BCS Verbs Flashcards
Pjevam, pjevaš, pjeva, pjevamo, pjevate, pjevaju
Pjevao, pjevala
Pjevaj, pjevajte
To sing
Leći (perfective)
Legnem, legneš, legne, legnemo, legnete, legnu
Legao, legla
Lezi, lezite
To lie down (perfective)
The perf. verb – it’s really ‘inchoative’, describing entering a state –corresponds to English lie down. It’s used with optional destinations: Goran je legao. Goran has lain down.
Goran je legao na pod. Goran has lain down on the floor.
† The present adverb ležeći is also used as a true adjective, meaning lying. For example, the phrase ležeći policajac, lit. ‘lying policeman’ is used for a speed bump.
Ležati (imperfective)
Ležim, ležiš. leži, ležimo, ležite, leže
Ležao, ležala
Leži, ležite
To lie down or recline
The impf. verb is used with optional locations: Goran leži. Goran is lying down.
Goran leži na podu. Goran is lying on the floor.
Plačem, plačeš, plače, plačemo, plačete, plaču
Plakao, plakala
Plači, plačite
To cry
Skačem, skačeš, skače, skačemo, skačete, skaču
Skakao, skakala
Skači, skačite
To jump
Plešem, plešeš, pleše, plešemo, plešete, plešu
Plesao, plesala
Pleši, plešite
To dance
Tražim, tražiš.traži, tražimo, tražite, traže
Tražio, tražila
Traži, tražite
To search or look for
With certain abstract nouns, it corresponds to English ask for: Goran je tražio pomoć. Goran asked for help.
Tražiti se: to look for oneself (to find oneself)
Odrezati (perfective)
Prerezati (perfective)
odrežem, odrežeš, odreže, odrežemo, odrežete, odrežu
odrezao, odrezala
Odreži, odrežite
Odrezati - cutting a smaller piece from a larger piece (slice of bread)
Prerezati - cutting something in two
This pair has two perfective verbs: one with od- expresses cutting of a smaller piece from a larger piece (e.g. a slice of bread), while one with pre- means just cutting something in two (e.g. a rope).
Both perf. verbs have exactly the same form, just the prefix is different
Rezati (imperfective)
Režem, režeš, reže, režemo, režete, režu
Rezao, rezala
reži, režite
to cut (trim, carve, engrave)
Poznati (perfective)
Poznam, poznaš, pozna, poznamo, poznate, poznaju
Poznao, poznala
Poznaj, poznajte
To know, be familiar with (recognize) - people and cities only.
The passive adjective poznat is used as a common adjective, well-known.
Poznavati (Imperfective)
Poznajem, poznaješ, poznaje, poznajemo, poznajete, poznaju
Poznavao, poznavala
to know or be familiar with (people and cities)
Doći (perfective)
Dođem, dođeš, dođe, dođemo, dođete, dođu
Došao, došla
Dođi, dođite
to come or arrive (imperfective)
Goran je došao u sobu. Goran came to the room.
Goran je došao s igrališta. Goran came from the playground.
As with other verbs of motion, if someone came somewhere to pick up something or pick/get someone, it can be expressed with po ̈ + A:
Goran je došao po čistu majicu. Goran came to take a clean T-shirt. Ana je došla po Gorana. Ana came to get Goran.
The idea is: you came somewhere to take something or someone with you.
Also, as with other verbs of motion, if someone came somewhere to do something, it can be expressed with inf, and objects etc. can be added to it: Goran je došao popiti vode. Goran came to drink some water.
Dolaziti (imperfective)
Dolazim, dolaziš, dolazi, dolazimo dolazite, dolaze
Dolazio, dolazila
Dolazi, dolazite
to come or arrive (imperfective)
Goran je došao u sobu. Goran came to the room.
Goran je došao s igrališta. Goran came from the playground.
As with other verbs of motion, if someone came somewhere to pick up something or pick/get someone, it can be expressed with po ̈ + A:
Goran je došao po čistu majicu. Goran came to take a clean T-shirt. Ana je došla po Gorana. Ana came to get Goran.
The idea is: you came somewhere to take something or someone with you.
Also, as with other verbs of motion, if someone came somewhere to do something, it can be expressed with inf, and objects etc. can be added to it: Goran je došao popiti vode. Goran came to drink some water.
Otići (perfective)
Odem, odeš, ode, odemo, odete, odu
Otišao, otišla
Odi, odite
To leave or exit (places) (perfective)
Odlaziti (imperfective)
Odlazim, odlaziš, odlazi, odlazimo, odlazite, odlaze
Odlazio, odlazila
Odlazi, odlazite
To leave or exit (places) (imperfective)
This verb pair is used with optional destinations and origins (unlike the English for, no specific prepositions are used). It also often corresponds to English go:
Goran je otišao u sobu. Goran has gone to the room.
Goran odlazi s igrališta. Goran is leaving the playground. (Croatian: an origin!)
Unlike English, this pair cannot be used with simple objects: you have to use origins. As with other verbs of motion, if someone left to pick up something or someone, !
it can be expressed with po ̈ + A:
Goran je otišao po čistu majicu. Goran has gone to get a clean T-shirt.
Ana je otišla po Gorana. Ana left to get Goran.
Otputovati (perfective)
Doputovati (perfective)
Ot: perfective of putovati (also means depart)
Do: come by travel (arrived)
There are two perfective verbs, but they don’t have exactly the same meaning, they rather form a go-come pair: the verb derived with ot- is simply the perfective version of the impf. verb; it covers depart as well.
The perf. verb derived with do- is used in situations where the English come can be used to; it’s essentially come by traveling.
The verbs are used with destinations and optionally origins:
Putujemo u Split. We’re traveling to Split.
Otputovali smo u Split. We’ve departed to Split. Doputovali smo u Split. We’ve arrived in Split.
These verbs use ‘round trip’ time periods, i.e. na ̈ + period, meaning you will return after that time period:
Otputovali smo na tri dana u Split.
We’ve departed to Split to spend three days there.
Putovati (imperfective)
Putujem, putuješ, putuje, putujemo, putujete, putuju
Putovao, putovala
Putuj, putujte
To travel (imperfective)
Brijati se (imperfective)
Brijem, briješ, brije, brijemo, brijete, briju
Brijao, brijala
Brij, brijte
To shave
Obrijati se (perfective)
Obrijem, obriješ, obrije, obrijemo, obrijete, obriju
Obrijao, obrijala
Obrij, obrijte
To shave
Se is used when you are shaving yourself
Prati (imperfective)
Oprati (perfective)
Perem, pereš, pere, peremo, perete, peru
Prao, prala
Peri, perite
To wash
Se is used when washing yourself.
Buditi (imperfective)
Probuditi (perfective)
Budi, budiš, budi, budimo, budite, bude
Budio, budila
Budi, budite
To wake up
se; the meaning is ‘somebody wakes up on his or her own’:
Goran se budi. Goran is waking up.
Goran se probudio. Goran woke up.
This verb pair can be also used with an object in A, when someone is waking / has woken someone else up:
Ana je probudila Gorana. Ana has woken Goran up.
Obući (perfective)
Obučem, obučeš, obuče, obučemo, obučete, obuku
Obukao, obukala
Obuci, obucite
To put clothes on (get dressed) (perfective)
Goran je obukao majicu. Goran has put his T-shirt on.
Ana je obukla Goranu majicu. Ana has put a T-shirt on Goran.
Oblačiti (imperfective)
Oblačim, oblačiš, oblači, oblačimo, oblačite, oblače
Oblačio, oblačila
Oblači, oblačite
To put clothes on (get dressed) (imperfective)
Se is used when you are dressing yourself.
Svući (perfective)
Svučem, svučeš, svuče, svučemo, svučete, svuku
Svukao, svukla
Svuci, svucite
To take clothes off, undress (perfective)
Svlačiti (imperfective)
Svlačim, svlačiš, svlači, svlačimo, svlačite, svlače
Svlačio, svlačila
Svlači, svlačite
To take clothes off or undress (imperfective)
Se is used when undressing yourself.
Vratiti (perfective)
Vratim, vratiš, vrati, vratimo, vratite, vrate
Vratio, vratila
Vrati, vratite
To return or come back (perfective)
This verb pair can be used with an object in A, and an optional recipient in DL:
Ana je vratila knjigu. Ana has returned the book.
Ana je vratila knjigu Ivani. Ana has returned the book to Ivana.
When used with se, the pair means that the subject returns, i.e. comes back: se Vraćamo se sutra. We’re coming back tomorrow.