Be On Your Guard Flashcards
What is the 1st point and what verses are covered?
For the Yeast of the Pharisees
Luke 12:1-12
What is the 2nd point and what verses are covered?
For all kinds of Greed
Luke 12:13-34
What is the 3rd point and what verses are covered?
For his Second Coming
Luke 12:35-48
What is the 4th point and what verses are covered?
For Fire on Earth
Luke 12:49-59
In the 1st point what explanation is given for Luke 12:1-3
- thousands were coming to Jesus
- Jesus wasn’t optimistic he was realistic
- Jesus warns about the yeast of the Pharisees (hypocrisy)
- “the quickest path to hypocrisy is desiring to be adored by people, to impress people”
- hypocrisy doesn’t work because we can’t hide from God
In the 1st point what explanation is given for Luke 12:4-5
- Fear God not humans (exodus 20:20) the fear of God will keep you from sinning
- the vision of hell was taken from the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom, where wicked Hebrew kings sacrificed children to Molech
- it was a place where the fire never went out
In the 1st point what explanation is given for Luke 12:6-7
-common Jewish argument of persuasion — from minor to Major
Minor: god cares for the sparrows, practically worth nothing!
Major: if god doesn’t leave the sparrows, why would he leave you?
In the 1st point what explanation is given for Luke 12:8-10
- you can blaspheme against Jesus but not the spirit
- to blaspheme against the spirit is blaspheming the word of God, meaning you reject God
In the 1st point what explanation AND illustration is given for Luke 12:11-12
- if you don’t reject the spirit you will be given the words to say
- Kip defends himself against older preachers when he was 25, he responds by saying the prophets, apostles, and Jesus were persecuted. Kip let the spirit speak through him until they had nothing to say!
In the 2nd point what explanation is given for Luke 12:13-15
- Jesus doesn’t honor this request as he does not take sides
- Jesus says to watch out and be in your guard against greed
- greed fuels disagreements and disharmony
In the 2nd point what explanation AND illustration is given for Luke 12:16-21
- this parables focus is “it’s all about me”
- a great challenge in the movement is having nationals return to their home nations
- we have been discipled into loving the American dream of greed
- Maika and mark carbonell despite where they were at gave up everything to be on the mission team to Manila
In the 2nd point what scripture and illustration is given about being rich toward God
2 Corinthians 6:10
Kip gave a $20 bill to girls selling lemonade for 50 cents a glass they were fired up and that fired up Kip
In the 2nd point what explanation is given for Luke 12:22-31
- ravens are unclean, God cares for them
- the lilies are purple anemones, Solomon wore purple
- grass was burned for fuel, didn’t last long
In the 2nd point what point is made about stress and the kingdom
- when you are stressing you are not being a disciple of Christ
Seek his kingdom (Lk 12:31) vs. seek first the kingdom (Mt 6:33) - Matthew = kingdom is a priority
- Luke = kingdom is all there is
In the 2nd point what explanation AND illustration is given for Luke 12:32-34
- Jesus understood his message would leave a “little flock”
- Kip thought he was indestructible and God humbled him recognizing his fragility
- when you find fragile people you need to be gentle with them!
- in the midst of gentleness comes the high expectation in Lk 12:33 to give all you have to the poor
In the 3rd point what explanation is given for Luke 12:35-40
- Jesus arriving from the wedding banquet and the door is opened— this is the second coming
- Jesus will dress himself to serve
- if Jesus came back would you be ready?
- would he take your family?
In the 3rd point what explanation is given for Luke 12:41-48
- this parable is for the leaders in charge of Gods servants
- to whom much is given much is expected
- you’re in ICCM because you have knowledge talent and experience
- if you have doubts about ministry-repent
- if you’re going for full time you need to marry someone with this heart
In the 4th point what explanation is given for Luke 12:49-56
- God is a god of fire, bringing a message of judgment
- Jesus wants us to understand the times by looking at the obvious signs of destruction
In the 4th point what explanation is given for Luke 12:57-59
- common analogy to the one found in Lk 14:27-29 is used
- Jesus mentions two kings of 10k and 20k we are 10 Jesus is 20
- make peace while jesus is a long way off
- Jesus explains that we are indebted to God so we must fight to be reconciled with him
- Jesus’ message brings the pressure to make a decision
- be urgent and above all else guard your heart!