
Duel Gen Failure (1)
- Generator - Reset, then on
Use of Crew Oxygen (2)
- Oxygen Mask(s) - Don
2. Mic Switche(s) - OXY
Pressurization Loss. Cabin Alt High (4)
- Oxygen Mask(s) - Don
- Mic Switche(s) - OXY
- Passenger Manual Drop Out - Pull on
- Descend - As Required
High Differential Pressure (exceeding 6.6 PSI) (3)
- Bleed Air Valves - Enviro off
- Oxygen (crew and passengers) - As required
- Descend - As Required
Auto Deployment Oxygen System Failure Cabin High ALt displayed, Pax Oxygen On not displayed (1)
- Passenger Manual Drop Out - Pull on
Bleed Air Fail (1)
- Bleed Air Valve(s) affected engine - Pneu & Envir Off
Spins (5)
- Control Column - Full forward, ailerons neutral
- Full Rudder - Opposite the direction of the spin
- Power Levers - Idle
- Rudder - Neutralize when rotation stops
- Execute a smooth pullout
Unscheduled Electric Elevator Trim Activation (2)
- Airplane Attitude - Maintain using elevator controls
2. AP/Trim Disconnect - Depress Fully and Hold. Trim Displayed on PFDs
Unscheduled Rudder Boost Activation (2+1)
- Directional Control - Maintain using rudder pedals
- Rudder Boost - Off
If condition persists
3. Rudder Boost Circuit Breaker - Pull
Autopilot Trim Fail. TRIM Flag (2)
- Flight Controls - Hold Firmly
2. AP - Disengage
Autopilot Automatic Disengagement (2)
- Maintain Airplane Control
2. AP/Trim Disconnect - Depress to the 1st level to cancel horn
TAWS+ Warning (Pull Up) (5)
- Autopilot - Disconnect
- Wings - Level
- Power - Max Allowable
- Pitch Increase.
- Promptly and smoothly increase pitch towards an initial pitch attitude of 20 to 25 degrees.
- Adjust as required to avoid continuous buffeting and/or stall warning.
- Adjust to maintain 100 KIAS.
- Gear and Flaps - Up
Propeller Overspeed (1)
Do not exceed 1,800 FT/lbs