BCS9 Chapter 12 Flashcards
axis tilt
the tilt of Earth on its axis, 23.5° from the flat plane of Earth’s orbit
distinctive patterns in the night sky formed by groups of stars; the patterns often look like familiar objects, such as animals
Polish astronomer (1473–1543) who first proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system
Italian physicist and astronomer (1564–1642) whose use of the early telescope allowed him to make many observations that confirmed Copernicus’s model of a heliocentric solar system
mathematician and astronomer (1571–1630) who determined that the planets in our solar system orbit the Sun in elliptical paths
lunar eclipse
an overshadowing of the Moon that occurs when Earth lies directly between the Moon and the Sun during a full moon phase
Greek mathematician, geographer, and astronomer (c. 90–168) whose extensive work supported the geocentric model of the solar system. That model was widely accepted until Copernicus’s heliocentric model emerged.
solar eclipse
an overshadowing of Earth that occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth and the Moon blocks the Sun’s light
a belief that all the individual parts of something are interconnected to form the whole thing; for example, a holistic world view considers all aspects of the physical and spiritual universe to be connected to form the whole universe
lunar month
a measurement of time from one new moon (or one full moon) to the next, equal to about 29.5 days
Western science
science that is based on the physical realm of the world and which involves the study of phenomena that can be physically observed, measured, documented, and tested
the set of moral principles and values that guides a person’s actions and helps him or her decide what is right and what is wrong
geosynchronous orbit
the orbit of a satellite that is moving at the same speed and direction as Earth’s rotation, with the result that the satellite stays stationary above a fixed point on Earth
optical telescope
reflecting or refracting telescope used to focus light from distant objects
a space vehicle carrying scientific instruments and sent to fly past, orbit, or land on a celestial body to collect data